Yeah, but now he is being evicted (maybe). Now you get a car and he doesn't. The stakes are higher now. Consider a dorm-type lockbox that has a cable you can attach to something solid. Something like this.
Yeah, the tampon box has worked, but people who are suddenly facing the consequences of their actions can do stupid and desperate things.
For context:
> They're lockboxes. If you know the combination you can open it and get a key out for a unit. Realtors use them when they've got open units to let prospective renters in, and I guess AirBnB hosts are doing the same thing now. It's not uncommon to see one or two outside an apartment building, but this is just...unbelievable.
Thanks to /u/robertbieber for the explanation. Here's an Amazon link to better illustrate what those things are.
Next, get a lock box like this. You can lock all sorts of keys in it! Use it for keys to handcuffs, a locking gag, whatever. He can lock things on you, go to work, and then text you the lock box code when he gets to work or whenever he feels like it.
Any of the small household safes can be bolted down.
Or just get a nanovault so you can use it in your car if you ever need to do that while travelling or if you carry and need to disarm before going into a post office or other restricted area. It comes with a cable that's good enough to prevent the typical smash and grab.
I wouldn't store it at the girlfriends house - too many potential issues. It would be better for everyone if you just cross that off your list.
Yeah it's a extra step and every second counts, but it's about as quick as opening a drawer. If it makes you feel any better, you can blame the piles of shit in people suits who let their kids blow their brains out. That's what I do.
I get paranoid about this as well specially when I want to go for a long swim at like La Jolla Cove or something so what I did is buy a real estate lock box for like $20 off amazon. I leave all my valuables in the car and only bring what I need (towel goggles) and then lock my key in the box and attach to my wheel or trailer hitch.
Here is a link to the lock box I purchased:
I put one of these critters on my mom's door after dad died in case EMS needed to get in. (Took a few adventures with the fire department to get her to move into assisted living.) The code can be changed as needed.
Link to said safe:
Customer images, it's like the 18th image.
> So I gave this to my concrete guy as gift for the work hes done to my house and when he opened the safe there were womens nasty panties in there. I order from Amazon alot and I would never have thought this would have happened. He thought they were mine! He took the plastic off and opened it and those were inside!! I thought it was a new safe?!?! Horrified and grossed out!!>
Keter Delivery Box for Porch with Lockable Secure Storage Compartment to Keep Packages Safe, One size, Brown
Get one of these. I was plagued by porch pirates, got this a year ago & Ive had no problems.
I have a really small locked safe for cash and important documents. It can certainly fit in the desk drawers and is really discrete. Even if you trust your roommate, it's comforting to know that all of the important stuff is safe. Here's the link:\_1\_5?dchild=1&keywords=small+lock+safe&qid=1627304082&sr=8-5
I picked This GunVault up from Amazon. I wanted something that was easy for me to get to and wasn't something my kid was going to get into. It has a keylock as backup incase the battery goes dead.
You can buy one or build one of these yourself. Place the package in the top and when the lid closes, it drops the package below where people can't get to it.
Here's one for $45 prime - Cobo like the one I pictured.
I use a realtor lockbox for this. Keys go in the box, box has a combo, box is attached to the door knob. Works well for us.
Something like this:
It can be a good thing, but it's a more reliable thing to just get one of those realtor boxes.
The last time I locked myself out, everyone I'd given my key to was at work or out of town in December. After I finally got in and defrosted, I bought one of these.
Last week, I was leaving a Doctor's Appointment, and I dropped my car keys (new of those ones that just need the key close to turn on/off) in one of the crevices of the car. Black interior, black fob, new ways of moving seats, blind panic...I didn't find them until the next day. But when I got home, I was still able to get into the house (and get the second fob to lock the car with!) with no problem.
Lastly, if I'm out of town and there's an major emergency, any one of my neighbors can text me for the code and get in if they need to or I can text them and ask that they go in and get the cats, but I'm not giving out keys and access willy-nilly.
a small firesafe is very inexpensive (even cheaper at walmart and stuff)
> a cheaper option right now
Keep a eye on amazon. I got mine on sale for $15.
Realtor lock-box hanging from your car somewhere... or hanging in a safe spot near by.
Master Lock 5400D Set Your Own Combination Portable Lock Box, 5 Key Capacity, Black
The lockbox typically attaches to something that makes it very difficult to break. A lot of apartment buildings have places for this sort of thing. I've attached them to railings, window bars, pipes etc. without issue.
FWIW I lived in a preeetty high crime area, you definitely could not leave amazon packages unattended for example, and nobody ever stole or broke into the lockbox. My bike was stolen (thank god for renters insurance), patio furniture was stolen, many delivered boxes etc. but never the lockbox.
If you're worried about this, I'd buy a lockbox on amazon and attach it to the railing or a tree plot outside of the building. Certainly couldn't hurt, and lock boxes are only $30 or so
I definitely understand your point, but as someone who works in tech I will say, consumer electronics are built to be shock tolerant within a traditional use case, especially given that the majority of housings I have seen for keypad safes are plastic, the chances of static shock killing a unit are extremely small if not zero given it isn't cheap Chinese quality.
As long as you replace the batteries bi-annually, or at least once a year as per manufacturer recommendation and dependant on how often you open your safe, you'll likely never have a problem.
Honestly, I trust my bedside safe a bit less than my main safe because it's hard to find a good quality bedside one and I've had mine fail, but there's some rather good full size fire safes out there.
You can get them on Amazon or any hardware store, they’re designed for keys. You program a four digit code to open it. You can put it on your railing or doorknob or something similar. I’ve had lock boxes even in sketchier areas of my city and never had anyone break one open. Go for the more expensive ones, not the $10 ones
Try one of these hardware keys instead:
There are other alternatives, that was just a sample of one that came up first when I searched on Amazon; but as that one says "Crafted from rust proof, industrial-strength Titanium with a melting point of over 3000°F".
A small fire resistant lock box to keep some items/papers semi secure. The lock is only good for keeping honest people honest, but better than nothing.
could be a nice idea, but make the gift more elegant with a steel wallet for the pass phrase
Yes, when you're setting up your Nano you get a 24 word seed phrase. You write down those 24 words, and those are your backup. You could buy another Nano (or any bitcoin hardware wallet really) and use those 24 words to recreate your key on it and retain access to all your crypto. This 24 word seed MUST be kept secret and safe, if anyone finds it and knows what it is it means they could access your accounts and drain them. You can even buy things like this to store the seed words in metal, so if your house burns down and destroys your ledger, your seed phrase should survive the fire and you can restore your accounts.
You get a 24 word seed for each type of crypto you store. So you'd have one for bitcoin, one for ethereum, etc.
Never take pictures of your seed words, more than one person has taken a photo of their seed, hosted it on the cloud, had their phone hacked, and lost their seed and therefore lost their crypto.
There's only 2 that I know of that will hold erc-20 tokens like hoge, ledger or trezor. I really enjoy the Trezor but Ive never had a ledger and I think they're more common.
I went coldTI plates for indestructible seed keys + an engraver (can use dremel tool or cheapo engraver from walmart for $20).
Here's what you need to consider, is the safety worth the 2% tax to transfer hoge? If you are transferring ethereum or some non tax coin, sure move em. With hoge though that 2% tax HURTS moving your whole bag. I can't even fathom moving *********** to a hardware wallet with the 10% tax lol
Put a lock box on the property for repairment: electrictians, plumbers, etc.
Wehn you go back to stay there, is the basement separately metered? Or are the tenants going to be subsidizing your use when you are there. If so make sure the lease is written accordingly, also that the provision you put in there is legal.
After you unfreeze the key next time you use it, instead of refreezing it, put it in A container like this one and set the timer. Its much more difficult to get at than a block of ice
1 WAY, 2 TRAY SYSTEM: ensures that packages can be placed in the box without access to the storage compartment and only the owner can retrieve packages when using a lock. Porch pirate proof!