Why Men Earn More - The Startling Truth Behind The Pay Gap and What Women Can Do About It - Warren Farrell
ISBN - 0814472109
edit - I forgot a source for gender bias in education.
There's a super good book on the topic called "Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat Everybody Else"
It should be required reading.
"today someone who earns a yearly salary of $60,000 pays a larger percentage of his income in taxes than the four hundred richest Americans.
"Middle class" tax cuts and exactly whom they benefit.
How workers are being cheated out of their retirement plans while disgraced CEOs walk away with millions.
How some corporations avoid paying any federal income tax.
How a law meant to prevent cheating by the top 2 percent of Americans no longer affects most of them, but has morphed into a stealth tax on single mothers making just $28,000.
Why the working poor are seven times more likely to be audited by the IRS than everyone else.
How the IRS became so weak that even when it was handed complete banking records detailing massive cheating by 1,600 people, it prosecuted only 4 percent of them."
The scam of the federal reserve system is explained most clearly in the book from G Edward Griffin The Creature from Jekyll Island. This is an amazing book: if you don't believe me, look at the rating on amazon with 1400+ reviews.
Indeed; that is partially the reason why I'm such a fan of Teddy Roosevelt's bull-moose party- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Party_(United_States,_1912).
The platform was, centrally, rooted in a drive to break up the partisan duopoly (which was being exploited, then as happens now, by corporate interests to undermine the Republic).
That Teddy Roosevelt created that party partially in response to JP Morgan's actions related to the panic of 1908 (where Morgan cornered the Knickerbocker Trust into a bad bet on the steel market in New York, which resulted in a bank run, only for Morgan to come in with his private capitol and "save" the banking system) is quite telling.
That such a system, akin to the 3 previous attempted at installing a central bank (the last one having been abolished by Andrew Jackson during the "Bank Wars" of the 1860s) was formally adopted by Wilson's Secretary of the Treasury (Nelson Aldrich) in 1912 following a secretive meeting at Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia, is perhaps a further testament as to why Teddy was doing everything in his power to prevent Woodrow Wilson (or Williams Jennings-Bryan) from coming to power in that election.
That someone tried to shoot Teddy Roosevelt on the campaign trial that year, only for him to deliver a speech that same day (with the bullet lodged within him) while proclaiming himself "fit as a bull-moose" is also a nice touch of cosmic irony.
For anyone interested, this book ("The Creature from Jekyll Island") is a great resource on the topic of what Morgan and Aldrich created after Wilson defeated Roosevelt in 1912- https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal-Reserve/dp/091298645X
*Edit- fixed broken link
Read this book - https://www.amazon.com/Bitcoin-Standard-Decentralized-Alternative-Central/dp/1119473861
As most bitcoin books are either technical in nature or written by journalists who don't understand it well. This book answers the "why" of bitcoin, the economics and monetary policy that makes it so special.
Overview - https://medium.com/@jimmysong/why-bitcoin-works-fe32879a73f5
I bet most Americans do not know the Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel (Its as "Federal" as Fedex) and your personal income tax was implemented around the same time in 1913... Must be a coincidence right?
This book should be mandatory reading in high school. Take the red pill... https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal-Reserve/dp/091298645X
All of you questions answered:
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
Don’t trade. That’s gambling & speculating. Buy a bit of Bitcoin as a long term insurance against existing fiat system and just sit on it.
Or invest by doing some research. I recommend this book:
"There's no faking that". That is where you are very wrong. Stocks have been failing to deliver(FTD) for a very long time. In fact, stocks like AMC and GME has synthetic shares from all these FTDs.
Market Makers in the interest of creating liquidity can "Naked Short" a share with the promise that the share would be found and borrowed accordingly by T+6. However from cases such as Overstock and many other companies over the last two decades that has been shorted into oblivion, Market Makers and Hedge funds just simply collude and let the stock fail to deliver. They have been getting away with this because most retail dont actually care if the stocks are "real" or not. Most dont execute their rights as a shareholder anyway so there is really very little push to incentivize brokers to get you your actual shares.
Source: "https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Short-Greedy-Streets-Failure/dp/1910151343" by Susanne Trimbath
You need to show them first why there is a problem in the first place. Show them the history of currency and fiat, the fall of the gold standard.
It's here to stay. This I agree.
The rest I absolutely don't agree with. DYOR and read books like those. The history of modern money (read starting from the 18th century), is written by manipulators and the worst of humankind. It didn't start with Crypto.
Amazon link to the book for anyone interested. It's a fascinating read.
The guy responsible for the famous Yuri Bezmenov interview is none other than G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island -- the book responsible for redpilling an enormous amount of people on the Federal Reserve.
If you read this i guarantee you'd reconsider your position. https://www.amazon.com/Bitcoin-Standard-Decentralized-Alternative-Central/dp/1119473861
You're completely missing the point on what a non-sovereign money brings to the global marketplace. Do you do business internationally? Send money across borders ever? International banking absolutely sucks. What about the several billion people that are unbanked because it's a permission based system that they don't have the privilege to be a part of? How about you're living in a country like Venezuela, Iran, Turkey, Greece, etc that are experiencing hyper-inflation and seeing their savings absolutely devastated by poor economic policies instituted by broken governments?
If you think bitcoin is all about speculation you haven't done your homework. It's about taking back control of your finances and being your own bank.
El mundo está adoctrinado a creer en el papel moneda. La política monetaria es controlada por los gobiernos y la manejan a su conveniencia.
Ahora que las criptomonedas bajan la barrera de entrada para muchos tipos de inversión, los gobiernos y los bancos centrales hacen todo lo posible por descalificarlas.
Pero no pueden. No han podido. Y no podrán.
Estamos ante un gran cambio de paradigma. Es difícil de comprender, por eso este sub (y la mayoría de las personas) le temen. Pero es el siguiente paso de la economía.
Y si llegaron hasta aquí (los downvotes dirán si llegaron o no), lean The Bitcoin Standard
Creo en las criptomonedas porque son una alternativa a la centralización y control. Sí, son riesgosas. Pero es el primer paso para que cada quien se vuelva su propio banco.
The book: Cryptoasset Inheritance Planning by Pamela Morgan is pretty good in this regard, recommend checking it out, might give some good ideas.
learn the book the bitcoin standard
its simple on exchanges you have uncovered bitcoins and covered bitcoin.
if you take btc to you own wallet the coin can no longer be double lent it is out of the exchange suppley!
btc is limited , and CAN NOT be created out of thin air like bank can with fiat money.
guys read her book in advance!! monkey homework. this is a requirement for monkey graduation!! no read, no get cookie
I recommend the book Cryptoassets. It’s a bit dated since it came out in 2017. But it covers all the fundamentals about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Dives in specifics such as the differences between utility tokens, smart contracts, ledger blocks. Also talks about centralized and secret slide networks / private and public block chains. I’ve had a chance to meet the authors in person and pick their brains, very knowledgeable guys. My recommendation.
If you are referring to the intra-bank transfers, Saifdean outlines it The Bitcoin Standard and this great talk. If something else maybe you could give me a question.
I think you're looking for this. It's basically the economic side of Bitcoin;
Anyone commenting on the Fed and its perniciousness needs to read this book
You dont have to buy it from Amazon, just linking the quickest place to find it. lol. But its a MUST read to understand the Fed and its Evil, and it will also illustrate much of the Evil behind what POTUS and Q are fighting.
ETA: +++ plays a big role in the behind the scenes, and there are many ties to many other prominent families as well.
This is great work u/amandamichelle90. I've been in this community for a few weeks, unaware of this amazing crypto universe being created before us, and the amount of HODL, DCA, fuck/shit, shit/fuck posts is overwhelming (underwhelming?). Thank you for condensing this glorious new world into something most folks can understand.
For community members that were not fully around for the Internet revolution in the late 90's, hold on this is going to be one amazing journey.
I was completely ignorant of what Bitcoin actually is (I thought it was for ransom ware, drug purchases, anonymous trading, etc.). After reading The Bitcoin Standard, whether Bitcoin survives or not, its a beautiful work of decentralized art.
I also didn't fully grasp the power of Blockchain technology until reading this article about Ethereum and everything that is being built under and on top of it.
Sure, it will be great to make money of these technologies and investments, but just as equally we can take part of this historical evolution/revolution in decentralized software.
One of the best books to help understand the broken monetary system: https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal-Reserve/dp/091298645X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1RKP5VDXM2K8I&dchild=1&keywords=creature+from+jekyll+island&qid=1625836041&sprefix=creature+from+je%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-1
Read "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous. If that doesn't clear up any misconceptions... find a new wife.
You can get a sense of the book at his Bitcoin Austria book launch here.
You've hit upon the fundamental question to this particular issue: is Bitcoin useful or not? People who don't see any use for it will come to the conclusion that it is a waste. Yet, other people keep adopting it.
For those interested in this question - why more and more people think it is useful - I'd suggest reading The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous.
Best thing I've heard so far.
Start with "The Creature From Jekyll Island - 5th Edition.
Work your way back through 300 years of banking history, and see the fight we are in for.
(And yoga is bullshit. I prefer 80s video games)
I suggest this book that covers the subject extensively:
Because what we think about is "how to I leave the keys to my heirs?"
But there are additional problems to be considered, too.
For example, discoverabilty. You might have different cryptos in different wallets/exchanges... How will the executor know of the full list?
Will the next-of-kin might be technical enough to handle the matter with confidence and without risking to lose money or will they need helpers? How can I designate trustless helpers?
Basically the system is broken and rigged. But we knew that already. It basically dealt with some of the ideas in the following book and how it applies to GME: https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Short-Greedy-Streets-Failure/dp/1910151343
Yes I do sound like an *** but that's what happens when I read 10 books on Bitcoin, come to the internet, and find 99% of the posts written about Bitcoin make absolutely no sense in the context of monetary principles. After a while, the manners go out the window and the abrasiveness sets in permanently.
Just read the Bitcoin Standard and call it a day. It's one of many that I've read, but most fundamental to the topics that were discussed in the previous posts.