Steer and Lee maybe if you want more RF Circuit perspectives. Innumerable if you are looking to branch out.
Michael Steer's Book - AWR E-Learning free download Others at that link too, great way to learn AWR if you are in academia.
Radio Frequency Systems Architecture and Design.
I find the writing clear and accessible. I also had Plett and Rogers in my masters degree, so I'm a bit biased.
It is possible. It's not easy or really cheap. The discussion on resolution is really to in-depth for a short reddit post, it depends on things like the wavelength you want to look at and the size of equipment you can handle (physical space). I'd suggest looking at a book like this one
There are a few kits you can get, or if you have the skills then you have a lot more options if you can build something yourself.
You will be dealing with a fair bit of noise from radio pollution with any amateur system, and have to overcome that.
I looked into it for a while, and came to the conclusion that the only way I was going to be able to do something meaningful for MY personal desires was to put up an interferometer (two receivers a large distance apart that act like a single larger dish), and the costs and logistics associated with that were just too complicated for my available time and resources, and I gave up on it.