Yeah. Get on this right away. Check out the book on Amazon called "Before You Open the Door." It hasn't a great section on what to do if a loved one starts getting targeted by JWs.
Congratulations! Step down and Fade if you can, then hopefully the elders will not try to get you to stay or question your motives. Bonnie Zieman exjw who is a psychotherapist wrote some books:
It's probably the series that this subreddit would have the most fun reading. From Hell with Love is the first one, and it's permafree for kindle.
I haven't had any feedback on the new version, yet, so I'd appreciate it if you wanted to take a look. I actually had a reader tell me that they started the free sample and then stopped reading Sanderson so they could finish out that series (and the other trilogy, too). Not gonna lie, that was a good day.
I was raised in a High Demand religion some call a cult. I have studied cult mind control techniques and Bill Maher is right in making a comparison here.
Some will hold on to belief no matter how much evidence is presented. Something has to "break their shelf" for them to wake up.
Steven Hassan's books might help.
I'd suggest making a post on /r/exjw and possibly /r/exmormon. The people there will be familiar with this and give you advice to get him out of it.
I saw this posted in this thread so I'll paste it here for you:
>Yeah. Get on this right away. Check out the book on Amazon called "Before You Open the Door." It hasn't a great section on what to do if a loved one starts getting targeted by JWs.
You put the wrong link.
The fifth edition of the book can be found here and isn't available on hard cover through amazon yet.
>I would read that.
By all means, please do!
This book was recommended by someone here a while ago. I've nearly finished it, it's pretty good at explaining the stages of grief and loss one experiences exiting the cult, what one can expect, and helpful strategies in dealing with it all. The author is a practicing psychologist who just happens to be an exjw, she's been out for around 30 years I think. It's only $5 and change for the kindle version, well worth a read.
I wish you well in your recovery, and in raising your child as a free spirit.
Books, documents and insiders but here’s a good place to start to put things into perspective.
This books is about them and how they rose into power after the fall of Atlantis and how they used money to enslave the world.
Henry Mackow has some good books too.
adding toni natalie’s book The Program to this
The Program: Inside the Mind of Keith Raniere and the Rise and Fall of NXIVM
thanks for outing yourself
You do know that TST has rituals that they deliberately copied from the CoS, who they deride as dead, right?
you're really bad at this
It depends on the person, in Satanism individualism is an important part, so it's normal for people to have their own customized/personalized rituals, and it's perfectly okay if some people don't partake.
While there do exist "official" rituals, some of which can be found here the full book here
But it's perfectly normal for people to make their own or adapt certain aspects of many into something that relates to them.
For example, I try to journal as close to daily as possible, I also occasionally do my own personal tarrot readings. Rituals can be such a personalized thing that it is difficult to give you an answer.
It can be something simple, or something elaborate. Ultimately it depends in the individual
Hey there! This is a really great book about someone else's experiences as a Mormon. She is a lawyer, so she essentially puts the Church on "trial" and it's really interesting to see the conclusion she reaches. A bit biased, but well researched and gives you enough info to make your own decisions. Good luck!
Amazon Kindle - Crisis of Conscience: The story of the struggle between loyalty to God and loyalty to one’s religion. (English Edition)
nope, this book of Rituals is by TST Member Shiva Honey
TST is only Atheistic as of recently. they began professing a belief in, and worship of a literal Satan
Though the rituals Sgiva Honey uses are psychodrama, they focus strictly on compassion, versus the full range of emotions
Worth noting that despite this, TST's "reference Guide" tries to claim the Cos practices "magick"(which the CoS sees as psychodrama) yet another case of ripping off the CoS on one hand, while being dismissive with the other
In short, do better research
Does he read books?
See if you can source this:
The Book is called "The Exoneration of Emma, Joseph, and Hyrum" by Ronald Meldon Karren. It can be found here or here
I own and have read the physical copy. I don't recall enough of the theory off the top of my head to give you an accurate explanation, I can get back to you on that tomorrow. It is late here. I'll still be on for awhile, but don't feel like dragging down and rifiling through the book at the moment.
> i'm genuinely not trolling.
seemed like it might be when you accuse me of not giving the name of the response to a comment where i give the name of the book in literally the same sentence where i even referenced a book, and accuse me of belonging to a cult...then accuse me of trolling and reffering you to a footnote elsewhere in the thread, when i really just reffered you to the very comment you responded to that you seemingly just not read very well.
but, alright then.
> are you trans?
Yes, I am trans. although, John was never actually my name. was just an alias I went by long ago, and no longer even identify with, but alas Reddit does not allow one to change their name
The plan has to be revealed to the masses. It’s part of the deal. How it’s revealed doesn’t matter. So it’s hidden in plain sight, under your nose, sticking their tongue 👅 out at the world 🌎. It’s in the movies, the tv shows, the awards shows are big for this. The afore mentioned Super Bowl half time show. Predictive programming is the name of the game. Oh and if you do decide to mention it outside of forums like this and now even in these groups you are labeled a quack. You are laughed at and made fun of by the mainstream sheepeople and goat 🐐 hearders.
Google Saturn 🪐 Death Cult and enjoy 😉 or check out dudes book 📖
This book will effectively destroy the cult indocrination:
It's written by a former leader of this cult who left and exposed all the nasty facts about this cult to the public.
I hate self-promoting these days, but I actually think you'll enjoy From Hell with Love. It's the first title in my apocalyptic trilogy and it's a mix of Darksiders and Assassin's Creed, even down to a split narrative where half of it takes place in medieval Florence. The other half is set in Hell and all about stopping an assassin from killing the Devil, which is where most of the fantasy elements come in.
You'll have to wait until we publish my next four before I have anything contemporary to tie into it, but at least three of them should be out by the end of the year.
If you're interested in ritual, I have my book The Devil's Tome in ebook form, which is fairly inexpensive:
I also have a bunch of free rituals and resources on my site:
Many people here speak openly about the cult of Trump. In fact, there is a book about it by a noted cult expert: The Cult of Trump by Steven Hassan.
Other democracies are working more proactively to protect their populations from foreign and/or malign actors on social media who are engaging in coordinated campaigns to pit civilians against each other and undermine democracy. Law enforcement and cyber defense efforts here have been hamstrung these past 4 years, because the Trump Administration perceived these activities to be a benefit to him, and he has used the power of the Presidency to limit, defund, and redirect our national defense to other priorities (specifically Black Lives Matter). I expect to see this change, and change dramatically, in a Biden Administration.
I guess it all started because people fell for Keith's charisma and lies. Then it probably worked for some people, much like a placebo. Since ESP training was expensive you probably decided to do it only if you were already half sold on it. Then it probably snowballed from there as people saw others that thought it worked for them etc.
The whole program was designed to brainwash you and even make you block your own doubts regarding Nxivm. For example, they started the program asking you to create a list of of professions that used uniforms so that you would accept the color sashes. Then they asked you to create a list of figures of authority that had a special title so that you would accept Vanguard and Prefect titles. Etc.
I'm reading The Program and it has a lot of details on all that.
His base has been called a cult by a well known cult expert. Their ability to think critically is being intentionally compromised.
Hey, Brendan, wanted to say right away that the Doomstar Requiem was one of the best things I’ve ever experienced, and, personally, makes you one of the Greats by itself. From the music to the climax of the Metalocalypse universe, I was enthralled during my first viewing and only listened to the album for weeks afterwards. I’ve been watching your stuff since Home Movies, and I’ve been looking forward to Galaktikon II ever since I heard about it. After listening to it all morning, I’m definitely pleased with the next direction.
All prostration aside, I have a couple questions for you. Since Metalocalypse couldn’t really finish like you wanted, I’m sure you have a bunch of ideas that you had to give up on. Is there any plotline from that universe you’d ever resurrect somewhere else? For example, if you could, would you want to do make a Galaktikon project in the style of Metalocalypse(or something more serious), or has the experience with Adult Swim kinda ruined that? As a writer, I can’t imagine how much it would hurt to leave something as massive as Metalocalypse “unfinished.”
My second big question is whether or not you would be interested in scoring a movie/series that isn’t completely yours? I would love to hear your material anywhere, but since Dethklok was a big contributor to my writing playlist for my Horseman of the Apocalypse trilogy, it’s hard to imagine some of my scenes without your music in the background. It’s a pipe dream, but when I eventually get these books on a screen, I know exactly who I’d want to turn to for the score.
Thanks, I know this post was way too long, but I’m a big fan and couldn’t help it.
An American Fraud. One Lawyer's Case against Mormonism By Kay Burningham.
The first part tells of the Author's life in relation to Morminism, the second is an in depth look at Joseph Smith's life and Utah when it was not a state.