If the $20 one has a vent button like the No-Spill brand containers then yeah it would totally be worth it.
The nozzle design was a change forced upon us by people pouring gas from the can straight onto open fires. Obviously not a great idea, but people do it. The newer design is so that when someone does this, and the flame crawls up the stream towards the can and the user freaks out and either drops/throws/or runs around with it as soon as they quit applying force to keep the nozzle open it will spring shut and keep the flame from going into the can.
That being said, I totally agree the cans sold at big box stores are HORRIBLE. Home depot, walmart, lowes etc... After trying a bunch of different styles I finally found one that is AWESOME that wasn't a $50 steel gas can. Only issue was I had to buy them on amazon as nobody local sells them. Check out the link below and give it a whirl, I promise it's worth buying.
No-Spill 1405 2-1/2-Gallon Poly Gas Can (CARB Compliant) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000W72GBC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_npxExbBPD05DZ
They sell multiple sizes, I have the 1.25gal for my two stroke mix, and a 5 gal for my regular gas (mower, generator, etc).
I have spilt way more fuel worth the new versions than I ever did with older ones. I recently threw away all my gas cans and ordered a few of these. https://www.amazon.com/Eagle-UI-50-FS-Galvanized-Gasoline-Capacity/dp/B00004Y75M/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?keywords=gas%2Bcan&qid=1567700539&s=gateway&sr=8-6&th=1&psc=1
It’s pretty much a tea kettle without all the safety crap. Haven’t spilled a drop.
I got me 5 of these babies. Absolutely love them and I'll never go back to those horrible worthless plastic ones.
Only ones we used to sell at my shop, because we stood by them. never had an issue with mine, and I love how there's and actual button instead of the usual push down nozzle bullshit.
Edit: after reading those reviews, it looks like a lot are missing the O-ring for the nozzle. Might not be preinstalled if you order it directly. I had to put them together before we sold them in our store.
I absolutely love how stupid you are. It's weirdly charming. If you're trolling, it's working.
They still sell live ladybugs, they just discontinued the larger size. It probably wasn't selling well on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Orcon-LB-C1500-Ladybugs-Approximately-Count/dp/B000MR6WRG/ref=sr_1_1?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1499554725&sr=1-1&keywords=orcon+ladybugs
I talked to a local garden place who set me up. This was years ago so no idea who we used.
But apparently Amazon has some sellers with 4+ stars
Here you go. You are welcome. DEATH TO PLASTIC GAS CANS.
Not jerry cans but I have 6 of the Eagle UI-50FS safety cans. They're selling for $58 a piece on Amazon now. In 2020 I bought them for $35. I just looked up those Wavian cans and they certainly seem like they would take up less space than the Eagle ones I linked but the price difference certainly adds up when you need a bunch of cans.
Get some Eagle UI-50-FS gas cans. They're made of galvanized steel, they won't bulge and will only release vapors under 3-5 psi. UL Listed, OSHA approved and made in the U.S.. They're a PITA to pour from though.
I use this can
No-Spill 1450 5-Gallon Poly Gas Can (CARB Compliant) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000W9JN4S/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_H32WKEYQCHMEDJ8K4PYR
With this attachment
No-Spill 206 Flexible Spout Extension https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000W9LRQK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_TA7VQ7Q6C6QHZ54WC4FC
Ive had a duromax generator for many years, always starts and runs with no issues. 3500 watts running and 4400 startup, so you can run the fridge, lights, a small heater, etc. https://smile.amazon.com/DuroMax-XP4400E-Portable-Generator-Electric/dp/B001BMDFPS/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=duramax%2B3500%2Bwatt&qid=1638388360&sr=8-3&th=1
https://www.huntsvilleal.gov/environment/animal-services/pet-services/animal-complaints/ report him, then when his dog is safely out of his care https://www.amazon.com/No-Spill-1450-5-Gallon-Poly-Compliant/dp/B000W9JN4S/ref=zg_bs_15707861_1/142-3720874-3920304?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=3SHSANPCJWQX7REM0X4M
I had gotten this for cleaning out our woodstove that we use constantly during Wisconsin winters. It's probably a little overkill, but it's great.
ASHJ201 4.8 Gallon 4 Amp Ash Vacuum https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F3DRDMM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_ZFRMY69QC7XNHGDJ3YGX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Get a gas one for sure. I got started on this one, and it is more than enough for side hustle starter jobs: Simpson Cleaning MSH3125 MegaShot Gas Pressure Washer Powered by Honda GC190, 3200 PSI at 2.5 GPM, black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004MXKUCY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_ZGYGJRrX7kBfJ
I have one of these, I really like it.
My metal Eagle can is also really good. But that No-Spill can is really easy to use, and is more enclosed (there's no funnel whose interior can get dirty, possibly contaminating the gas you're about to pour).
I’m partial to this one from personal experience, FWIW: Simpson Cleaning MSH3125 MegaShot Gas Pressure Washer Powered by Honda GC190, 3200 PSI at 2.5 GPM, black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004MXKUCY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XTC0FZXQYE12Q8259MW9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Okay years ago I was researching pressure washers and came to the conclusion there's no point in buying a cheaper one because the pumps are either not replaceable, or easily replaceable. Most of the washers 250 and under and made to just be replaced when broken, and judging by how all my friends washers have broken compared to what I bought I'd say this is true.
I bought a Simpson that uses a Honda motor which is very reliable, and the pump assembly can be bought and replaced easily; as the motor will by far outlast the pump.
I use mine every year and then rent it to friends for a week at a time for a small fee to cover the pump when it starts going out.
TLDR- Spend 400 once rather than 200 twice or more.
You would need to profit somewhere around $13/gallon for it to be worthwhile. Gasonly lasts about three to six months when properly stored, so this is a very dumb idea. A 5 gallon tank costs $47, so you need $12/gallon to break even.
Got it from Amazon. Saw a guy in YouTube who has a bunch of good pressure washing videos and he has this one too. His use case at home is pretty much the same as mine so I went for it. I picked mine up for $379.00 at $20 off right now. Link: Simpson Cleaning MSH3125 MegaShot Gas Pressure Washer Powered by Honda GC190, 3200 PSI at 2.5 GPM, black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004MXKUCY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_ODr8FbK98MD3R?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks for the feedback! I actually ended up going with this 3200 PSI 2.5 GPM Simpson. Saw lots a greet reviews on it and it looks like it packs enough of a lunch for my use. Definitely going to grab a turbo nozzle, and also looking to grab a driveway cleaning attachment. I’ll have to see if I can track down non-ethanol gas.
I got a SnowJoe off Amazon. It was $60 but it’s made specifically for ash. It has a glass cloth pre-filter and a strong motor. It’s a bit pricier than some of the other options but it seems to be made of really high quality parts and worked great.
>Congratulations to you! I got a white one in the spring, really like it. It got faster as it broke in. I'm sure you'll love it. Yes to the gas can, I got this one, which seems ok: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000W72GBC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
>I put a box on the back which installs real easy, because you can pry off the little black cover on the back handrail and mount directly to that. Don't have to buy a rack.
>Have fun, be careful, and wear a helmet.
I have 5 of these and they'll last forever. They're made in the U.S. and have been in production for a long time. I saw someone do a comparison video between a new one and one from the 70's or 80's and the older one was still in great shape. They meet pretty much every single regulation UL, ULC OSHA, CARB, etc.
I have the cans sitting on a piece of cardboard so they're not on a concrete slab, that's really the only storage recommendation I'd make about metal cans.
It’s normal. Anytime I go into our shed, ours does the same thing. I release the pressure but I don’t think it’s necessary. You can get a metal Jerry can if it worries you since those won’t swell. I hear great things about this one.
I buy the metal Eagle Safety Cans now. I filled one up to the brim with gas, put it on the back seat of a car, and drove it 20 minutes home and there was zero gas smell or spillage in the car. They're really easy to pour, have a large opening, and come with a special funnel that clips on to the spout (it still seals with the funnel attached).
$35 for a five gallon can on Amazon, but I buy them at Lowe's and price match down from $50.
I only buy those metal cans with the funnel attached (I think eagle makes them) they're expensive but save so much frustration.
Edit: these. actually not a bad price, the last time I bought one it was like $55
Bought one of these a few years ago, great for yard equipment and the like but a total pain if you want to put gas in a car without another funnel. Anyways it's a little cheaper on Amazon:
Eagle UI-50-FS Red Galvanized Steel Type I Gasoline Safety Can with Funnel, 5 gallon Capacity, 13.5" Height, 12.5" Diameter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00004Y75M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_LSa6Cb6J7PRR3.