That's the paint I have, I bought the army painter set of 50. I also bought a set of cheap craft acrylics to use for terrain, they average out to like $1 per bottle, msgicfly Acrylic 30 pack.
You can find a bunch of paint rags like the ones I got, but here are the ones I bought OPHIR Wooden Paint Rack Stand Pigment Ink Bottle Paints Tool Storage with Cabinet Holder Organizer for 58 Bottles of Paints
As far is the light, just search on Amazon for Ottlite And find one you like
For a cheap option there are canvas rolls for paintbrushes that are about $10. I only use the bottom slots and fold over the top slots to avoid overstuffing the roll, but for Sharks and stuff like that they should be fine. Here’s one example of what I’m talking about.
I've got one of those. It's a little plastic organizer. Amazon. The toothbrush is probably for cleaning off mould release agent or stripping models. I also sometimes flick blood onto models with a toothbrush to get a splatter effect.
Link for those looking. ;)
U.S. Art Supply 96 Hole Plastic Pencil & Brush Holder - Desk Stand Organizer Holding Rack for Pens, Paint Brushes, Colored Pencils, Markers
Okay, so I went digging around on Amazon and found this! Poor reviews, but it's at least similar to ones I've seen and had in mind.
I like using these
It's a "Curate + Color Brush washer" that my wife found at Hobby Lobby. Similar ones can be found on amazon: Brush Washer
I just got U.S. Art Supply 60 Hole Multi-Level Plastic Organization Rack Pencil, Brush & Supply Holder - Desk Stand Holding Rack for Pens, Paint Brushes, Colored Pencils, Markers for 9bucks and it works great for the picks on my desk
I bought this "Brush Box" a while back and have been quite happy with it. It's large enough to hold plenty of brushes (and also forces me to not just "collect" brushes and really only store the ones I use on a regular basis), is super sturdy, and allows them to remain horizontal when stored.
This is what I use to store my brushes in between painting sessions..
You just clip the handles into the coils and gentle pressure holds them there, upside down. This way the water drips downward, out of the ferrules (the metal parts that bind your bristles to your handles) of your brushes.
I would definitely give the Masters Soap a try. Both the standard method (you can see many vids out there about it), but also letting it soak in small container of very soapy water from the Masters. Important not to let it soak more than a few minutes. You don't want it to cause the wooden handle to swell or the glue to soften too much. That would exacerbate the problem. But that will at least help soften up some dried paint in the ferrule.
You can even rig up a brush dangling over some of the soap using a "brush tree" or drying rack... so just the bristles are in the soapy water. Done this for some of my expensive Kolinsky hair brushes with Vallejo Brush Conditioner.
You probably don't need the chip resin brush for either of those paintings, but it wouldn't hurt to own one. The master set comes with a #2 script liner so you don't really need to buy another one. It also comes with a 1" landscape but if you have the money to spare it's really convenient to have two 1" and 2" brushes so you don't have to constantly clean them. (one with the darker shadow color and one with the highlight color, usually).
The only thing I don't see on your list is the beater rack and a trash bin to set it in. The beater rack is what dries the brush, unless you paint in an area where you don't care about paint splattering and can just dry it on the eisel like bob does. It can also be bought in a combo pack that comes with the screen, bucket, and thinner.
There are also some colors that don't come with the master set that bob uses often. You can definitely get by with the colors in the set, but you may want to check the beginners guide and see if you want any other colors.