Sorry to hear you are suffering. May I ask if you've ever read any of the work of Dr. John Sarno?
You might get something out of:
I just wanted to mention in case you hadn't seen this.
My first thought in reading your comment was that I had a couple of books to recommend, but then I pulled them out and well... they don't quite hit the mark on medicinal info that I'd remembered. That said, the recommended reading in the back of THE NEW AMERICAN HERBAL, which is more about growing herbs than medicinal uses, has some interesting recommendations. This one seems the most promising:
Three seconds of Google:
Black Swan Nassim Nicholas Talib
didn't know what the word 'psychosocial' meant, so had to look it up. I suppose social pressures could be part of what he refers to, but I feel like what Sarno talks about is more about the pressure you put on yourself. I think 'psychsomatic' would be the more appropriate term here.
The whole idea is that an injury that doesn't get better, and injuries that can't be found by doctors using x-rays, MRIs, etc.....he discovered that these type of injuries are caused by repressed emotions, usually anger. or by childhood trauma, or by self-imposed, perfectionist-type pressure, or other things of that nature.
I recommend his first book Healing Back Pain. It's a short read and where he first introduces these concepts that he later expands on in The Mindbody Prescription.
I actually bought this book a long time ago when I was struggling with back pain, and after reading about him saying my pain is caused by emotions, I scoffed and put it down.
years later someone highly recommended I read his books and was literally cured within days. I couldn't believe it. still can't really. Ive told other people about this throughout the years and they too have been cured. it's really bizarre, something about even just LEARNING about what's going on usually causes the brain to give up its game and the pain goes away.
Howard Stern was also cured of back pain in this way. Stern apparently used to have to lay on the ground during commercial breaks because he was in so much pain. but after meeting and working with Sarno was cured. and Stern would then have Sarno on his show as a guest from time to time, to try to get the word out. here's one clip of him
Pain is very complex. It's not always tied to damage. Pain can create a memory in your brain that you keep recalling even after the damage is repaired. Physical pain can be a stand-in for negative emotions or mental distress.
I recommend reading/listening to "Healing Back Pain" by Dr. Sarno. It's not just about back pain, it's about the mind-body connection and how pain can be triggered by environmental stressors/emotions.
Dang that sounds painful. I had other pains from excessive piano playing, etc, that plagued my mental well being for years. Turns out it’s likely mental hahah. I read this book closely and my pain is mostly gone. Some come by, but I just remember certain key topics in the book and it slowly goes away. A bunch of programmers recommend this: The Mindbody Prescription:...
If you’re interested in learning more about some possible causes of this I would highly recommend reading Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Black Swan. It is an amazing book discussing how these once in a lifetime events (black swans) are much more common because of modern business and economic practices, and how the probability of these events are drastically under predicted because of incorrect assumptions made by modern economists and statisticians. Truly an insightful book.
i have not read this yet, but it was personally recommended for understanding the relationship between physical pain and trauma
I hope you read my comment. Check out this book -
Don't ignore it thinking it's pseudo science. I've come across plenty of people online who swear by it. If you can get a pirated copy (pdf), read it.
I suffered from sciatica for several years, and tried so many things to relieve it. I feel for you. Genuinely can get horrific. I'm going to suggest something that I absolutely rejected until I had reached a dead-end and given up hope. My mom of all people sent me this book:
It basically argues that much of the back pain epidemic is stress related and largely psychosomatic. It's real, but it isn't what we experience. At the very least it made me much more aware of how much stress in my life was closely connected to my sciatica. Literally certain situations, even certain people walking into the room would really floor the pain. I was like "Whatever" and put in on a shelf for a year, until I finally read it. It was the only thing that actually lessened the sciatica. It didn't cure it, but it took it down several notches. So? Maybe think to yourself whether certain life-stress situations have developed around the time of your sciatica. I was deeply unhappy at the time, and didn't really realize it. Of course physical injury can cause sciatica, but the author argues that in the majority of cases the main backpain trick is convincing you that you have a physical injury that more or less can't be cured.
I ended up having a serious traumatic event and the sciatica cleared up immediately after and never came back.
The Black Swan actually addresses this rather well. It talks about a mediocre politician/government worker who diligently anticipates problems, avoids them, and essentially has a seemingly dull or inconsequential career as a result. It compares that to a person who allowed a crisis to occur and then fixed it, looking like a hero in the process.
Clearly we'd rather deal with the boring person who was diligent and avoided crisis situations, but we tend to applaud the John Wicks of the world.
Well, if you are really depressed and desperate:
Read all the reviews, read it, and well, if it works just let us know
If you're at the point of surgery, you're probably ready to read this. Hippy dippy and total fixed my "collapsed disk and nerve damage".
Hi friend,
So I have some indirect personal experience with chronic pain, and I hope that I can pass along what I learned from it.
My girlfriend at the time suffered from chronic pain after an operation. The pain would never go away, and she lived with it for well over a year. It was a constant struggle for both of us and I was scared that she would never be normal again.
So, after trying a plethora of different methods, none which worked, I eventually stumbled upon TMS. A guy called Dr. John Sarno coined this term to explain pain symptoms that stemmed from psychological stress.
Now, you might find it difficult to comprehend that the root cause of your physical pain can be from your mind. My girlfriend refused to believe that initially. Eventually, I got her to read this book:
Reading this book for her was basically the key to permanently heal her chronic pain.
Turns out, she had so much she was battling with internally (anxiety, stress, PTSD, depression), that her brain started sending never ending physical pain signals. I think a theory as to why our minds sometimes do this is because it wants to distract us from dealing with the mental pain.
My girlfriend managed to completely stop the physical pain eventually, after working through therapy and realizing that nothing was wrong with her body.
I wish you good luck, and the best to you.
I think this book is actually Sarno’s second book and a little bit easier to digest- I would start with it:
Yes. Check out john Sarno’s work on TDS. But this would not be the solution. It would just manifest in something else. And no this isn’t some crazy snake oil bs pseudoscience
Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection
He once reported Jim Hogshire's opium growing to Seattle police after Hogshire threatened him with a rifle, and he reported a fellow to the postal service for sending him a mail bomb, so many people will chime in with something about him being a snitch or a fed when he's mentioned. He also criticized some SWERFs back in the early 80s that were working with Republicans to crack down on porn and sex work, so he's often accused of being a misogynist. He was part of various left wing groups back in the day that did the collapsing and infighting that so many groups tend to do, and often gets accused of any number of things because of that - Chaz Bufe has suggested that he tried to burn down someone's house, or instructed one of his "followers" to burn down someone's house, when the zine they worked on together in the 80s fell apart. IIRC the proof of that was that the owner of the house smelled gasoline outside once. Black was the guy who came up with anti-work, so he's often accused of being a lazy drunken layabout by the non-anarchist left.
When it comes to most anarchist subs, I personally think the real reason for the negative reactions is two fold. He's very critical of Bookchin and Chomsky, so anyone whose anarchism is centered on them tends to not like him. He's pretty abrasive in his writing, so many people think he's an asshole, probably rightfully. But, it's a lot easier to just say "Hey this guy's a snitch!" than critically engage with his work, or say you disagree with him cause he seems mean.
I would really encourage you to read Healing Back Pain (Dr John Sarno).
A lot of back pain is really not physical but directly related to stress and anxiety. I have suffered with back pain for most of my adult life with no diagnosis, relief, etc. Then I heard someone mention their experience and this book. I was a skeptic but it absolutely changed my life.
I believe in this so much that I will literally send you the book if you want it. I truly believe it could help.
Yeah that's what the technocrats who argue in favor of these things always say. I think Nassim Taleb's book The Black Swan is most on point in response, what the Fed is doing is not adding stability but subtracting it, by removing necessary feedback mechanisms for market corrections. Each time they suppress an economic slowdown, we go farther down a wasteful path of misallocated capital and make the eventual correction considerably worse than it would have been without the Fed's intervention.
I am going to third this. If your back hurts that bad then orthopedic would be able to figure out what is wrong.
In case nothing is structurally wrong and they point you down the PT route for strengthening, I would _highly_ recommend reading "Healing Back Pain". I dealt with back pain off-and-on for a decade, read that book, and it has helped me manage that pain MUCH better than previously. Living a healthier lifestyle (which PT will help you do) will get you back on track, but that sets your mental focus right so you can look past that pain.
With that being said, go to a doctor first as it sounds you have something acute that needs resolving.
In fairness, the one Sub Genius, John Hagen-Brenner, had sent him a mail bomb. Not exactly an unreasonable time to report someone. Weirdly enough, it's the more reasonable incident to accuse Black of being a narc. The other one incident involved Black reporting a poppy farmer/author's operation to IIRC Seattle PD after the farmer threatened him with a rifle.
Have you seen a physio? If not, go see one. Not a chiro, not a doctor, but a physio. If you have seen several good ones and truly have chronic back pain, read this:
Good luck
I would suggest you look into the work of Dr. Sarno. You sound like a good candidate for his treatment.
Give this book a read, it is a quick easy read. Changed my life.
>Anyone here who has had that problem with OHP causing neck pain, I’ll take any extra advice I can get.
I always recommend this book for several reasons. After you read/listen, you'll see how it relates to many things beyond your pain.
"Nice Guys are controlling. A major priority for Nice Guys is keeping their world smooth. This creates a constant need to try to control the people and things around them."
Something to think about.
Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection
I would highly encourage anyone with fibromyalgia or any other chronic pains to read this book by Dr. Sarno.
It changed my life.
I spent years chasing a fix for the burst/bulging discs that showed up on MRIs. Cortisone shots, traction machines, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage - absolutely nothing helped at all. It just got worse.
Found this book on Amazon 15 years ago and it changed my life
Good luck
I feel you on this one! I have a similar situation mentally in dealing with my pain. I have no clue what type of pain you might be experiencing and what your diagnosis is but hang in there! I had the book below offered to me while I am recovering and it helped a lot in dealing with the menta side of back pain. The book basically suggests that your mental response to back pain helps trigger your body into action and facilitates the connections in your mind associated to pain. It’s hard to sum up the idea of the book into one sentence, so I suggest you read it! Hope this helps and you feel better, just hang in there.
Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection
Healing Back Pain by Dr. John Sarno
Look at these both and decide for yourself.
Lol that’s exactly what I said. I was so skeptical. But he was walking proof of it and I’d tried everything else. It’s really still weird to even say out loud. Sounds like witchcraft or something.