Would probably be better to post this to [r/ECE](/r/ECE) rather than to Hardware, but either way:
Shortly summarized: A MOSFET is a 3-terminal device (4 if counting bulk, and there's also a 6T type), where you have Gate, Drain & Source. Assuming you know BJTs, you can "map" them as:
If again, we're comparing MOSFETs to BJTs, we can say that a MOSFET is a VCCS (Voltage controlled current-source), while BJTs are CCCS (Current controlled current-source). In other words, when you apply a voltage to the gate of a MOSFET you'll create a current at the drain of the MOSFET. The current that's generated depends of the operating region:
Normally one operates in the the saturation region.
Not sure how much details you want, but if you want to read more about MOSFETs you've got books such as Sedra & Smith or Razavi
Depending on your current knowledge of course:
These cover ALOT of material. I have practical electronics. It gives some of the physics which is nice. You'll get circuit analysis, transistors, amplifier, op amps pretty much anything covered in your circuits courses. It even gets into some digital topics as well. I recommend it!
Edit: let me know current you're knowledge of EE and I can recommend more.
Bebop to Boolean Boogie is pretty good. Very easy and fun book to read. Covers a ton of great entry level topics.
Then move towards something more FPGA specific like
~~Knowing C will probably hurt you more than help you. Forget what you know about C when learning Verilog.~~ You need to approach learning Verilog in a different manner. Verilog is not another top-down procedural language expressing instructions one after another. There are some general programming tenets that still hold true, and attention to detail in regards to syntax is important. But forget about line-by-line procedural execution because that's not how these hardware description languages work. You need to learn DIGITAL DESIGN before you learn Verilog....
EDIT: for clarity and to tighten up my thoughts.
Here is a book I recommend, starts from day 1 stuff, you can flip around where you need. There is free PDF online as well I think. Besides that, if you have the funds, I recommend asking your parents for an Arduino set and some come with project idea books and how to approach them. Other than that you can use codeacademy or other programming websites to teach you step by step.
Good luck!
Alors, y'a deux bon bouquins, malheureusement je ne connais pas les titres en francais (si ils existent).
Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition, C'est juste une bible sur l'elec, ça couvre tous les trucs de base et un avec un certain niveau de profondeur. C'est un bon morceau à lire par contre, genre 5kg de papier bible.
How to Diagnose and Fix Everything Electronic, Second Edition, C'est beaucoup plus pratique sur le comment s'y prendre, les outils, la logique pour réparer des trucs. Après tu seras forcément limité par ce que tu comprends du 1er.
Electrical Engineering 101: Everything You Should Have Learned in School...but Probably Didn't By Darren Ashby. Excellent resource to brush up and tune-up your skills
> Forrest Mims
I have 5-6 of them; you could get them from Radio Shack back in the day. I think they may have compiled them all into one book
Start here: https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/
Follow up with YouTube videos on particular topics that are confusing/interesting.
As for a great book, check out Practical Electronics for Inventors. Get the book, not the kindle version, which apparently has some formatting issues and stuff missing.
Practical Electronics for Inventors. Get the book, not the kindle version, which apparently has some formatting issues and stuff missing.
As a student, I can recommend "Practical Electronics For Inventors, Fourth Edition" by Paul Scherz, accompanied by the occasional youtube video and reddit question :) You can buy it from Amazon here
I havent read any others, so I cant compare the quality, but you can go through it like a book and be able to understand everything. You may run into some problems in the real world that requires some fairly advanced calculus, which the book doesn't cover. (It does cover where to apply it, just not how). It is really extensive (1256 pages on my desktop e-reader), so if you have an idea for something specific you want to build, there might be something more efficient out there :)
I would think that not a lot of electronics books, if any, explain the math in full, so I would suggest that you find an online source for whatever specific piece of math you've run into. I can recommend Kahn academy.
Good luck :)
This is an awesome intro book to electronics. Covers all the basics, including how to read diagrams and identify components. Which is beyond important.
Hmm.. but then what is the point of __low_power_mode_off_on_exit() ? This goes counter to what I've read in https://www.amazon.com/MSP430-Microcontroller-Basics-John-Davies/dp/0750682760
(I'm trying it, and if it works, great, but I'm still confused :-/).
EDIT: Didn't work. The SR is pushed onto the stack when waking to service an interrupt then popped back--according to that book, anyway. so the device should go back to whatever mode it was in prior to servicing the interrupt. It seems like LPM0 isn't enabling interrupts. I'll try directly running the intrinsic to set the SR.
This is far and away your best introduction to the msp430:
TI's datasheets are quite good, and you will be able to understand them easily after reading the Davies book.
TI also provides example code in both C and assembly to demonstrate the basic using of just about every peripheral on every part. Those make for a great rosetta stone.
Almost everything I know (and it's not that much believe me) comes from a couple of goods books on the subject (I recommend Practical Electronics for Inventors) and from YouTube (where I've watched every Ben Eater videos if you're into bare metal computing which I'm really fond of).
It's amazing what you can learn online theses days.
To answer your questions, the tool left of the soldering iron is Siglent SDS 1104 X-E 4 Channel Oscilloscope. It allows you to measure voltage across some very time interval. Perfect for measuring and studying the frequency, amplitude and shapes of waveforms. It's one of the most essential tool you can get after getting a decent multi-meter.
The other one on the far left is a FeelElec FY6900 Waveform Generator, think of it as a power supply for AC instead of DC. It can generate sine, square and trig waveform of varying frequency and amplitude. Let's say you want to build a full bridge rectifier which is a fun little beginner project. You'd use one of them to generate the AC current input.
All About Circuits has a pretty good primer for all things EE
Can also recommend the book Practical Electronics for Inventors by Sherz and Monk. Typically you'll see The Art of Electronics recommended as the bible of EE when it comes to books also.
It is truly the bible of electronics.
It's great but to start it's often a bit violent,
I advise you to read this one : https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Electronics-Inventors-Fourth-Scherz/dp/1259587541/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=QBLGLJURDU5&keywords=inventor+for+electronic&qid=1664644736&s=books&sprefix=inventor+for+electronic%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C141&a...
I can second Sedra & Smith. I used this in Electronics I/II courses for the 2018-2019 academic year, then several more times for other projects and references afterward because it has so much good information.
Electrical Engineering 101: Everything You Should Have Learned in School...but Probably Didn't https://www.amazon.com/dp/0123860016/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GCB59X9T5V8QRHF03KS8
This is a decent book to get the ball rolling. Also, CU Boulder has an online MS-EE that you should look into. It’s performance based so there are no admissions.
Physics major here who went on to also get a BSEE, so I'm probably uniquely qualified to understand your situation. In my physics program we covered the basics of electric circuits and had a circuits lab, but really stopped short of any actual circuit analysis. Unless you're an unusually motivated person, I think approaching this from the academic construct is going to be difficult. But, to answer your question anyway: - Circuits I: Intro to circuit analysis. Kirchoff's voltage and current laws, node and loop analysis, basic passive circuit elements, independent and dependent voltage and current sources, Bode plots, AC analysis, time domain representation of circuits, frequency domain / complex representations of circuits, Laplace transforms
Circuits II: Diodes, operational amplifiers (black box), transistors. My course mostly focused on MOSFETS - DC analysis, small signal models, basic amplifier structures. Similar things for BJT, but less depth
Analog and Digital Circuits: Intro to cascode amplifiers, high frequency amplifier analysis, more detail on amplifier configurations, 6T memory structures, inverters, digital rise/fall time / timing analysis, logic gate synthesis
Those were the basic courses. From there it was your choice in how much deeper you wanted to go.
In your case, I would probably pick up a hobbyist electronics book, like Practical Electronics for Inventors: https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Electronics-Inventors-Fourth-Scherz/dp/1259587541
In my opinion, the “Practical Electronics for Inventors” book does a pretty good job of explaining the fundamentals at an approachable level.
> * Tu as appris en autodidacte, donc ? En mode pure pratique, ou as-tu des livres à conseiller ?
Niveau bouquins il y en a de très bons :
"Dépannages électriques domestiques". Super bien expliqué, excellents schémas. De façon générale tous les livres David Fedullo et Thierry Gallauziaux sont top pour le bricolage.
Sinon pour des connaissances électronique en général "Practical electronics for inventors".
Tbh, for me its a lot of reading/youtube. Guys like BigClive and AvE can teach a lot, and I can't recommend Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition enough.
I never went to school for electrical engineering but am a hardware technician by training. This book helped immensely. Best of luck.
one of my favorite references is practical electronics for inventors. it's just a great book to have for referencing all kinds of circuit ideas. Like the title suggests, it's about practical knowledge, so it's a little light on the theory.
Absolutely essential for CMIS 412, but I don't think that's part of the major requirements anymore. Otherwise you don't need to have a firm grasp for anything other than your own personal enrichment.
Anyways, if you want to learn what the class teaches, try picking up Beebop to the Boolean Boogie, which does a much better and more thorough job of covering the same stuff. I think it was actually listed as one of the "additional reading" things in one of the textbook sections, and I have found it enormously helpful.
I like this one; I borrowed it from the local library.
I bought this one but regret it; too much theory (for me at least) and slow to get through.
This book was an incredible resource for me: Practical Electronics for Inventors
Hi, this book is an amazing resource for learning MATLAB and programming concepts in general. I highly recommend. To me, it's the ultimate MATLAB guide or "bible" so to speak.
Maybe something like this. In all seriousness though I would probably start with a speaker kit and just research what every component is along the way. There's only really three parts used in a crossover, they can just be used a few different ways.