"Why do I get tired/migraines"
This is how our bodies tell us that something is wrong. Same thing happens to me. Since you have celiac the the best way to stay healthy is to not eat gluten at all.
Having cheat gluten is not worth the migraines and emotional distress. Telling your family you cannot eat something is hard, but necessary step in this. I've found telling people, "I can't eat that," "I'm not hungry," or "I'd love to smell it," helps.
Gluten alternatives (prepackaged stuff) and learning how to cook was the best way for me to avoid gluten. Having a good cookbook helps. I've been using this one to prepare my families meals for a while now "Cook Once, Eat All Week"
The Joy of Cooking. All you need to get into cooking and much more. A bible in my early years of experimenting and trying recipes.
Joy of Cooking: 2019 Edition Fully Revised and Updated https://www.amazon.com/dp/1501169718/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UXD7DbXRSPTCJ
I may have packed that one a wee bit too full. ��
Just a store-bought crust, but fresh berries and Joy of Cooking ingredients.
Oh please, check yourself into somewhere until you get a handle on this. If you feel this out of control, you really need professional help.
If you refuse, then please look into Dr Bernstein’s book. He’s lived with Type 1 for a long time and is now in his 80’s. His expertise has helped millions. Here’s a link: Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars https://www.amazon.com/dp/0316182699/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_mZUaDb8ZJ850G
The first book Sarah Ballantyne wrote has a ton of science but it’s less of a cook book. In fact it’s mostly about the AIP diet and lifestyle and the research she’s found to back it up. It’s a long book and goes deep into the immune system too.
You didn’t ask for books, but Cook Once Eat All Week is exactly this! She gives 26 weeks of meal prepping and it’s not just cook all these meals and have leftovers. You prep the ingredients so you can make truly quick fresh meals all week. It is extremely friendly step by step instructions for how to prep everything on Day 1, then recipes for the week you can do in any order you want.
As a type 1, you need to adjust your insulin basal/bolus ratios when you try keto. Your body is going through lots of changes, after all! There is also a glucose sparing effect that can happen that makes it so you have to count more for carbs/protein than you would have before.
I had the opposite happen when I first started. For the first couple weeks I had some major lows! But I was careful and kept glucose tabs on hand at all times. It's a tough start for us type 1's because we have to experiment and manually figure out our insulin needs, but it's 100% possible and 200% worth it.
Best thing you can do is get the book Diabetes Solution by Dr. Bernstein. He's a type 1 doc who has been doing low-carb for decades, and this book lays out the very specific process he uses to keep his a1c at 5 and sugar levels near-flat. It's revolutionary. There's also a facebook group I recommend you joining. And I've been doing it for awhile myself, so feel free to message me. :)
Neuropathy really sucks. You're in a really rough place because getting really good control over her disease is really something she has to want to do for herself (kind of like quitting smoking, or heroin, or drinking, or deciding to get in really good shape...) It's not something that someone can do for someone else no matter how hard they try.
I'm a big fan of Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution (a book, and the guy has a bunch of free youtube videos). He's a 86 year old doctor who has had T1D since he was a kid. Often times neuropathy is reversible if you get really good control over your blood sugar. (Or if your girlfriend gets really good control over her blood sugar.) If you think she's up for doing a low-carb diet and reading a book, I suppose you could get her the book. But from how you describe it she's not really in the mood for it.
I'm pretty confident that if she focused on keeping her blood sugar under really perfect control, with intensive insulin therapy, and a really restrictive diet, she would probably feel a whole lot better by the end of the year. But again, she'd have to decide that she wants to do that. Nobody can really guarantee that it would work for her, but certainly if her diabetes is at all out-of-control (and it sounds like it might be) getting it under really good control is going to be a whole lot better for her.
There's not a whole lot you can do in your situation.
Edit: Link -- The book's less than $20, it's a good read.
Cooked this in my #8 Griswold LBL smooth bottom skillet. The recipe was from the Joy of Cooking cookbook.
My favorite meal prep resource is this cookbook. I think the recipes are beginner friendly and it does a good job of walking you through what to do when. It’s also a nice variety of foods and cooking techniques, so you don’t get bored and everything doesn’t end up tasting the same/having the same texture.
Cook Once, Eat All Week: 26 Weeks of Gluten-Free, Affordable Meal Prep to Preserve Your Time & Sanity https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1628603437/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BGM0MK55294XZ9WBEDVM
Just make whatever Giada says. Or skinnytaste.com
If you want easy- I love this book. Cook Once, Eat All Week: 26 Weeks of Gluten-Free, Affordable Meal Prep to Preserve Your Time & Sanity https://www.amazon.com/dp/1628603437/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CXFDF23DCYTTAWA5D7ZH
Same as you, the Joy of Cooking. https://www.amazon.ca/Joy-Cooking-Fully-Revised-Updated/dp/1501169718. The classic that I ( and 18 million others) have used over the years. A solid book teaching you all the basics so you can grow your skills and palate.
Yo, you may want to check out Joy of Cooking, it really helped me get better at cooking.
I've also heard that restaurants just throw butter on everything, so you may want to just use a lot more butter for a meal or two if you want to change things up.
Sure! I do a modified Wahl's protocol for autoimmune, so it's very nutrient dense.
I eat a salad for each meal, including breakfast. Yes, it's a lot of chewing lol.
Additional foods
My proteins are super super delicious if I do say so myself. I marinate the chicken with various spices + oil, and the texture from sous vide is juicy, tender, and just great all around. It really adds a lot to salad. I cook seafood plain because I love the flavor as-is.
I was a very a picky eater through my late teens. Becoming a vegetarian actually made become less picky, as it forced me to try new things.
It's hard when you live at home and don't cook. You may want to also try veg a few days a week and always outside the house. I also recommend this cook book, which is good for beginners and (I'm sure) has many things a picky eater would like.
BTW, I just started reading the Terry Wahls book on using targeted nutrition ensure your body gets what it needs to function optimally. In the preface she describes how she became wheelchair bound from progressive multiple sclerosis, researched nutritional support for mitochondrial function then regained most of her health. She's an MD and it looks to be realistic so far. You can read the preface on Amazon and see if it interests you.
First off, no need to stress yourself out about the complications. They aren't things which kick in immediately but rather come from years of being out of control. So, relax a bit and give yourself time to learn how to manage things. This is definitely one of those "it's a marathon and not a sprint" situations.
I'd suggest you take a look Dr. Bernstein's book: https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Bernsteins-Diabetes-Solution-Achieving/dp/0316182699
It was basically the original "self-help" book for diabetics. Not without controversy, though, as much of the diabetic establishment used to be against it. Things have definitely changed!
"Sugar surfing" at https://www.sugarsurfing.com/ is a more modern take. Amazon has the Kindle version for $7 or so. Also a good read.
Both these books are written by authors who actually have type 1 and live with it as we do. So they know.
As for your own situation, I presume you are keeping a log of blood sugar tests. If not, that is the first step. It is also helpful for you to record what you ate when and what insulin you've taken. Charting it out will.definitely be a great aid for you to self-diagnose the issue.
I suspect you may be having a dawn phenomenon issue. Do some reading up and investigation on that as a place to start.
I am a huge fan of Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution, it's less than $20 on amazon.
He has a whole bunch of free educational youtube videos on his channel too.
Just found his book on Amazon and downloading now.
Just in case anyone sees this article in the future, here is the link:
Not to push a specific product but... I was looking for cookbooks a few weeks ago for a friend and came across a really cool looking meatless cookbook on Amazon. I didn't get it because they aren't vegetarian. Your kid may enjoy it: Thug Kitchen: The Official Cookbook
Agree, I do LCHF/Bernstein/keto diet, HbA1c dropped from about 8 to 5.8. try it.
The best thing your mom can do is self educate - learn as much about the current information as she can. Knowing how diet can help control T2D is such valuable information.
Here is a really good book, written by a medical doctor who is now in his 80's and has been a diabetic since his teens. https://www.amazon.ca/Dr-Bernsteins-Diabetes-Solution-Achieving/dp/0316182699 I think this is a good place to start. He also has a web site with lots of video lectures on various topics for both T1 & 2D . Also, I have found trying to find ready-made Low Carb/Keto/Diabetic premade food was hard to find and VERY expensive. It is not that hard to make great food at home that is based on whole food and is high in nutritional value. Now that she is a T2D she must change her lifestyle and relationship with food to live a healthy and complications free life. I have now been on a full keto diet for 4 years and my T2D is totally under control - with NO MEDS. I was taking 3 kinds of meds before changing my diet. Here is my playlist of Keto foods that have keept my BS in the very healthy normal range. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWxb2cfHHa24T7pXv6ssnDw/playlists
If you want to help your mom, the best thing is to learn with her about T2D and how a very low carb diet can make a huge difference. Supporting her journey will encourage her and the support is so appreciated (I love that my family are 100% helping keep to my keto lifestyle- they see how much it helped me)> Let me just complement you – you are amazing for wanting to do this for your mom. Best of luck to her and may she get her T2d UNDER CONTROLE!
Hope this helps. CHeers
Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. My library carries it, so you could check there, but it's a great reference. Worth having, IMO.
Keto will drop your blood sugar, but if you drop your insulin to match, it'll work perfectly. Ideally, you can get your doc to work with you on this.
Get a copy of Dr. Bernstein's book. He's a T1 who went back to school as an adult to get his MD specifically to help him treat his own disease. His practice is, I believe, entirely related to glucose control.
There's also a great post from Peter Attia here, and again he's an MD, and researching this stuff is his area of expertise.
There are a number of T1 diabetics on this site who'll answer you, I'm sure, and who are finding real success using keto to help keep their bg under control.
You would need to look into this further to see if it's a good idea, but AIP is an elimination diet. It's primarily geared to people with autoimmune conditions, but if you'd be seeing a rheumatologist I'm guessing there's some overlap. It certainly is focused on lowering inflammation. If you implement it properly it's very healthy, but people tend to have a month or two where they aren't eating in a balanced way as they get the hang of the diet, you wouldn't want to take any risks with that. Another issue is that if you're not able to move that much you would need someone else to do a lot of the food prep. So, something to look into. https://www.amazon.com/Paleo-Approach-Reverse-Autoimmune-Disease/dp/1936608391/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=2YXTGNRA34SHL&keywords=sarah+ballantyne+autoimmune+protocol&qid=1666991120&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIyLjQxIiwicXNhIjoiMS44OSIsInFzcCI6IjIuMjEifQ%3D%3D...
I read some comments about Dr Bernstein’s book Diabetes Solution. I listened to the audiobook and it greatly helped my understanding.
It covers among a raft of things, diabetes and gastroparesis. There’s a whole chapter on gastroparesis. He also does a monthly AMA. Could be worth checking out.
I'd dispute that the results in this scenario between type 1 and type 2 would be much different. In both cases blood sugar is only raised by your body converting food to sugar, the only difference is the type of deficiency that keeps your body from converting that sugar into energy. So if you're not eating things that your body can turn into sugar, it isn't going to raise your blood sugar. If you'd like to look into it more, read Dr. Bernstein's book on the subject.
You can wean yourself off the insulin pretty quick. Completely if T2 and mostly if T1. It does take some changes to your food, but it's relatively simple.That will then help massively with other meds, for BP, etc. https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Bernsteins-Diabetes-Solution-Achieving/dp/0316182699/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=dr+bernstein&qid=1664006665&sr=8-1
That reminds me of the Thug Kitchen Cookbook, and while I've never bought it, I would hope in at least one recipe there's directions like "Beat the chicken like it owes you money'.
Easily Thug Kitchen.
The inspirational story of how two white LA hipsters can declare themselves thugs and become best selling cookbook authors gives me the spiritual energy to get out of bed and be my best self, even if that best self has no relation to my actual identity