Have you tried the vegan version of "oyster sauce" that's made from soybeans and mushrooms? Your local Asian grocery store will probably have the Wan Ja Shan brand.
Hello Fresh uses Savory Choice chicken stock concentrate. As per the back of the box shown below, add to 1 cup hot water to make broth.
A little of this might be in there as well. I watched a woman in a youtube video use it in her migas and it made all the difference. There are cheaper options for the stuff I'm sure, this link was just the most universal.
We buy big 54oz jars like this one from Amazon and transfer it to a 6 ounce squeeze bottle for bedroom use.
It melts at about 75˚, so whether it's a liquid or a solid depends on your room temp. If it's pasty or solid I sometimes stick the little bottle in my bra after dinner and it will be liquid long before bedtime. Or you can run it under hot water or put it in the microwave for 20 seconds.
We buy big jars of Nutiva virgin coconut oil from Amazon.
I don't know if it's the "best," but we've tried a lot of oils and haven't found any we like better.
It's cheap and convenient. It tastes and feels great. It doesn't get sticky. It's good for your skin and won't hurt your inner bits. And the way it goes from semisolid in a bowl to liquid on your skin in just seconds makes it really easy to handle.
(If you prefer a squeeze bottle, 30 seconds in the microwave will make the oil warm and clear.)
hopefully this link works.
i was recommended to use cold pressed coconut oil threw this reddit. it stays liquid form in room temperature.
that one bottle is enough for almost an entire year of use
> coated in gold leaf
TIL gold is actually edible. Gold isn't on the CDC's toxic substance index, see here, and news articles seem to report that it's relatively inert, tasteless, textureless and adds no nutritional value to the meal. The only thing it adds to a meal is the cost and appearance.
You can buy a pack of 25 leaves, 15mm by 10mm (or 85mm by 85mm depending on who you ask) by 0.0002mm of 23 karat gold for $38.95 (at time of this post in the US) see here plus shipping on amazon. Not too bad.
I can imagine putting gold leaf on something like a special cake as a sort of extravagant decoration piece... all told, the gold probably wouldn't even amount to half the cost of the cake itself. And considering how people today will spend a ton of money to pretty up their cakes, this wouldn't be too out of the ordinary.
Do note that alloys of gold may not be edible, if they contain copper or other harmful substances.
If I’m not making homemade, I use Costco boxes of chicken broth (certified gf) or Savory Choice packets. My co-op has them but so does Amazon. Not cheap but good for adding a bit of flavor to a dish. We also use them for instant ramen (Savory Choice Chicken Broth Concentrate, 5.1 Ounce box https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002HQUZIM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NN4ZCbFNKEPF9)
We bought this off of amazon for baklave and it smells great https://www.amazon.com/Orange-Blossom-Water-Cortas-10fl/dp/B000LQJ6DK/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=orange+blossom&qid=1558206729&s=gateway&sr=8-7
That said, you may have a bias and it just smells like toilet to you.. Five spice powder smells like those pink urinal pucks to me.
My daughter was sensitive to soy and we used Maggi Seasoning Sauce in place of soy sauce in all our recipes. Good luck, soy is in EVERYTHING!
You can buy it online! I buy this brand!
Get a bottle of this shit. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PKJP9XO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It's a capsaicin extract and I add it to stuff i want to add heat to, but not upset the flavor much. By itself it's mind numbingly hot (to me at least.)
You can find this stuff at Asian food markets. Ive had a bottle for years now and barely touched it, a single drip is enough to heat a whole dish.
Its more Capsaicin extract than hot sauce. Apparently around a half million scoville. Be very careful.
Hi, thank you for sharing!
I'm not sure if it happens automatically when you share a link from Amazon, but your link appears to possibly have an Amazon affiliate link attached to it? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I've provided a direct link here - Savory Choice Chicken Broth Concentrate, 5.1 Ounce box
I also found it on Ralphs (Kroger store) for $5.99.
Hi, thank you for sharing!
I'm not sure if it happens automatically when you share a link from Amazon, but your link appears to possibly have an Amazon affiliate link attached to it? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I've provided a direct link here - Savory Choice Chicken Broth Concentrate, 5.1 Ounce box
I also found it on Ralphs (Kroger store) for $5.99.
>blate pape
They're brilliant. If I can link here: https://www.amazon.com/Blate-Papes-Squares-Tasteless-Consumption/dp/B08H6V7BQC
I take medicinal mushrooms, and use these for my stacks. It allows me to buy bulk extract powder and customize dosages and combinations. For this MD protocol, I can combine niacin, Lion's Mane, and finely ground magic mushroom into a pouch, drop it in a glass of water, and gulp it down.
these are the stock concentrate packets they use
Oblate papers, they are an edible film made from starch. Here's an Amazon link for more information: Blate Papes Oblate Disc Squares, 200 Count | Edible Films for Taking Herbs and Supplements https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08H6V7BQC/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_R5CNVYAFQ41M8YGWP6T2
Korean Food_Chungwoo_Capsaicin Sauce_550g_Hot Spicy Dressing for Korean Meal Christmas Gifts https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PKJP9XO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_P7ZSY2Z680X1REK14T40
Most local restaurants in Korea use this with red pepper powder and garlic.
I think it’s like 2.99 at the Asian grocery store near me but this is the product:
Wan Ja Shan Vegetarian Mushroom Oyster Sauce, 33.8 fl. oz. VEGAN. NON-GMO. NO MSG ADDED. 100% Naturally Brewed. No Chemical Soy Sauce.No Caramel Coloring. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016EDAK0Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_9RG88JPASZE07S4C5026?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I think it’s like 2.99 at the Asian grocery store near me but this is the product:
Wan Ja Shan Vegetarian Mushroom Oyster Sauce, 33.8 fl. oz. VEGAN. NON-GMO. NO MSG ADDED. 100% Naturally Brewed. No Chemical Soy Sauce.No Caramel Coloring. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016EDAK0Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_9RG88JPASZE07S4C5026?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I think it’s like 2.99 at the Asian grocery store near me but this is the product:
Wan Ja Shan Vegetarian Mushroom Oyster Sauce, 33.8 fl. oz. VEGAN. NON-GMO. NO MSG ADDED. 100% Naturally Brewed. No Chemical Soy Sauce.No Caramel Coloring. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016EDAK0Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_9RG88JPASZE07S4C5026?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
All you need is the Korean pure capsaicin extract in the squeeze bottle, then add all your other favourite spices for a flavour profile - 1 or 2 drops of this stuff is strong:
This is what they used to use in the U.S. It's amazingly good. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002HQUZIM
The stuff they use now is much less good, but in the meals it's usually okay. We buy the good stuff directly now for ourselves.
Anyone ever use Oblate Disc? Recommend to me by a friend. He said game changer and much easier to deal with the capsules.
Blate Papes Oblate Disc Squares, 200 Count | Edible Films for Taking Herbs and Supplements https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08H6V7BQC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_XVW3ER23YZBCYNFZC7TQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt 1 Pound Resealable Bag – Additive-Free, Delicious Sea Salt, Perfect for Cooking, Baking and More - Gluten-Free, Non-GMO Verified, Kosher and Paleo-Friendly https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000SWTKV0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_RW1QNP6VS3PSKJ9G655F
My entire family is hooked now. It's the perfect finish for steak, salad or eggs...
Also if your boyfriend doesn't mind making his own version of that dish, he can always use vegetarian oyster sauce. It's made from mushrooms.
So he can have mushroom-ception with something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Wan-Ja-Shan-Vegetarian-Mushroom/dp/B016EDAK0Q/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=vegetarian+oyster+sauce&qid=1633916673&s=grocery&sr=1-4
> I'm genuinely confused about what they're thinking.
I suspect they're still using the "original recipe" for Bragg's in order to maintain a consistent product. The original recipe was likely concocted 100 years ago by Paui Bragg, a high school dropout who made his fortune selling "health foods" and supplements of questionable health value. People have come to expect a certain flavor, so they probably can't monkey with their slapdash patent medicine recipe for it.
My wife uses is because she doesn't like the taste of soy sauce and he current health food guru recommends it. 🙄
I've suggested other similar things like Maggi seasoning , but she says it "tastes bad".