It is apparently a Talisman of Venus Love Pentacle Key of Solomon Seal Pendant Hermetic Enochian Kabbalah Pagan Wiccan Jewelry according to someone selling one on as a necklace on Amazon. (There is a really long description there as well...and some really bizarre questions and reviews.)
Can’t accept Bitcoin on Amazon sadly and most people want Amazon prime for the shipping
Do you think the price is reasonable?
Oh my gosh! Well, I dunno how you feel about Amazon but here's one that's $10 that seems decent? I hope you find what you're looking for!
There are TSA thread cutters out there. Not sure if pins are not allowed if needles are? Instead of pins you can give her wonder clips to hold things too.
My mother carried something like this:
A non nail-clipper, non-sewing scissor alternative is a Thread Cutter Pendant. Some airports disallow nail clippers.
Amazon came up with this one:
I don't know if it would cut yarn, but there's a pendant thread cutter (?) That a lot of cross stitchers use for travel.
Here's a JoAnns link, but I think Amazon/Michaels carries it too:
Actually, here's an Amazon link too (I just grabbed one, feel free to search on your own):
Different rings from different outlets may have different sizes available. Do you know what kind of ring you want, i.e. what material/design? I got a plain silicone one, it comes in sizes up through 16: (~$7)
Upsides to silicone: easy to fit nicely even if your knuckle is significantly larger than your inner finger, very easy to take off in case of emergency, extremely cheap, scratches don't change the color. I'd argue it's a great first ring for testing things out before committing to anything.
If you're not sure what size you are, go to any jeweler and ask them to size your finger for you, it takes a minute of their time and they're probably sitting there bored anyways.
I remember my mum used to always have this problem having her embroidery scissors confiscated at the airport! She bought a clover threadcutter years ago and still has it now it’s brilliant!
Maybe a better comparison would be consenting to a search of your car. In the two states I've gotten my license, refusal to take a breathalyzer is an automatic DUI. But a cop has to have reason or consent to search your vehicle. A lot of people will say to just give consent if you have nothing to hide because it's easier. But this just opens a window for the cops to find any small matter of incriminating evidence.
As a teenager, a cop strong armed my friend into giving consent to a search because we were parked and watching a hurricane roll in (very small town, it was that or hanging out at the Walmart.) Obviously, there was nothing in the car. But the cop tried to put the fear of god into us or something by insisting a pendant like this constituted contraband or paraphernalia because it had a blade inside.
Do the breathalyzer. Don't consent to search with out probable cause.
It really depends on the airport you're flying out of and the individual agents you interact with.
I recommend getting something like this to replace your nice scissors for the trip.
It was this talisman
It was the 2nd and 7th saturn pentacle together, and I just used it because I heard Saturn is great for balancing your energies.
and do you just read the orphic hymn outloud?
Honestly, I am kind of a loner and really lonely. I've been reading my 12th house in Saturn, and Sun aspects... and I am wondering if I'll be alone forever... without experiencing love...
Does my natal chart say anything that?
Thanks man you've been a great help, I am going to start doing the planet hexagrams on their days, and start doing the orphic hymns on saturdays.
The following comment by Cryptilli0naire was silently greylisted(for 10.3 hours).
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The original comment can be found at this link: Bitcoin/comments/8iup1s/-/dyuqkvc?context=4
The original comment's content was as follows:
> Before anyone asks where I got the stuff from > Pendant > Hoodie > Bitcoin mascot head - homemade
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> Before anyone asks > Bitcoin chain > Bitcoin hoodie
I would say:
little scissors, possibly folding or in a case to prevent accidents; or use nail clippers or a thread cutter
big-eyed sewing needles -- some blunt ended and some sharp, for different circumstances (a needle threader may also help)
small pieces of different-coloured scrap yarn for using as markers
safety pins -- a quilting shop might have ones without the coil at the bottom which can trap yarn, but ordinary ones work fine; or some of the plastic stitch markers which work the same way, or even bobby pins. These are important because you can use one to clip onto a dropped stitch to hold it while you figure out what to do about it.
a crochet hook of a reasonably appropriate size for your yarn, to deal with those dropped stitches
a retracting tape measure
a clear plastic pencil or makeup case for keeping these things in
EDIT: Don't buy new needles/hooks the same as the ones you already have. Try different brands and different materials to find which ones you like best.
And remember that knitting/crocheting are cheaper than most other hobbies, and you get useful stuff out of it -- so there is no need to buy the absolute cheapest of everything, you are already saving money!
There is a similar symbol - necklace - on Other than creative artwork, it isn't any significant symbol I'm aware of.
Possibly just the obvious - artful representation of the moon.
Possibly a goddess symbol - pick a flavor of pagan (not Celtic). The goddess symbol a triple crescent - maiden, mother, crone. However... anything with a circle points to the goddess and the moon is understood to be the goddess's eye.
>"Moon phases are a part of the great cosmic dance in which everything participates: the movement of the celestial bodies, the pusle of tides, the circulation of blood and sap in animals and plants. Observation of the night sky, of the stars, and especially of the moon, was the beginning of mathematics and science." (The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth, p 139.)