My dad gave me a promise ring when I was elementary school and read me a book about a princess giving her kiss away. When I was older he gave me a book called “For Young Women Only”. The premise of the book was boys will be boys. It had one chapter about how men would never only be thinking of you when having sex due to porn and past experiences. It really fucked me up and essentially drove me to the mindset that if boys are going to have sex why should I miss out in all the fun lol.
Not only was it misogynistic, it was sexist by generalizing all men.
Link to the book
Disclaimer: I haven't actually read this book, but it seems relevant to your situation: Conquering Your Quarterlife Crisis: Advice from Twentysomethings Who Have Been There and Survived
You're not alone, here's a book about the same topic:
"The End of Sex: How Hookup Culture Is Leaving a Generation Unhappy, Sexually Unfulfilled, and Confused About Intimacy" (Quite the title really.)
How about give him book about fatherhood like this
The Connected Father: Understanding Your Unique Role and Responsibilities during Your Child's Adolescence
If you have a couple hours to kill, this book is a really good first hand account of one;
Had you ever heard of Peninsula Village in TN?
Tough question. At 16 he's old enough to be making decisions about "his" stuff. If the TV is in his room and you never use it... what's the harm?
Honestly, this is probably a good opportunity for having a grown-up conversation with him about that weird (and ever-shifting) power dynamic that exists between parents and teenagers. Tell him that because you bought it you feel like it belongs in your house, but acknowledge that it's also "his" in practice. Then ask him to come up with a solution that works for both of you and see what happens.
Source: 'Been reading "Parenting Teens With Love and Logic" lately.