read this
it gives examples of people doing this. when the attacker is used to and expecting scared people who don't want any trouble, and he gets someone who has practice drawing and shooting, he's at a huge disadvantage. also even if he's pointing a gun at you, unless he's ready for it, he probably won't have the reaction speed to comprehend what's happening until after you've shot him.
at least according to jeff cooper, who i tend to trust in this regard.
This is the first I've heard of this term, but I'll do a quick look into it.
UPDATE: Supposedly, if this is any indication, it's some religious thing or something.
By far the most useful pre-med resource I have read is this ebook on Amazon. It is written by an RN who went to med school (just like you!) and is a MUST READ! Medical School: Little Known Secrets to Getting In by Dr. Adrian Aaron. I learned some tactics to getting in to med school that I would have never thought of. It definitely helped me get in! Here's the link:
There are still many private school jobs in south korea. The public school sector is slowing down and shrinking. However, for someone that is just doing a gap year teaching abroad, I would definitely recommend going to a private teaching institution, a "hagwon."
You don't really need to learn to be a great teacher at these places. The curriculum is set and everything is a step-by-step procedure that has already been worked out by the school.
Other jobs require much more acquisition of teaching skills and learning how to find and use the right activities, etc.
I actually helped my friend edit a book that she wrote about how to get a job teaching ESL. This book is available on amazon and may be useful for you.
Here's a link if you want to check it out.
Last day free (normally 2.99):
'Useless Sayings' is a collection of meaningless maxims, discouraging dictums, and pernicious proverbs.
*Title: Useless Sayings
*Genre: Humor, Quotations
*Word count: a few billion
*Type of feedback desired: general impression
*A link to the story: (last day free)
Thanks so much, man! I had originally transcribed the first 30 wake 'n breaks for volume 1 in what was going to be a monthly installment of instructional e-books. It's still available here, but I decided to scrap the idea of monthly releases and compile a book with a few hundred of my favorite wake 'n break grooves. I've already begun the transcriptions and explanations, so hopefully the book will be ready sometime this summer.
Thanks again for the love and support, my friend!
I'm actually in the middle of transcribing the series for an instructional book that should be ready late spring or early summer. I originally released Wake 'N Break Vol. 1 which breaks down grooves 1-30, but I've decided to put everything together instead of continue on with multiple volumes.
I'm actually in the middle of breaking down all of the grooves in the series for an instructional book which will have in depth explanations, notations, and links to each groove. You can get an idea of what it will be like by checking out the free sample of Vol. 1 in the Wake 'N Break Instructional E-Book Series. Originally, I was going to release monthly or bimonthly volumes with thirty grooves in each, but I've since decided to put everything into one huge book of grooves. It should be ready in a few months, anytime between the spring and early summer. Also, you can find ten instructional videos breaking down grooves in the Return of the Groove video series.
<em>The Elements of Style</em> is very approachable with lots of examples. Getting good at reading closely takes time but it's a skill that can be learned.
Definitely! I have lots of subscribers from of Australia that have found this book useful! This is the link
I'm afraid I don't. I'm going to choose all of my favorites as well as other people's favorites and compile them into a book in a couple of months, which should be ready around January. If you're interested, there is already a short Wake 'N Break ebook out, which notates the first thirty grooves in the wake 'n break series and includes live links to the videos. You can preview it and/or purchase it here.