Not resale value; they're just marked up. $20 on Amazon vs $240 on Blue Nile.
Silicone rings, very comfortable and safe around machinery and electrical.
ThunderFit Silicone Rings, 7 Pack & Singles Wedding Bands for Men - 8.7 mm Wide
No worries.
The titanium (Ti) lid covers the atomizer (atty) and gets really hot.
You can buy a silicone band on Amazon to cover the atomizer sides for under $15
ROQ Silicone Wedding Ring for Men, 4 Packs & Singles Silicone Rubber Wedding Bands - Step Edge Sleek Design - Metallic, Black and Camo Colors
Inserts are the buckets you put the concentrate in. The Versa comes with a Ti insert but if you got a few extra $ you can invest in a silicon carbide (SiC) for improved taste and efficiency.
FadeSpace (FS) makes a really good SiC and I have heard good things about 3grams Inc’s SiC.
Let me know if you have any questions
I use a silicone ring because I work with high voltage, high impact, extreme temperatures and risk of loss.
Not what I have exactly but they're all the same. Any man that frets over the monetary value of his hand jewelry is a turd.
Its a $15 tungsten carbide ring from amazon. I'm a forgetful person who isn't used to wearing rings. I wanted to make sure if i lost the ring it wouldn't be a big deal. I actually have 2 backups i keep in a box at home for replacements. (haven't had to use them yet though)
To my wife and i, even though her rings were considerably more then mine, the value of the ring doesn't not correlate to out love fore one another. The best answer is to just get what he like and forget about the cost (as long as it is within budget)
Sure thing! There's different color combination from this seller:
Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
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this is the one i plan on getting soon — link
Try amazon smile to donate to charity automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^preformed ^^^automatically.
It's a bit of a pain, but you can actually edit a lot of the link off, like so:
Just past the word description is basically the unique id amazon gives that item (in this case B07G9C1WR5). Any info beyond that is extra info amazon adds onto the web address which can be used for any number of things. This includes telling amazon how many people have used your link to look at that product, which can be used for marketing information. There are plenty of other things they can potentially do with it, harmless or otherwise, but that's the one I like the least.
It’s on amazon! BestTungsten 6mm 8mm Black Tungsten Rings for Men Women Wedding Bands Celtic Dragon Purple/Green/Blue/Red Carbon Fiber Inlay Beveled Edges Comfort Fit
I don't mind at all! I got mine off of Amazon:
I don't know, but I recently asked a guy about his tungsten carbide ring, and he said it only cost him $20. I just searched for "tungsten carbide ring cheap", and this result came up:
Or you could buy three rings like I have so far. King Will Men's 8mm Tungsten Carbide Ring Polished Beveled Edge Matte Brushed Wedding Band (9)
tungsten actually comes in a silver color. I second the person above recommending Amazon as well. We purchased his tungsten ring at a chain jewelry store for $300 and they sell the exact same ring on Amazon for $30.
I thought there would be some sort of difference (I was hoping, anyway) but alas, the chain-jewelry store ripped us off and the $30 Amazon band is just as good.
Edit to add example
FYI - don't get screwed on the bands like I did. I thought I did my research on bands, especially men's. My friend bought this Tungsten ring from Amazon while I bought my tungsten ring from the jeweler. He paid around ~$15 for his and I paid a little over $100 for mine. Rings are identical.
If you get tungsten, don't get it from a jewelry store; they rip you off big time. Not like you can resize it, nor like it really visibly scratches or otherwise needs any treatment.