For us commoners that can't afford the Vibergs that have been on here lateley :P
Also on Amazon Prime
+1 for boots. I also really like my Thorogoods if Redwing prices make you hesitant.
If you're doing actual work, I'm going to strongly endorse Thorogood Moc Toes. If you're willing to do some searching, you can often find them on sale for sub-$150. These boots look great in the right outfit, and they're build like a tank. These will far outlive and outwork more fashion oriented boots like Thursdays. They are certainly not dressy, however, but they will look good in a nice pair of jeans.
Don't the Apaches have a big lugged sole? Seems odd if you're falling on those, since that's generally what's recommended in a winter boot.
I keep a pair of Yaktrax in my car for winter hiking, but they're a bit overkill in a city, I think.
I own Throgood Moc Toe boots with Safety Toe for work. I see that the boot is waterproof. What I'm wondering is, for the occasional rain or snow day, is this boot still good to walk outside? I cannot tell if the sole will work or not on slippery surfaces.
Tried looking up the Chippewa Smiths and couldn't find much info on them, are these like the discount version of their Service Utility boot?
I wear my Thorogood boots every day. Tough, sturdy, genuine leather, and American made, and you're not paying for the name like you do with Redwing. And they look great.
Sidenote: Maybe an IT sub isn't the best place to ask for fashion advice. We're not exactly known as a demographic that's great at this kind of stuff. Haha. /r/malefashionadvice would be a great place to ask too
Just google something like "plain toe boot with wedge sole" and you will find similar styles. Here's one from Golden Fox and Thorogood. The shaft is probably little higher than what you linked, but you can look around, though I think 6 inches is probably lowest most reputable shoemakers will go for that style of boots.
Disclaimer: I have never owned any boots from these 2 companies but they are often recommended as cheaper alternatives to brand like Red Wings.
Just as good as my redwing 875's but with slightly softer leather to make the break-in process much less painful, and they come with speed-laces. American made. They have steel toe and plain toe also, come with composite shanks.
Edit: Oh, and they're under $200.
Highly recommend.
Edit#2: Saw your post where you were looking for a non-boot. Keens are great all around hiking/durable shoe. Look into those.
Save yourself some grief and get some real boots in that price range from thorogoods or thursdays
Was looking for a pair of boots to get for winter. Nothing super heavy-duty, just some light snow/ice occasionally. I've seen people recommending the Chippewa Apache GQ lacer, and I like the look+price, but I had a few questions.
Thorogoods were one of the first pair of boots I bought and I still enjoy them. Mine are different - they don't have that contrast backing. I think yours are more like actual workboots. I use mine for beaters and they've done a great job, they're well made. Like the other commenter said, the branding is a little on the nose, but the leatherprint fades over time and I cut the American flag (sorry america) off with scissors.
edit: this is the model I ahve
These ones (and the Moc Toe variant) are at a great intersection of price/quality/design IMO.
I'm having a hard time deciding between these:
and Allen Edmonds Higgins boots, factory seconds ($250). Which is better for casual jeans?
They look like the service utility boot
I am a 16 year old wanting to get my first real boot. I've searched around and it seems that the Chippewa Apache or LL Bean Katahdin are good options to getting your first good set of boots. As far as I know, the Apache is cheaper and is generally better built than the katahdins; however, it isn't to say it's indestructible. What's preventing me from getting the Apaches is LL Bean's satisfaction guaranteed on the Katahdins. Basically, is the extra ~$100 for the Katahdins worth the lifetime?
All the Iron Rangers aside from the harness leathers (Black and Amber) are moving to a low profile lugged sole.
I got these from Amazon and the leather seeps water like it's made of cotton.
If it's the same leather as mine, prepare for disappointment.
Looking to buy my first pair of boots and want something that I can wear this Fall but will also hold up well in a Colorado winter. Want to wear it everyday in winter and most days in the fall. I looked at the boot buying guide and like the Chippewa Apache Lace-up Boot. Is this a good winter boot? What color should I get that work best? brown or black? Dark brown or light?
I wear a size 12US in Nike running shoes and I tried on some CDB and the 10.5 was the most comfortable. What size should I get? I'm a little nervous that I will buy a size too small or have wider feet than I thought and the boot being too narrow.
Is this a good place to post this or should I just make my own post?
Hi, so like the title mentions, there is this "crack" along with small holes near the side of the sole of the boot and I was wondering if it could cause the boo to break in the future. This is a Chippewa 6" boot that I recently bought on Amazon prime day for around 140 dollars:
Original Chippewa Collection Men's 1901M25 Engineer Boot, Cordovan, 10 D US
Will this issue be bad enough to justify returning the boot ?
Thanks for the help.
I would think $160 is acceptable, but you can get them lower. I've seen them under $100, but that may have only been with suede versions.
Your second question depends on who you ask and how casual you mean. I say they're fine and can probably be worn with everything that work with Chippewa Service boots, which have a flat sole, but they'll just look less dressy.
That's my opinion, but I'm not sure about the general consensus on MFA.
Did you see these?
Actually two pairs of thorogood moc toes fits into your budget. See if you can snag them on sale. They're a half size down from brannock.
For what it's worth, I think because of the synthetic insoles these actually stand up very well to every day wear. They stand up much better than a lot of the leather insoled shoes you see on here. One pair would likely be fine if you're ok to replace them after like 4-5 years.
I wore a pair of these every day for about a year. Check out my review here.
I personally wear the Irish setters and don't have any complaints. Idk how much experience with work boots you have, but I would recommended oiling or putting some kind of leather lotion on them to help break them in. Before I did this I got blisters on my hands from trying to pull the laces tight enough that's how stiff the leather is. Once you oil them they'll be like a leather sock sucked to your foot.
There's also thorogoods many people like for the moc toe style
A good alternative for these:
in a dark brown color? size 12 US please :)
Thanks guys! Really helpful. Probably will get a pair of these. When you say size down what is your benchmark?
I wear size 10 vans and 9.5 thorogoods for reference...
Its got a good sole and its appropriate for factory work. Much better than oxfords.
Edit. I would like to say i know more about quality shoes than most of BIFL. And you could always just ask /r/goodyearwelt.
Golden Fox Moc Toe is supposedly good quality. Thorogood Moc Toe is the other option.
Truman. $250-450 is a weird zone, you have Chippewa lug sole for under $200 (Don't know if they are also too bulbous for you).
It makes you wonder if $250-450 is a range for bulbous toe only...