I mean, that's old news by Tingle standards. How about "Not Pounded By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Non-Fungible Tingler That Is Literally This NFT" Because Of The Current Catastrophic Environmental And Ethical Impact"
As a huge fan I'm super excited. I even released my own book of illustrated scary stories in the same spirit called Crappy Shorts to Make You Crap Your Shorts.
Something to keep in mind, the amount of "blood" used on this cover made it invalid for the marketing on Amazon. So keep that in mind for your own covers.
Here's the link to it: https://www.amazon.com/Crappy-Shorts-Make-Crap-Your-ebook/dp/B00GXY5NCM
Sorry for the late reply, but here is a link to my first book on amazon UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07BRDFQ4V
and here it is for amazon US https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BRDFQ4V
I think this post is sufficiently dead enough to not count as self promotion.
It's only a short story, and there aren't many elements of steampunk as I described, but the seeds are there.
I just discovered those! This SFW one delights me.
There is always this classic to sweeten the deal!
SCREEN, a short story I wrote what feels like 46 years ago when I still challenged myself to write. It's about what happens when the addiction to screens and the feeling we get from them goes too far. It's time for me to write again. Until then, please enjoy this short story, and I welcome reviews!
SCREEN, a short story I wrote what feels like 46 years ago when I still challenged myself to write. It's about what happens when the addiction to screens and the feeling we get from them goes too far. It's time for me to write again. Until then, please enjoy this short story, and I welcome reviews!
SCREEN. Which world do you choose? Short story thriller free through 1/20 on Kindle:
In the not too distant future, a technological phenomenon known simply as “the screen” has taken its place at the forefront of society. Allowing much of life to be lived in a virtual environment, the screen has essentially sent much of daily life in the physical realm the way of the dodo. People are adapting quite well, actually, never mind the increasing prevalence of a mysterious neurological disease.
Misha is one of the rare few who misses the old days when people actually interacted with each other in the real world. Forced to conform to a culture borne out of the modern technology, she struggles to maintain a grip on her own sense of self as well as her physical health. When a series of events lead her closer than she’d ever imagined to the heart of the screen’s true nature, Misha finds herself face to face with an important question, the answer to which her very survival may depend upon.
I'm more of a Chuck Tingle fan myself.
When Montan learns that his local comic shop is holding a tournament for one of his favorite, old-school videogames, he desperately wants to go. Unfortunately, tickets have been sold out for a while, but when a fedora-wearing dinosaur named Prenko overhears Montan’s dilemma, he offers an extra ticket.
Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^performed ^^^automatically.
To anyone from Canada or anywhere that's not in the sales range, you can get book 2 (the writing prompts) kindle version for $1.32CAD or $0.00 (kindle unlimited).
SCREEN. It can't come any closer, can it? Or can it? Free October 24-28.
In the not too distant future, a technological phenomenon known simply as “the screen” has taken its place at the forefront of society. Allowing much of life to be lived in a virtual environment, the screen has essentially sent much of daily life in the physical realm the way of the dodo. People are adapting quite well, actually, never mind the increasing prevalence of a mysterious neurological disease.
Misha is one of the rare few who misses the old days when people actually interacted with each other in the real world. Forced to conform to a culture borne out of the modern technology, she struggles to maintain a grip on her own sense of self as well as her physical health. When a series of events lead her closer than she’d ever imagined to the heart of the screen’s true nature, Misha finds herself face to face with an important question, the answer to which her very survival may depend upon.
SCREEN. Which world will you choose? Free Kindle today.
In the not too distant future, a technological phenomenon known simply as “the screen” has taken its place at the forefront of society. Allowing much of life to be lived in a virtual environment, the screen has essentially sent much of daily life in the physical realm the way of the dodo. People are adapting quite well, actually, never mind the increasing prevalence of a mysterious neurological disease.
Misha is one of the rare few who misses the old days when people actually interacted with each other in the real world. Forced to conform to a culture borne out of the modern technology, she struggles to maintain a grip on her own sense of self as well as her physical health. When a series of events lead her closer than she’d ever imagined to the heart of the screen’s true nature, Misha finds herself face to face with an important question, the answer to which her very survival may depend upon.
SCREEN. It can't come any closer, can it? Or can it? Free October 24-28.
In the not too distant future, a technological phenomenon known simply as “the screen” has taken its place at the forefront of society. Allowing much of life to be lived in a virtual environment, the screen has essentially sent much of daily life in the physical realm the way of the dodo. People are adapting quite well, actually, never mind the increasing prevalence of a mysterious neurological disease.
Misha is one of the rare few who misses the old days when people actually interacted with each other in the real world. Forced to conform to a culture borne out of the modern technology, she struggles to maintain a grip on her own sense of self as well as her physical health. When a series of events lead her closer than she’d ever imagined to the heart of the screen’s true nature, Misha finds herself face to face with an important question, the answer to which her very survival may depend upon.
The Martian Engineer's Notebook, Volume 1
Free 1/12 & 1/13 >The Martian Engineer's Notebook is a scientific supplement and critique of The Martian by Andy Weir. It contains explanations of scientific concepts and detailed solutions to problems related to the challenges of Mark Watney's ordeal on Mars. Should he have survived? What did he get right? What did he get wrong? What did he get wrong, but it didn't matter?
Hello My first short story is now available on kindle for the small sum of £1.00 (it'd be less if amazon would let me) apologies to other currencies, but it is available on Kindle unlimited.
It's the story of Tom, a young and disillusioned soldier with minimal training who must survive a stormy night as war comes to the small town his unit was sent to garrison.
It's set in a world similar to our own but with a technology closer to the first world war era. I hope to make it into a series and as the war unfolds the past is revealed.
Not convinced, then see what an Amazon top 100 reviewer has to say about it:
>the skill with which the story itself was handled was quite remarkable. The nervousness of a soldier who wasn't expecting to see combat, who shouldn't have been there, and yet found himself in the company of so many others as untried and terrified as he was. The emotion was unspeakably accurate. The fear and confusion, the shaking hands, and fumbled attempts to use a weapon that was unfamiliar. The frozen thoughts, and disbelief of shooting at another human.
Thanks and look out for the next installment soon.
You can throw them together in a collection, and sell it on Amazon.
I got my first 10,000 downloads pretty quickly because each story was illustrated. If you have the ability or bandwidth, I definitely suggest interior art.
Something to keep in mind, the amount of "blood" used on this cover made it invalid for the marketing on Amazon. So keep that in mind for your own covers.
Here's the link to it: https://www.amazon.com/Crappy-Shorts-Make-Crap-Your-ebook/dp/B00GXY5NCM
I'm an enormous fan of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, specifically because of the art. Some of it's definitely in the fantasy genre with humans turning into animals and monsters, but it's mostly folktales.
I wrote and illustrated my own book called Crappy Shorts to Make You Crap Your Shorts made in the same spirit.
In the link above there's a link that says Archive, you can see most of the stuff I've done. Or check it out on Amazon.