Was it something like this?
Because it seems like it's pretty much identical to the one they gave us.
Interesting that they've been doing this at trail races already.
One of these things
Boao 6 Pieces Helmet Liner Skull Caps Sweat Wicking Cap Running Hats Cycling Skull Caps for Men and Women https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TNYMMPS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_992cFbV2AGYX3
Bought one of these for the wife and it seems to work fine. Has a ponytail hole and should cover the temples. Cheap enough to give it a whirl.
I use a head liner, skull cap whatever you want to call it. No more folded ears, and I don't have to clean the pads as much as I'm not sweating directly on them. I love this thing, and amazingly not hot under the helmet, and I'm in 100 degree weather...
First - do NOT cycle without a helmet.
Secondly - skullcap. You can get them on Amazon for like $13. I have this one, it won't make you too hot or sweaty. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PVUR34K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Bonus: they help kill wind noise and can prevent tinnitus.
I have the same problem. The cat ears are an incredible waste of money, don't bother with them.
What has worked best for me is combining a cycling skull cap like this one
With some comfortable wireless earbuds like the (excellent) Jabra 75T
You can enable hear-through on these which makes it easy to hear outside sounds while minimizing wind noise which is incredibly damaging and can cause hearing loss.
I've got a couple of these helmet liners and I really like it. The main reason I got it was to cover my ears so they don't fold over when I put my helmet on.. that was really annoying me when I first got a full face helmet.
You can try helmet silks. It will not solve your problem 100%. They do help. Buy a few and wash them regularly.
Cooling Skull Cap Helmet Liner for Men - Motorcycle, Cycling, Football Head Beanie & Hard Hat Liner - Sweat Wicking Skullcap https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071JH68QM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JX2J774FF5ZVRWK8PF7Q
I used to have some pretty big fluffy hair and when I needed to fit it in something I'd wear something like this I'd imagine he could just throw a welding cap on top of that and be set
Any sort of hat under a helmet makes my head hotter too.
In the summer, I wear a skull cap like this one from Amazon
(No association, it was cheap and I wanted sun protection too)
I get it wet and sort of lightly wring it out before I leave and it keeps me cooler and catches any sweat in the cap. It dries out after a while but if I stop at a park or wherever to refill a water bottle, I wet it again.
Black male short dreads here, I wear a little stocking cap I found on Amazon.
here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TNYMMPS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_1GpNFb3D61JY5
I used to have a problem with my helmet pulling my hair out, when I put it on even before the dreads. These made it a total non issue, maybe they'll help.
I fully realize this isn't the same as a football helmet, but close enough and it's a cheap quick fix. I started using skullcaps under my motorcycle helmet to keep the helmet from folding over my ear tips. Just cover the tips of your ears with the skullcap and the helmet should slide on much better. That should help keep the strap in place for his glasses, too.
As another positive, I find the helmet fits much better and doesn't move around on my scalp as much, plus the sweat wicking is amazing. This is what I got
I tried a cheap do-rag, but the material kept sliding. I then fashioned one out of an old tshirt and that worked fairly well and I used it for a while. I then started using a chin strap, and refused to have to put on three separate things every night before being able to lay down to sleep. Now I'm just wearing the mask and dealing w/ the bed head in the morning.
I did think about ordering something like this, but again, it's less work to wet my hair down in the morning than to add something else to my nightly routine.
Yeah a good running hat is nearly required for winter running. That and a good set of running gloves.
There are the ones I use.
Running Hat
^^ Above is what I got. I purchased a thin one though because I didn't want too much extra material and I wanted it to breath. This is a sports-oriented one, it does a great job wiking moisture and is smooth because it's designed to be worn under a helmet.
Do you not feel pain with this? I bought https://www.amazon.com/Thermal-Cycling-Running-Motorcycle-Moisture/dp/B01N1IZ6FO/ref=pd_sbs_468_7?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01N1IZ6FO&pd_rd_r=XC9TG5F5G2SNVVZC06ZN&pd_rd_w=hTDO5&pd_rd_wg=Ne6Su&psc=1&refRID=XC9TG5F5G2SNVVZC06ZN and it was pretty useless. It did not take the pain away. I also want one sports-oriented but I am worried that this one will simply not be thick enough. I even tried butting both beanies at the same time form the pack I got and it was still too thin.
1) I want knee/shin pads. Are there any review sites that do comparisons of different models? Everything I have seen is like an individual review of one model, with no comparisons drawn between its competitors.
2) Anyone wear anything under their helmets? I was thinking something like this to help deal with sweat and hopefully cut down on itchiness
The wife let me use her benefit to get a pair of Nike Trailwind Swift's (non Rx but you can get with Rx). These combined with a cycling head cooling helment liner pulled down to my eyebrows keeps me from ever needing to wipe sweat except during really hard efforts with the temps above 90F. They have interchangeable lenses as well. Extra tip, if you soak this helmet liner with water and put it on along with soaking your shirt, you'll get really comfortable evaporative cooling until they dry of course.
Headsweats are popular and cheap https://www.amazon.com/Headsweats-Performance-Running-Outdoor-Sports/dp/B00295QDSW/ref=sr_1_2?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1495563906&sr=1-2&keywords=headsweats+hat
edit: this might not be the # panels/style you are looking for...
maybe the Outdoor Research Swift https://www.outdoorresearch.com/us/en/swift-cap/p/2434300061222
I wear a balaclava when it is cold and it is very warm, indeed. The skull cap, however, is not noticeably warmer and it keeps my helmet interior cleaner.
My helmet is so tight that it mangles my ears without a skull cap. I bought this white mesh one. Also, I live in Florida where heat and humidity are big issues. I don't think the cap makes me any cooler or hotter, but I like that I can easily wash it.
Sounds like you need an arming cap for your VR armor! :)
Edit.. even better: http://www.amazon.com/SPEG-UV-Pro-Cycling-Cooling-Helmet/dp/B00AWU9B6W/ref=sr_1_8?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1462998487&sr=1-8&keywords=helmet+cap
I've been running in these for several years. Love them.