They make a single transfer switch for $100 that will work for the furnace. Or some furnaces have a plug into a dedicated outlet so you just plug it directly into the generator. Here is the transfer switch I have: Reliance Controls TF151W Easy/Tran Transfer Switch for Generators, Small, Gray
I am a lurker of this sub and have no real advice for any of what you're asking BUT there's a tiered planter on Amazon that can be used indoors. I think it can hold 20 some herbs and various other things. This may help you.
I'm on mobile but ill try to find it and link it if i can figure that out.
I think what you are looking for is a generator transfer switch. You (or I recommend an electrician) would wire this up next to the RV circuit breaker and select the circuits you want to be able to toggle between grid power (when connected via the outdoor outlet), or your EcoFlow (when off grid) which plugs into the transfer switch.
Single Circuit:\_lpo\_2?pd\_rd\_i=B000HRWG8U&psc=1
4 Circuit:\_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D28I-028\_037\_OUTDR\_PW\_ACC-...
I have a manual reel mower, bought it 5 years ago. It does require a tiny bit of maintenance - I've sharpened the blades once and readjusted them once in the last few years.
In the summer I try to get out there every 4-5 days. My yard is a little bigger than yours and I'll typically do the front and back on different days, so it's like 20-30m and done.
Yes, stuff gets caught in it at times. I just keep an eye out for sticks in the grass and pick them up rather than mow over them. If I miss one I stop, back up an inch and the stick falls out. NBD.
Hi there- since your space is small you might consider buying a tiered planter. You could plant a tomato plant in the top most pot and a cherry tomato vine on either side. The tiered one in the link can be rotated too, so you can make sure all sides get sun. For soil, I’d recommend you purchase it from a store unless you have access to the dirt you need. I am not sure of prices in your area.
5 Tier Stackable Strawberry, Herb, Flower, and Vegetable Planter - Vertical Garden Indoor / Outdoor
This is essentially what it looks like. I don't know how to put an actual photo without making it a post of it's own. My plants are slightly bigger than the photo they use, but not by much. This is the planter I got. I'm hoping to have a raised bed next year to transplant them to, because I don't know that this will be large enough. There are 4 plants per tier, except the top one because when I bought the flat, I thought there were 3 spaces per tier of the planter and I'd have a few extra. It stands under a meter tall and takes up about a square foot on my patio.
Sorry for the delay. The grass is not that tall so whatever is tall enough will even out. Just a little trim.
My grass is primarily Tall Fescue with KBG & Rye mixed in. I think 80% is Tall Fescue.
If you have crab grass already growing in then Tenacity should work on that. As you know Prodiamine will prevent weeds from growing. I do two applications. I did one today and will do one in early-mid May when group temps should hit about 65 degrees.
Last year I had a lot of weeds so hoping to stop them early this year.
I bought the Great States Reel Mower at Amazon:
I like it a lot. Its 5 blades and is relaxing. Gas mowers are so loud, heavy, and noisy. I recommend it. I leave it at the highest setting which is about 2 3/4 inches. I normally keep my grass around that or 3" during spring/fall and 4" in the summer.
Buy this pot for your strawberries, they also make a hanging one that’s pretty good. If you’re buying miracle grow there’s good nutrients already in the dirt. If you’re buying dirt to mix into the ground you need a lot and to “rototill” it in. Old dirt doesn’t have any nutrients left, long gone.
As you go the leaves will tell you what’s going on. If the leaves are green and full they’re happy, anything else and they’re telling you about a problem they’re having. The leaves are their communication with you, and google has the answers.
First,I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thank you.
Seedlings where an issue as we where late to the season. We'll probably be doing those in the spring.
This is his third year of scouting and their have been merit badges that either by work load or just the nature of getting them done its taken over a year to complete. He understands that hes doing something new and if he doesn't do it at least "sort of" right that results "may" vary. He is learning a lot though and he has become very attached to the growing aspect of it Over the winter hes going to try some hydroponic lettuce.
To be very honest I think our new setup is going to be fine for indoor growing.. its been used to grow Tomatoes and Wacky Tobaccy (medically licensed so I was told) previously.
The original light was a mess of a product but the used setup we purchased included 2 of these
Everything has started showing a huge amount of growth since putting into the tent. Marigolds look lovely.. the sunflower has gone from a droopy mess to a really strong stem and growing up.. the Cherokee tomatoes stem is firm and growing taller. The catnip is growing well also. Melvin is growing about 3-4 inches a day and Marvin is also growing like crazy (both have started several leaves along their vines as well. (I believe the "yellowing" mentioned in a previous post is just the light from above because they are really really bright. I'll take them out and get some pictures from normal light conditions
I got a Teknetics Delta 4000 for $193-199 on Amazon. I’ll put the link. It’s really good. I found .22 bullet lead 6”+ deep with no problems. I just can’t keep my cell phone on while using it because it messes with the search coil.
Teknetics Delta 4000 Metal Detector
Tent height will be an issue. This 3' x 1.8' x 5' Apollo is affordable, easier to work in, and has an extra foot of headroom--which is a lot, your pots + fan + filter + light is going to eat up 2'+ of space.
What's the light? If your light is current gen LED (Quantum Board, or the like), that's about the perfect amount for 5 square feet.
Remeber always go one size down from your tent. So if you got a 4x4 tent get the 3x3 flood tray.
To rise them off the floor use baking racks, or this flood tray has groves so the pots sits above the water. You can also put a thin piece of wood under the tray in the back so all the water goes to the front.
If it's this one: it looks like the hood would prevent the bulb from directly contacting the wire shelf. Personally, I would try it out when you have sufficient time to observe and see whether it heats up the wire shelf too much, after like 4-6 hrs of use time.
Edit-to-Add: You didn't mention whether you'll be using a fan/s. Check out the pot/marijuana subs to get better info on hps lamps.
I recommend these hanging planters. They have a reservoir in the bottom so you don’t over/under water them. My basil, lavender, oregano and geranium (Pelargonium) have done really well in them in my north facing balcony. The oregano survived the winter but just barely. I also have big pots with Emerald Green Arborvitae ‘Smaragd’ (Thuja Occidentalis) and Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum) growing around the railing, both which were fine through the winter. Make sure they have drain pans, otherwise the roots will rot. I water nearly every day though. I sent you a PM with pictures.
Do some maths and see if this would fit in
I thought you didn't have to hang LEDs as close because of the frequencies they emit?
Also, I'm trying out this 5-tier Mr Stacky as my growbed, so putting one light super close to a plant is kind of not feasible :/
I got a stackable garden tower for my wife. works nice and might satisfy your itch to grow while also scaling back so you can move. Quite moveable and space efficient.
I'm also considering using a small stack of these Mr Stacky Pots as my grow bed. That should give plenty of aeration and room for bacteria.
My current light is all 3500k, can you tell me more about the advantage of going with other spectrums?
My veg tent:
I personally think the modern ones are better, because the technology has improved over time. I use this one. But I would recommend getting one of the 18" ones so that you don't have to make as many passes. My friend has this one and he really likes it. Just make sure that you keep the blades clean and oiled after you cut the lawn and they'll stay sharp for a really long time. Btw, reel mowers are best when your lawn is flat and smooth. If it's very lumpy, then you'll get really frustrated.
I reckon you might want to look at the Teknetics Delta 4000. The price is a little bit above the 250 and the bounty hunter BUT it is a good bridge between some of the beginner models and the advanced models. ALthough it is not water proof like a garret AT you have access to quite a few after market coils if you feel like changing them up in the future.
The unit itself is light which helps if you plan to go on long hunts. You can use the preset features to start out with and as you get more proficient with it you can move into all metal mode or customise some of the features if you are after particular things.
Also the pinpoint feature on this model is very good compared to others within the same price range and can serve as a great intermediary until you buy a pinpointer yourself.