Read this: . This is the bible most (great) product teams follow in 2021 :-)
You may want also to read the books by Al Ries, "Immutable Laws of Marketing" and "Immutable Laws of Branding" ( I can't remember what the numbers were: 22 Immutable Laws, or something or other ), as well...
It takes time to build following, & connecting with the people who are interested .. isn't some God-given entitlement .. it takes groundwork.
I just discovered that intead of having 1 EU site, Amazon has a zillion nationally-specific sites...
Here's the US link to the book I'm telling you to get:
That's the one.
Find it at your local Amazon, & however short it is, it gives you the complete template of what you are required to do.
It is a precious resource, for anybody who isn't a business person, who wants to be self-employed.
( there are others, completely irrelevant to your situation, so you don't have to read them!! ; )
Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin
( :
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Speaking about your business/niche specifically, you will learn more through experience than you ever will through reading or watching YouTube or taking online courses.
That said, there are a lot of skills you need as a business owner that don't have anything to do with the product or service you are selling. The one thing most new entrepreneurs don't realize is that you won't actually be spending all that much of your time doing the technical aspects of your business - or at least you shouldn't. As a business owner you also have to do the legal parts (setting up the business entity, getting insurance, navigating hiring/firing employees, etc), financial parts (setting up bank accounts, bookkeeping, reviewing financial reports, etc), advertising & marketing, customer service, even cleaning the toilets.
If you really want to change your mindset and start thinking more like an entrepreneur and less like an employee, read The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. On the financial side of things, read Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs.
Without knowing more about what type of business you want to start, I really can't offer much more advice than just get started.
Don't knock the hustle!
I know students who make it by in this country with about 700 a month. Lifestyle just needs to change. Share a room, shop different, budget better, spend money wiser.
Reminds me of the book The Power of Broke [AMAZON link] by Daymond John. When you NEED to make things happen you are driven to get them done!
I really enjoyed the book Traction by DuckDuckGo founder Gabriel Weinberg. He identified 19 traction (marketing) channel strategies, and a methodology for identifying the most promising channel for your company. Mainly startup focus.
FB can work but it can take a wile. I know other MSPs that do it well, they will target the receptionist etc of the business that they are looking to pick up. it sometimes takes years but cost fark all. targeting cuts down cost a lot. google is much the same think of problems that end users may be searching for not MSP end users are not looking for an MSP they want a problem solved. also have a chat with your vendors my CSP wholesaler helps with marking to the point of providing hot leads. Local business groups are great too. I did find I had to go to about 12 months of meetings before any work or referral's but I enjoy going out at seeing people.
Pick a niche and hit it hard.
have a read of this short book the 1 page marketing plan by Allan Dib
Read this book and do what it says
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I am still learning the promotion end myself. For starters I am trying to build a collection of listeners who become advocates. That means getting them involved. Asking their opinions. Shouting them out. Thanking them for listening. I try to use social media to create content for people - not just to ask them to listen. I primarily use Facebook, my show has it's own page, and Twitter.
Facebook is more intimate. I ask people their thoughts on the different shows and films that are out there. I engage them, etc. I use Twitter to try to build relationships with fellow podcasters and potential fans. I like to comment on and promote other peoples' shows -- stuff like that. You really have to give a lot, and you have to be genuine. People know if you're a snake trying to just promote yourself.
There is a book called, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook amazon link it was totally worth the time to read. It explains a lot of the mistakes that people make with social media.
As for the tech-side of things --- Adobe Audition. It sucks because it isn't cheap, but it is incredible and super intuitive. I actually pay monthly for it, but will just buy it straight out soon.
When I was on a Mac I used Garage Band, and then on PC I used Audacity. Audacity isn't bad at all - but I decided to just make the move early to Audition.
THANKS for the compliment BTW. Hope you enjoyed the show.
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I'd look at Dan Blank's methodologies, these were later developed as LeanStartUp and Lean Canvas, which others have suggested. However, the initial concepts have, in my view, more validity that the later developments -
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I did. I started with Traction (, been listening to podcasts on e-commerce marketing as of late since I've been commuting a lot.
Really, I was just looking to explore the Reddit Ads platform. Making sales would have been great but ultimately I just wanted to learn. Pretty cheap lessons IMO.
I haven't read any Robert Greene but I'll take a look. Thanks for the book recommendations!
I always recommend the E-Myth Revisited. I think its critical to the proper mindset of being a business owner, but that's just me.
First mistake. Not everyone with an inspect problem will be your customer
You need to define your market: are you going to be the cheapest prices provider it will result in you going into low income dumpy houses and those customers are not going to pay as much and complain the most. Take up a lot of your time for lower margins and no money for marketing
Or to you shoot for the top 30% of the market and charge higher prices with better guarantees and work with income earners with 100-200k per year jobs and can afford to have you out 3 times a year like clockwork to keep the spiders away?
Every technician goes through this as an employee
The boss is getting rich off my back
Means while he’s working 70 hours a week keeping the schedule full to provide you with a stable income. Takes all the risk
When you go out and spray aware winning petunias
You boss is the one to fork over the settlement
Great ambition to want to start our own business. But don’t do it because you think your boss is getting rich. Because you will be sadly mistaken.
And what appears easy for him now was years of blood sweat and tears
Source : 20 year hvac technician turned business owner 9 years ago with 2 employee 1000s of customers and problems that nobody seems to want
Shit I can’t even give the business away. And yes it’s profitable but everyone wants to go home at 5pm
Go read the emyth by Micheal gerber
And then come back and I would be happy to answer anymore of your questions
It would be helpful if your bookkeeper uses Xero or Quickbooks online so you can see the numbers at any given point.
I highly suggest you have your books done once a year by a CPA if you don't already.
Make sure both the CPA and bookkeeper have restaurant experience as they can pay for themselves if they know what they are doing. The opposite is true as well.
Have you read The E-myth Revisited? I highly suggest you follow the advice herein. tl;dr systematize everything like you were trying to sell a franchise.
I’ve found the ebook on Amazon for those who would be also interested.
Thanks for your recommendation!
i certainly will This reminds of a very famous book about, how people that give free information usually win more business than people trying hard to win business
I'm currently reading Traction, a book that discusses marketing for startups. ( While the game space is different, there are many strategies in the book that apply to games as well, and that game devs can learn from.
Social media is absolutely NOT dead in the least! It's not over saturated. The problem is most people use it wrong. Big brands tend to have teams of people to work on their social media, therefore they're often better at it. Check out Jab Jab Jab Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk!
Also a great podcast is Marketing Smarts on Itunes.
I would show your friend how to use twitter search to find conversations she'll be interested to get involved in and contribute. The important thing here is to be natural, conversational and reflect her own personality.
Twitter is a cocktail party, have fun with it, work the room.
I cannot recommend Gary Vaynerchuk's Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook enough. There are case studies on success stories for every major social network.
He also does a youtube q&a which has anything between 5 and 1 episodes a week.
Not sure on the content/goals for the twitter account but if your friend is in fashion then instagram & pinterest should be high on the list as well.
I'll have to disagree with /u/Mikey118, don't schedule tweets. Remember how I said to be natural & conversational? Scheduled tweets can be spotted a mile away and like banner ads we have a natural filter for this now. Everything else Mikey recommends is bang on the money.