I cannot recommend enough a book about Emotional Intelligence or EQ. Men when viewed thru the lens of toxic masculinity tend to be unable, to talk about their emotions and the only acceptable emotion is violence and anger. Even though I'm a woman, while I was going thru therapy post-divorce my therapist mention I had stunted EQ that reminded him a lot of the men he saw in his practice. He is the one who got me started on increasing my EQ.
This is the book I am currently reading about it.
One of the things I had to do was learn when I was really anger vs sad. Being sad wasn't acceptable but being angry was. I also had to learn I could be both at the same time. The emotional state isn't binary, and more than two emotions can be driving the car at the same time. The thing that really helped me was increasing my Emotional Intelligence. A key part of that is naming your emotions. I recommend it highly recommend working on your emotional intelligence. I have had fewer outbursts the more I have worked on my EQ.
This is the book I am really right now.
That's really tough and good on you for your self awareness!
Overly strict can really hurt your child in their ability to problem solve, be independent, etc. It can also lead to rebellion, lies and sneaking. It might sound basic, but if there are other parents you admire, follow their lead or ask their advice.
Also listen to your spouse/ partner
There are some books that can help- https://smile.amazon.com/Parents-Raise-Resilient-Children-Self-Discipline-ebook/dp/B086M4198Y
These preschool workbooks are currently free on Amazon
These Preschool workbooks are Free on Amazon today
these 140 worksheets are FREE today on Amazon
This is talking about higher education, I'm talking about primary and secondary education. Primary and secondary education should be about finding interests and aptitudes, and higher education should be about developing those aptitudes.
And yes, I would tend to agree with Caplan on most points, and that book is actually on my reading list. However, to attack one of his points from the video about dance, I'll refer you to You, Your Child, and School: Navigate Your Way to the Best Education, which essentially states that a dance class tends to improve child performance in other classes. Note, this is much different than dance in college, which is a giant waste of time for most people.
So yeah, I think he's spot on that our current view of education is wrong. I think education should be about finding your aptitudes and learning the fundamentals to be productive in whichever of your aptitudes are marketable.
Hiya, welcome to homeschooling. I read this recently and found it very insightful https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B072F9VRZP/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
And I'm currently reading "free to learn" by Peter Gray, I will update you on that if you like, once I've finished.
I've also just written a blog post on my blog that talks about active learning, which you may or may not find interesting: http://zobotics.tech/make/2017/10/23/active-learning-with-robots-in-schools/