Don't just focus on the investing side, focus on your overall financial situation. This includes your investments, but it also includes how you handle your short term savings, plan for trips, use credit cards, negotiate for raises, etc.
To that end, I highly recommend to the book "I Will Teach You To Be Rich" by Ramit Sethi. Ignore the silly title, it's not a get rich quick scheme--it is all about how to get your financial life in order so that you feel "rich" even if you are really just graduating from college and starting your first job.
His advice on investing is going to be similar to what most people here suggest: Index funds, keep adding money over time, rebalance every once and a while but don't sweat the market swings or try to play the market daily. But he's going to give you a lot more instruction on how to automate the rest of your finances and get to a place where you are comfortable.
Unlike many other general personal finance books, he's never going to tell you to be cheap or to go without buying things you really want. He'd rather help you optimize your savings and get a better job than try to fund your retirement by never buying Starbucks.
Maybe these vicious, thoughtless vandals used that extremely hazardous, environmetally-toxic substance known as FUN TAK. When this material is used to adhere objects to other objects, it's been known to require TWO FINGERS to separate those objects.
Read I Will Teach you To Be Rich next. It walks you thru starting from scratch.
Basically any craft store, from what I've experienced. If you look up micron pens on amazon you are sure to find em, here is a link: Happy inking ��
Seriously guys, this stuff is really cheap and you can get them at any home improvement, decor or office supply store. They look and hold great.
Edit: All right, all I can say is I've been using this stuff with posters and picture frames for years without it falling, and it's been holding up my camera for a couple of months now with no movement. It's just putty, not like I'm trying to convert you to another religion.
Lol, not intending to insult, wasn't sure if you were outlining with Micronpens or not, they are good for outlining and are pretty common found in crafts stores. Can outline thinly or thick depending on size.
There are a lot of free digital programs like GIMP that make coloring a breeze and can save on buying those expensive art supplies. Plus a lot of artists do most of their work digitally now/jumped into it. If you're still young and have time to learn, I recommend learning a bit about them. Start to draw a picture by hand, scan it in, color it and finish it digitally.
For context:
> They're lockboxes. If you know the combination you can open it and get a key out for a unit. Realtors use them when they've got open units to let prospective renters in, and I guess AirBnB hosts are doing the same thing now. It's not uncommon to see one or two outside an apartment building, but this is just...unbelievable.
Thanks to /u/robertbieber for the explanation. Here's an Amazon link to better illustrate what those things are.
Imho, I don't think you need to waste your tuition money on a semester long class to learn personal finance. There are tons of books, videos, and forums you can access that teach you all the basics and more. You just need to do a little research. My favorite book on the topic is <em>I will teach you to be rich</em>. It's straightforward, easy to understand, and doesn't bullshit. It's a good place to start.
Ramit Sethi's "I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition"
r/personalfinance is also a great start, too. Their Wiki has a lot of basic information on finances.
Not OP but I’m assuming It’s the putty stuff you stick posters up with - “blue/blu tack” is the branded Aussie nomenclature (think Kleenex for facial tissue).
Next, get a lock box like this. You can lock all sorts of keys in it! Use it for keys to handcuffs, a locking gag, whatever. He can lock things on you, go to work, and then text you the lock box code when he gets to work or whenever he feels like it.
Yeah it's a extra step and every second counts, but it's about as quick as opening a drawer. If it makes you feel any better, you can blame the piles of shit in people suits who let their kids blow their brains out. That's what I do.
I get paranoid about this as well specially when I want to go for a long swim at like La Jolla Cove or something so what I did is buy a real estate lock box for like $20 off amazon. I leave all my valuables in the car and only bring what I need (towel goggles) and then lock my key in the box and attach to my wheel or trailer hitch.
Here is a link to the lock box I purchased:
I put one of these critters on my mom's door after dad died in case EMS needed to get in. (Took a few adventures with the fire department to get her to move into assisted living.) The code can be changed as needed.
Thanks for the kind words! I also like how well it fits. I measured the wall-span at 96" and I think the ~~countertop~~desk top came in at like 90" or so.
EDIT: countertop is 98" and the space was 106".
The monitor mounts are these ones from Amazon and I highly recommend them.
I picked This GunVault up from Amazon. I wanted something that was easy for me to get to and wasn't something my kid was going to get into. It has a keylock as backup incase the battery goes dead.
> When someone goes super hard on a single thing someone said during a 7-8 hour stream that is part of 5 7-8 hour streams that they put on 5 days a week every week, during a week when
you say this like it was a handful of words and no big deal, but the claim was that illegal, shady things are happening, and that's dynamite. he purports to be an expert, why is it unreasonable to expect him to be able to expand on this claim? this is what people wanted to know about.
and its not just that he got so fucking mad about this, his instinct was to assert instant narrative control - "i should have known, you're doing the destiny thing, you're trying to trap me, i guess you're just being an asshole to get a clip", and on and on and on.
these are things that set off alarm bells for me when i encounter them personally, but that's just me.
>Also 95% of zoomers dont read. Its a good thing that there are other ways for them to get this info.
yeah, for just 75 cents a day you can learn why you should buy a used car instead of a new car and invest in a 401k. guys, read a fucking book. don't waste 8 hours a day on this dumb shit, one and done this and move on with your life and probably get more out of it than you're getting from a twitch streamer who apparently feeds his audience a conspiracy theory because talking about boring ass shit like implied volatility isn't getting the clicks.
Forgot your other question! It’s actually sticky tack like from the office supply section that would be for putting up posters and such. Loctite Fun-Tak Mounting Putty 2-Ounce (1087306) I use it to stick minis to pop bottles so I can spray paint them to prime them.
I use a realtor lockbox for this. Keys go in the box, box has a combo, box is attached to the door knob. Works well for us.
Something like this:
Museum Putty is the correct answer if you don't want to glue it. It's easy to find, just search on amazon (or wherever.)
I'm using a VIVO mount that's designed to hold heavier PCs. It's mounted squarely, and to hold it solid I screwed it in through 1.5" of solid wood on the bottom of the desk and .75" solid wood on top. It's holding very firm, no tilt or lean to it, and bearing the 30 lbs of my pc pretty easily.
>I would like to try making novels. What paper would I use for that?
Can't really go wrong with regular printer paper. But if you want to splurge, you can always try the HP Premium 32lb paper. Fair warning, it is pretty thick, so if you're printing a lot of pages, a book press is absolutely needed to reduce swell and you'll have to learn how to back the spine. Otherwise, the 28lb paper should fit your needs.
>Is there an extra benefit with the nipping press? They are more expensive then the laying presses.
You could consider making your own! At the end of the day, the nipping/book press is meant to apply lots of pressure to the textblock, so you can improvise with some C clamps and wooden boards lying around. As for me, I went to Home Depot to grab a sheet of plywood, cut it into 12x12in squares, drilled some holes near the corner of the boards, and ran some fasteners and wing nuts through to make a few book presses. I did the same for the finishing press, but cut them into 6x12in rectangles to make them easier to move around.
As for the extra benefits, if you follow my method, you could conceivably just make a laying press big enough to also work as a nipping press. At any rate, it's far cheaper to make it yourself instead of buying it commercially.
It can be a good thing, but it's a more reliable thing to just get one of those realtor boxes.
The last time I locked myself out, everyone I'd given my key to was at work or out of town in December. After I finally got in and defrosted, I bought one of these.
Last week, I was leaving a Doctor's Appointment, and I dropped my car keys (new of those ones that just need the key close to turn on/off) in one of the crevices of the car. Black interior, black fob, new ways of moving seats, blind panic...I didn't find them until the next day. But when I got home, I was still able to get into the house (and get the second fob to lock the car with!) with no problem.
Lastly, if I'm out of town and there's an major emergency, any one of my neighbors can text me for the code and get in if they need to or I can text them and ask that they go in and get the cats, but I'm not giving out keys and access willy-nilly.
Did you know Amazon will donate a portion of every purchase if you shop by going to instead? Over $50,000,000 has been raised for charity - all you need to do is change the URL!
Here are your smile-ified links:
^^i'm ^^a ^^friendly&nbsp;bot
I can speak from experience. It is great for fountain pens, and it looks like it has a $2 coupon right now on Amazon.
Here is me using Emerald of Chivor on it (was originally for my friend Sunnie, just in case you get confused why it says Sunnie on it).
Realtor lock-box hanging from your car somewhere... or hanging in a safe spot near by.
Master Lock 5400D Set Your Own Combination Portable Lock Box, 5 Key Capacity, Black
I used micron pens, I'll try adding a link below. They don't bleed at all on canvas and the black is more true than a sharpie. I would recommend!! Plus they go down to a .005 tip size, which is great for detail.
Sakura Pigma 30062 Micron Blister Card Ink Pen Set, Black, Ass't Point Sizes 6CT Set
The lockbox typically attaches to something that makes it very difficult to break. A lot of apartment buildings have places for this sort of thing. I've attached them to railings, window bars, pipes etc. without issue.
FWIW I lived in a preeetty high crime area, you definitely could not leave amazon packages unattended for example, and nobody ever stole or broke into the lockbox. My bike was stolen (thank god for renters insurance), patio furniture was stolen, many delivered boxes etc. but never the lockbox.
Not knowing what type of art you are creating, I can only guess that you may be seeing others using something more pen-like. For example, look at Pigma Micron pens. They're very popular with artists.
You can attach the speakers to the stands using Blu Tack. Roll a small amount of the blue putty for each corner of the stand (maybe a 1/4 inch diameter ball). Position the speaker over the stand and press down to flatten the putty ball. That will hold the speaker on very well.
Yes, steel stands are hollow, oftentimes with just a narrow opening at top. I fill mine (through a funnel) about 2/3 full to keep a lower center of gravity. Some stands have holes toward the bottom back of the stand to hide speaker wire inside the hollow tube, so in that case you will need to tape the hole shut. I'd check out Monoprice for decent stands for decent prices.