I do. I bring a little Rite in the Rain notebook like this one and a Fisher Bullet pen pretty much everywhere I go, including camping.
Just redid the math its $8, 190/24 is 190/24=7.91666666667, and I'm not trying to make a profit I just want people to get cheap engineering books and make sure I don't have 24 of them. On Amazon engineering pads are around $14-15 so around %50 of normal price I thought is cool. I'll edit the post.
The blank leuchtturm comes with a guide sheet (lined on side, grid on the other). I didn't think I needed a index until I had it, now I love it.
You could also try these, https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Classic-Notebook-Large-Squared/dp/B01DN8TB5U/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1474260253&sr=8-3&keywords=Amazon%2BBasic%2Bnotebook&th=1 to start out
The whole cover does seem too bulky to me, but I like keeping things as simple as possible. Do you feel like the elastic band is in a strange place? To me it just does not make sense, it seems difficult to open and close. It seems like a very nicely made product, but just not the most practical and useful in all aspects. It does not seem like there is one right product on the market however.
He wound up one on Amazon for less than $20 just to kind of see what he does and does not want in a cover before spending more on a nice leather one, and so far really likes his cheap one! It just came yesterday however, so he may change his mind.
Sort of. I keep a pocket-sized Rite-in-the-Rain notebook in my cargo pants pocket. I use it to record my hours worked for each park, which I can later use to report my volunteer hours back. When visiting other parks, I use it to get the visitor stamps or stickers. I record the number of Bluebird eggs or hatchlings when I inspect nesting boxes. I keep all the radio callsigns and phone numbers for Important People like the park rangers and maintenance staff. I record measurements and dimensions for projects.
What I don't do is a lot of actual journalling. I tried. I really tried. But I find hand-writing things to be painfully slow and often illegible when I got done. (The nuns gave me grades of D for handwriting and it never got better.) And my drawing skills have never advanced beyond stick figures. And not even good stick figures. I found that my cellphone camera is a much better choice for recording memories. And if I want to remember anything else, it waits until I get home and can type it into Evernote. Which has become my repository of All Things That I Should Know and Remember.
I've just switched to stitching my own journals but before that I usually bought this Amazon Basics journal. Good quality, has a back pocket, good paper, sturdy and ink doesn't bleed through pages.
I was also gifted this set of 3 notebooks. They're smaller and cuter but the paper quality and durability is veryyy good too.
It's this: TOPS Engineering Computation Pad, 8-1/2" x 11", Glue Top, 5 x 5 Graph Rule on Back, Green Tint Paper, 3-Hole Punched, 200 Sheets (35502) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001E6BXM8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_26PQJZNNV061BN15CSHA
It's great.
A proper lab notebook. This was the one I bought but double check which one they want you to use in the syllabus
For those looking for this product, it appears to be called OrgoNote Classic and can be found on Amazon for $18.95. In fact, this is one of the product images. It's also got half of the periodic table inside each cover.
I have a new carbon copy one from amazon. only thing it is not spiral. I ordered it not knowing if my shop red order would be fulfilled in time, so I have two now. This is the link to see its details: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1930882009/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
https://www.amazon.com/Student-Lab-Notebook-Carbonless-Duplicate/dp/1930882009/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1515701508&sr=8-3&keywords=carbon+copy+lab+notebook or a version of this is what I used. MUCH higher quality, half of the price, and it will last through Chem 1N and the Ochem labs. The carbon papers are white instead of blue and the perforations actually work rather than the ones in the bookstore. It is required because you have to submit the carbon copies as your lab report
My mom was feeling down about herself so for Christmas I got her this and filled it out with the things I love about her.
I use this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BBNNYGW/ref=s9_acsd_hps_bw_c_x_7_w
and I could actually hold 2 notebooks in it, so currently I have my old one and my new one held tgt.. its bulky but i get to draw in my new one whenever i feel inspired. and migration takes forever right? lol..
These Mini Pantone Notebooks have really teeny dot grids inside of them. I've seen them in person at Urban Outfitters if you've got one close by, but the price is better on Amazon.
Edits because I can't type when I'm sleepy.