I got my flag last month. Don't be jealous
Anley Fly Breeze 3x5 Foot No Step On Snek Flag - Vivid Color and UV Fade Resistant - Canvas Header and Double Stitched - Tea Party Flags Polyester with Brass Grommets 3 X 5 Ft https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079NXS1GC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_qDcoCbMPZJRG8
This is why I got a gay pride Gadsden flag, basically the rainbow flag with the snake and "Don't Tread On Me". No way the uber-conservative AuthRight's gonna take that.
SOULBUTY Trump Lost Flag 3x5 - Trump Lost Lol Flag Outdoor Indoor- Double Stitched- Polyester with Brass Grommets https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PBQXDJ6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DFRRKWVH7GEAAVFNVHNS
haha thanks! I got it off amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Anley-Breeze-Foot-Step-Snek/dp/B079NXS1GC/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=no+step+on+snek+flag&qid=1595562076&sr=8-3
If you need a single side custom flag, click here. (only $15.95 with free shipping)
If you need a double side custom flag,please click here. ($25.95 with free shipping)
it is Very cheap and they have excellent customer service. You can just simply place the order there and send the design you want to put on the flag , they will do everything for.
by the way, you can get more than 30% off if you use this code: WKT3KT3P , that means you only need pay $9.95, this code will be expired on 30th Sep, and if you order more than 5, you can use this code :CUSTOM20P, you will get 20% off . Hope I answer your question.
My only regret is it’s one sided so the other side is sort of a see through pale mirror image of the printed side. You can probably find a two-sided flag if you look hard enough.
I don't think it's plainly outlined anywhere a flag/banner vs. a sign.
A quick look over of the Utah election sign law doesn't say much about private property, just where is restricted their right to remove signs from restricted areas after 10 days, and their ability to charge the group that posted the sign while it's in the restricted area.
If you have an HOA that could be a possibility to try and get it removed..
Otherwise as others have stated this appears to be a first amendment issue, you could leave a note about how symbolic that they fly the trump flag over the US flag. What a Patriot /s
One of the best uses of $12 I have seen in a while
#fuckyourfeelings? am i doing it right now?
or is it this?
or do you want some layer of civility, even if disingenuous, because yeah, we should be a little nicer to each other?
Have a great day!
You haven't seen Biden ones? Because as I said, there are 0.
And here's just a small glimpse into the Trump stuff.
And here's Don Jr literally saying Make Liberals Cry Again. It was literally a campaign slogan.
Here I found it on amazon for $8.85 and prime shipping. It's the same one I have hung up in my apartment.
No Step On Snek is the flag of his people.
I did the cheap and easy way on amazon, Someone on here many months ago recommended these guys and its not terrible. It took 20 days to reach me by mail (It did come from China).
I did this to the asshat who works near my house. He parks as close to the road (and consequently, as far from his building) as possible.
I replaced one of his Gadsen "Don't Tread On Me" flags with this one: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VMCK8MF
Left the other one in the bed of the truck, though, so I wasn't stealing or vandalizing anything. Hope it blew away on his trip home.
Love it. Down here in Cumberland County there was a dude late last year who drove a big black lifted truck with two flags: a BLM flag and a MAGA-style flag that said "TRUMP LOST LOL"
They pretty much already have created a militarized Fetish version of him..
Uh no, I am talking about the LGBT American flag that I see at pride parades being flown, https://www.amazon.com/Rainbow-Flag-US-Stars-Equality/dp/B011ANYCZ4
The one you probably meant and a personal favorite.
You might want to only stick it on other people's stuff for vandalism reasons.
That video made their attempt at election theft and sedition hijinks that much more disturbing.
Then again, where I live in Appalachia, some of the rednecks around here fly this flag unironically: https://www.amazon.com/Lovely999-Bazooka-Grommets-Hanging-Standard/dp/B07ZYZ9B6Y
Totally normal to superimpose Trump's fat mug in Rambo's body. Yep, it's totally the action of God fearing straight men to fantasize, errr I mean visualize, Trump's fat flabby body replaced by Rambo's.
Yep nothing weirdly homoerotic about that at all...
Apparently fascism and homoeroticism are old friends: https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2018/05/14/a-thing-for-men-in-uniforms/
I had a No Step on Snek flag in college because I though it was hilarious. Isn’t that the point of it?
Or maybe this neighbor actually flies the Gadsden Flag, in which case this totally makes sense.
Now that I look at the flag more I have even less idea of what’s it’s supposed to represent, as you can kinda see trans colors in there like the actual pride flag, but there’s already aUSA rainbow flag and the outline is black like the “thin [color] line” ones and there are multiple colors of those. At first I assumed this was just a combination of all the thin line flags, but now I’m not so sure. Is it a joke? A parody? Or some dumbass who think cops give two fucks about LGBT rights?
Here on Amazon. You grab a picture from google and they make it. Took about a month to get but well worth the wait. Anley Single Sided Custom Flag 3x5 Foot Customized Flags Banners - Print Your Own Logo/Design/Words - Vivid Color, Canvas Header and Double Stitched - 100D Polyester with Brass Grommets 3 X 5 Ft https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CVDH92V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GVEJFC1TR2VD5S8XPD67?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I got you buddy
1,456 ratings on one of the MANY trump fuck your feelings flag.
7 on the one you posted.
I didn't say someone wasn't telling them somewhere, just there's not much of a market.
For maximum effect, fly a Gadsden flag over a BLM flag over an American flag. Everyone will object except libertarians... and even a lot of them will.
Edit: or this bad boy. That ought to make it clear you ain't alt right.
"Fuck your feelings" is a common expression used by the sorts of people who participated in the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol. One can even purchase flags that say it. Now that they are being arrested and are facing consequences, they are very upset and would like people to consider their feelings. For example, this fellow had a bit of an outburst during a court hearing in which he exclaimed "it isn't fair!" because he was not being released.