Could make or buy blousing straps like the military uses. There are skinnier options as well but husband says these are more comfortable for all day wear
American Optical is awesome for the aviator style, really nicely made, and a very good value at around $50 a pair. They are the original maker of aviators worn by US fighter pilots and NASA astronauts.
Edit: Amazon link, as they sell for cheaper via amazon than on the AO website.
Shoe polish is supposed to form a protective layer, but putting that layer over something bad for your shoes isn't helpful. If you have leather shoes, I'd suggest thoroughly cleaning them with saddle soap to remove any dirt, polish, and other residue, using leather conditioner, applying cream polish to restore color if needed, then a layer of wax polish. The final layer of wax polish both adds shine and a water-resistant layer.
The best way to clean off road salt is a mixture of water and vinegar. The vinegar breaks down the chemicals (carbonates I think) that help keep road salt from washing away, the water washes away the salt itself.
Bonus edit: For black shoes, the Kiwi Deluxe Shine Kit for $13 on Amazon is an unbeatable deal. It includes a shine brush, dauber brush, buffing cloth, and two tins of black wax polish.
My son has been using a sweatband to cover the watch. It works great and they are cheap. We also ordered this tactical protector but it’s too bulky and complicated. I can’t believe there is not a case!
SANSOLID Tactical Military Watchband Cover To Keep And Protect Your Watch
I’m going to take a wild guess and say you were issued brown boots not black; in which case a boot cleaning kit isn’t really necessary, however always better to be safe rather then sorry. You can buy Kiwi polish, brushes, etc from Canex if you’re in a town that has a base or any shoe store, Walmart, etc. Again you won’t use it but if it’s a requirement on the kit list have it anyways. Kiwi Polish Kit
It could be the 52mm one, and not the 55mm from the link, seeing how small it looks on his face...
was about to order some items off of amazon to take care of my wolverine 1000s in black. Was planning to order these 2 items to take care of the boots and to also address some scratches, thoughts? kit venetian cream
thank you!
American Optical. They held the government contract for aviator sunglasses for forever, but lost it a little bit ago to Randolph. They literally make the same glasses (I own one of both, they are identical) but AO ones come in less colors and are $50 BIFL sunglasses while Randolph ones are like $150, though they also have other styles of aviators too.
All of these comments are really on point.
In addition, I would recommend getting some elastic velcro straps for your right leg when you wear regular pants. I typically fold my right pantleg up about 3" and then grab the excess and fold it over, then strap.
Also, I recommend bringing extra snacks and maybe water to work. When I started, I noticed that I wasn't hydrating throughout the day and my lunch was never enough food. Now I typically will munch on something and drink a bunch of water shortly after I get in, and I don't spend as much of my morning looking forward to lunch.
Be sure to include everything you would need to fix a flat quickly and reliably on the road, and try to plan for about 10-15 minutes extra on your way in, just in case. I opted for a manual hand pump as they tend to be more reliable than CO2, IMO.
I've been biking regularly for years, but only started bike commuting 8 months ago in Washington DC. Now, I live in the Netherlands, which is a bit different, but even more with the bike commuting (and doing everything else). In fact, the idea that you would congratulate someone on riding their bike to work here is a bit silly, because most people bike. Really fascinating difference.
I bought this hat. I'm wondering if anyone has the same one. It looks bad in the image but I've heard it's better in real life, wondering if this is true or if anyone has images of themselves/someone wearing it.
Rothco Street Cap, Grey
I'm going to pick up some American Optical Original Pilot Sunglasses. Should I get Silver, Gold, or Gold with green lenses?
That mostly why I carry a shemagh / keffiyeh. It's not waterproof, but it does suit like 50 purposes and is cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It's also light and packs down flat.
I use this bag with this pouch and a pencil pouch to carry a Samyang 7.5mm, Olympus 17mm, Olympus 45mm, Olympus 12-50mm, Olympus 40-150mm, extra batteries, and various extra accessories. Everything fits just fine, with a bit of room to spare.
I can post pictures tomorrow, if you'd like.
Shirt stays kept our uniforms looking puff free while I was in the service.
You might just be looking for some Shirt Stays. They're a must-have in the Military, but they work wonders for keeping your shirt tucked in in the civilian world as well.
You attach one clip to the front, one clip to the back, and repeat for the other side. Then, when you put the shirt on you just slide the stirrup through your foot, and then put your pants on.