I'm just going to leave this here.
It will change your life. Basically, you fill it with the desired amount of charcoal, and put a source of fire underneath. Personally, I use the Weber lighter cubes but you can use newspaper or even the cooking oil paper towels mentioned in your linked video. The advantage is that the coals get ready much quicker and you have more flexibility as to the location/size/shape of your charcoal pile.
Just one word of caution: make sure you have some gloves when you dump the chimney. The handle gets pretty hot despite the heat shield.
Those coals look awfully black to me. These are very useful. Just about everyone carries them.
There's one to the right you can kind of see. It looks like Fire Bricks, you can get them through Amazon. Top layer appears to be held together/on with some sort of steel L shaped "rail".
Lucky me, the company that produces them is where I live, might have to see if I can get some direct!
Return the lighter fluid for one of these, if you don’t want your food tasting like lighter fluid. Weber Stephen Company 7429 Rapid Fire Chimney Starter, Silver https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B5BHKDZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_wQj.BbPHQWMPG
If you camp a lot but still want to keep it quick and easy (you’ve got kids) I recommend these:
They’re like 10 cents each, they’re small flat squares so easy to pack, and work great. Easier than prettt something with wax or saving up lint and toilet paper tubes or something IMO once you’re an adult with a job (though those are still great skills you teach the kids).
If you want hard brick, its on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Rutland-Products-604-Fire-Brick/dp/B000UEYZ4S/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500563383&sr=8-1&keywords=fire+brick
For Soft brick, maybe this one: https://www.amazon.com/EuroTool-Fire-Brick-SOL-485-00/dp/B012C5ZIAC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500563409&sr=8-1&keywords=soft+fire+brick
For the smoke flavour the best will be on a wood pellet smoker (traeger, pit boss, etc) or more labour intensive on a charcoal grill. If you’re using a propane/gas/electric bbq I’d recommend a smoke tube and wood pellets to produce some smoke and give your meat smokey flavour. Check out products like [amazen tube](A-Mwww.amazon.ca/dp/B01DL0PETC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_kIcyFbTQ4TEJJ). You can fill them with any flavour (mesquite, hickory, alder, maple) of wood pellet for different types of food (fish, red meat, chicken).
This guy is my bible for all things on the smoker. He has never steered me wrong. I use his technique and rub recipe and just leave the ribs on High Smoke for about 3 hours. I usually make two racks, and leave one with just the rub and an hour or so before they're ready I'll brush the other with Trader's Joe's Sriracha Garlic BBQ sauce (OMG it's good). But my taste for ribs is relatively low on the sticky sweetness, so I dial the sugar way back from a lot of ribs I've tried out in the wild.
As for pellets, I just use these guys from Amazon. I know some folks get worked up about what wood to use but I've carefully avoided training my taste buds to be able to notice the difference so I have no strong opinion.
I have watched the same videos.
I really like smoking dads technique. Except for the way he starts the fire.
I use a less aggressive technique than smoking dad. One starter square placed on top near/under a few medium size coals. Once the flame from the starter is extinguished I will close the lid. Let the dome get hot. The fire will spread, wood will get hot and start to smolder during the warm up process. You should get hours of nice smoke.
I feel like the way smoking dad starts his fire is very aggressive and gets too hot too quickly. To me this will burn out the wood chunks too quickly.
These are the ones I use: Fire Starters BIG PACK 160 Squares Charcoal Starter for Grills, Campfire, Fireplace, Firepits, Smokers.No flare ups & flavor. FireStarter for wood & pellet stove.Waterproof robust squares https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084KK5P7G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XS35S56NCJ9GH4GH1AJE
But I’m sure there are a lot of others that are good
If you are gonna spend as much money on Pellets as the Traeger brand costs, then I suggest go to Amazon for some CookinPellets, they have either the Perfect Mix, or Hickory
Those are twice the size bags of Traeger, so keep that in mind when comparing price.
I use the perfect mix when I'm smoking stuff. If I am just using the Traeger for heat, for example when I have ribs wrapped in foil or I'm grilling burgers, I use cheap stuff that I get at Cash and Carry. They are $6.99 a bag and basically the same as Traeger, which is Alder wood mixed with a little flavor wood.
My best sear has never been a cast iron pan, sadly; that would nice and convenient. To get the real good crust, I go with a charcoal chimney with a grate over the top.
Im using this right now and you can get them on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/CookinPellets-40PM-Perfect-Smoking-Pellets/dp/B00819OICI/ref=sxin_14_ac_m_pm?keywords=pellets+for+grilling&pd_rd_i=B00819OICI&pd_rd_r=787eba47-e73a-4795-8dc8-7e5153b85648&pd_rd_w=TKYpY&pd_rd_wg=N7qxs&pf_r...
Also if he doesn't have a Chimney starter, that is a must have for any charcoal griller and makes it so much easier.
They can probably be found a little cheaper at your local Home Depot or wherever.
After so long, the meat won't absorb much more smoke flavor. If you ever wrap, you don't need to add any smoke after that. As far as smoker tubes, you can look into this one: https://smile.amazon.com/MAZE-N-AMNTS12PF-Prefilled-Pitmasters-Pellets/dp/B01DL0PETC
You'll need pellets to put in there too, and something to light them with. If you decide to soak your own chips in bourbon, make sure they're DRY when you put them in or they could ignite. When I was using an electric smoker, I would just add chips until I got sick of doing it or if I had something else to do. Basically, I'd add chips around 5-6 hours and then be done with it. You'll get diminishing returns on the smoke absorption the more the meat gets cooked. A common number mentioned is 140F. Once it hits that, you're going to see a lot less return on adding smoke.
I got this one but there are bunches. I've even seen them at Walmart.
I just add more of the same pellets, light it on fire for a few minutes, then put it in the smoker at the same time as the meat. It lasts a few hours and makes a big difference.
Probably not, I think of weber kettles are the "disposable" of charcoal bbq. Mine lasted 3 fully functional years, including grilling in harsh Quebec winters. I can still use it, but the top vent dial is long gone, top grill is a structural disaster and the feets wiggle on the pit every time I touch it. Also, looking at the amazon page, saw the char-baskets that could possibly replace the smokenator for 1/4 of the price.
You can use any kind of food grade pellets. I get most of them at Academy Sports, they are priced $11.99 for 20lbs.
These are Oak and Hickory mixed pellets. Most brands are Oak mixed with flavor wood.
There are some places online including Amazon where you can get 100% hickory, cherry, mesquite, etc.
That's the torch for my Searzall, which does double duty for all my lightin'-shit-on-fire needs - fire pit, fireplace, Weber grill, Masterbuilt. But I was just lighting a fire starter cube.
My guy really slapped raw unseasoned chicken on a grill in direct AND indirect heat.
Should've brined or at least put a simple salt based rub on these and smoked em using indirect heat in two separate batches. That's too much chicken on that goddamn grill at one time.
I'm sure you meant well but get yourself these cheap ass baskets or a slow n sear.
I've smoked a ton of briskets, pork butts, chicken thighs/legs and chuck roasts using the cheap ass baskets on my kettle. The more expensive slow n sear just makes it easier so you don't have to worry about fuckin around with an separate water pan.
That chicken would've looked so much more appetizing with a rub and even some sauce on it towards the very end to get a nice glaze.
Just get the starters from masterbuilt or a generic brand on Amazon. They’re pretty cheap.
I use two of these and a regular lighter. Lid open and all vents open for the first few minutes then close the lid. Works like a charm.
Melt Candle Company Fire Starter... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084KK5P7G?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It’s a cylinder that you stack the charcoal in, and stuff the bottom (which is separated) with paper. This lets you create a concentrated fire to light all the charcoal in a condensed space rather than spread out over the grill. Saves time, and makes for more efficient use of charcoal.
I buy these, which are usually $12, not sure why they are high right now.
The biggest key to lighting the damned thing in my opinion is to REALLY get in there and shake the grate to get old coal and ash out. I was having a beast of a time getting my 1050 fired up, but after shaking this until the dust stops flying, it's all be much much better. Single light, every time.
Well....assuming I'm smart enough to A) give it 2 minutes to start the coal, and B) Remember to start the damned controller and remove the slides :)
These are the ones I buy. I know you said you don't need to shop around but these are food grade, burn very well and are literally a tenth of the price of the ooni ones.