Because these things have been spotted and recorded since at least the 1900s. Furthermore, you have a nasa scientist who wrote a book on the phenomenon
To the best of my knowledge, Bigelow has never released the complete NIDS findings (report) nor has he stated why he hasn't released it. I suspect some of it may fall under DoD "classified" as that was where he received the initial funding.
You should watch the entire interview (not just the Skinwalker portion), he explains quite a bit of the start and how he got there.
Also, if you've never read it the "Hunt For the Skinwalker" book by Knapp is the book that started it all and is worth a read.
> Either Bigfoot exists or it does not.
True, but what Bigfoot is is open to some acrimonious disagreement. I read both vols of Where the Footprints End, by Cutchin and Renner. That Bigfoot is a Big Hairy Ape, a big-ass mammal secretly living in the Pacific Northwest (or wherever) is one hypothesis, but only one. Other 'sightings' verge more into the paranormal.
I'm not a believer, in that I don't think Bigfoot, as an organism, is out there walking around. It doesn't work, calorically. Big-ass apes need to eat. He's going to hunt, or farm, and both leave traces. You'd eventually find a skeleton. For me it's folklore in the making, related to our need to preserve the enchantment and wonder of nature. So though I'm not a believer, I don't find the stories precisely stupid. Folklore has its own value and weight, quite apart from literal truth.
(all just my opinion, so ignore as you see fit)
This might be the book you're looking for:
"Book of Alien Race: Secret Russian KGB Book of Alien Species (Blue Planet Project)" [Print Replica] Kindle Edition
by Gil Carlson\_1\_5?crid=34IDPWLBTX849&keywords=alien+races+book&qid=1665123943&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIyLjg2IiwicXNhIjoiMi4xOCIsInFzcCI6IjEuODYifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=alien+races...
It's a pretty overlapping pattern of circles.
If you want the Ancient Aliens explanation you can read this book:
It's by all accounts the first time someone started calling the pattern the "Flower of Life."
Here’s a link to it on Amazon if you have kindle you can download it and read it. It covers a great deal and is co authored by one of the scientists who worked there Dr Colm Kelleher and worked for Biggelow on the ranch.
Here's the totally legit looking book in question
You know you've found some genuine KGB leaked secrets when you can pick it up on Amazon for $2.99...
The video uses Hemi Sync in the title. It could be a knockoff using the name but HemiSync was a binaural beats series of cassettes and CDs produced by a dude named Robert Monroe in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. They were designed to induce out of body experiences, or to put it another way they were designed to induce DMT-like experiences and put the user into a hypnagogic state between being fully awake and fully asleep not unlike sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis can induce DMT-like visuals without binaural beats or drugs. The most intense psychedelic visual experiences of my life have come not from smoking DMT or meditating but sleep paralysis. One event even featured the tell-tale 'carrier wave' that DMT smokers hear before breaking through.
)) just google word "Merkaba", in particular this book. Ever heard about sacred geometry? I make art objects inspired by it.
)) just google word "Merkaba", in particular this book. Ever heard about sacred geometry? I make art objects inspired by it.
Not a documentary, but the book that started it all was "Hunt for the Skinwalker"
If you've never read it, it's worth the time.
Around 2012 i read the books "the ancient secret of the flower of life" by Drunvalo Melchizedek (amazon link) which i found crazy interesting and very thorough!
Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah
by Simon and Schuster Digital Sales Inc:
"I think Bigfoot is blurry. That's the problem. And that's extra scary to me. Because there's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside." - Mitch Hedberg
I've been trying to find sources that link these phenomenon together, and the only two I've found are:
Thought of another one today, it's a fairly quick (and cheap) and interesting read. they talked about it sometime last year.
Hey! Super cool to hear that you want to read our book :D Unfortunately, the free offer was only before the real book was published to get early reviews on Amazon. The book is for sale now: but the good news is that it's only $2.95 on kindle!
The book goes deep into the mysteries of sacred geometry, explaining the knowledge ancient civilizations had of it, and informing the reader how to incorporate it into our lives. Check it out on Amazon, the description/reviews there can be helpful. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the topic.
Yeah get his first one, called Journey's out of the body. He wrote three of them, they are interesting. The first one starts with his experimentation going out of body and how it started happening to him.
There's a whole book on it.
The beings specifically on Earth are the Oranges (miners, underground), Angels (extradimensional, assists humans in need), Elementals (extradimensional, responsible for Akashic Records, fulfills human wishes), and some others that are more closer to humans.
They're actually pretty cool. They're not dumb though. They know of humanity's weaknesses, hypocrisies. So while they're sympathetic, it's really up to humans to solve human problems.
I'm circling back around to let you know of a book I'm reading right now. It was written by a NASA scientist who witnessed a UAP. He was not allowed to even mention the incident because the official line of NASA is to deny that UFOs exist and his employment was dependent on following the policy.
What I love about this book is that it is a scientific analysis from an actual rocket scientist's engineering viewpoint. The other part I like is that he looks for the similarities in events and then uses known physics to explain much of the characteristics of a UAP.
It's a technical but good read for those looking for a scientific/engineering viewpoint:
I guess you'd have to do it the old fashioned way and buy it ;). Or maybe it's in a library in your vicinity somewhere.. But you can read an excerpt on amazon
Let's feed that AI system all the info from Paul Hill's studies and any similar ones, too: