Emphasis on the dog comment. My dog sits in the front passenger seat. About a year ago, I was almost in a collision thanks to an incident where someone ran a red light and I had to swerve and stop suddenly to avoid them. My seatbelt kept me secure but my poor dog smacked his face on the glove compartment pretty hard. Now I secure him with a seatbelt at all times. Here is the link to the one I purchased — it’s also quite useful w/ regard to preventing the dog from jumping out the window.
I use a puppy seatbelt. It’s a super short leash (dog seatbelt) that clips to the dog harness (NOT collar). And then the car’s seatbelt loops through the short leash. It keeps the pup safe and off your lap.
Vastar 2 Packs Adjustable Pet Dog Cat Car Seat Belt Safety Leads Vehicle Seatbelt Harness, Made from Nylon Fabric https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014W40TSW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.NhACbA0HZJV2
Cheap and easy to use, can clip into dogs harness (or collar, but harness for car rides is safer). No more puppers out the window, and can save your dog's life in a crash.
My dog is secured in the car using a seatbelt tether that hooks to her harness. It’s kept her from flying off the seat on a couple of occasions when I’ve had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting idiot drivers. seatbelt tether
Here is an example.
As the dog pulls away, it turns them to the side. Only way my stubborn old lab has ever walked on a leash without trying to tear my arm off.
are you using a normal collar/leash? my labradoodle pulled like he wanted to choke himself until I got a harness that attaches from the front. when he pulls it tightens on his front shoulders and pulls his legs together, preventing him from pulling. I also give him lots of small treats, keeping my arm tucked to my side so he has to be right beside me to get them and is rewarded for being close to and listening to me.
as far as comments goes, it sounds like a majority of the comments you are getting are somewhat sexist since your S/O isn't receiving those same remarks. I would just remind them he's still a puppy in training and focus on training your pup. that's definitely frustrating, having to listen to people make the same comments over and over again though.
For warm boys in this warm weather
Kaytee Chinchilla Chiller Granite Stone
You can put them in the fridge and on very hot days they are extra cool for the rats to sit on
Strongly recommend getting these off amazon. I have 2 for my dogs. I attach them to their harnesses that they wear whenever we go for car rides. People think it will never happen to them but all it takes is one time. My wife was skeptical but I told her, with how much we love our dogs, how devastated we would be if something were to happen to them that we could prevent
Like others have said, safety is key. If you can’t crate him, they make harnesses that clip right into the seatbelt, like this.
Also, since you’re crossing states and the border, make sure you have his most recent shot records and a health certificate from your vet.
oh, he is so cute!!! I let mine sit up front in my lap when he was tiny and now he always tries to sit up front, even though he is way too big.
There is a great little seat belt for dogs that clips onto their harness and into the seat belt itself. Great for car rides and gives them enough room to stick their head out the window.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G642RMQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_J103QZQ8AH06PWZV17FS I had a similar issue as OP, getting this and being able to directly reward calmness in the vehicle has been a multi month journey and totally worth it.
So I see you wrote this almost half an hour ago, so you’ve probably gotten her cooled down by now. But next time you can legit put her in a large bowl and set her in the fridge (door open). I have 2 of these cooling tiles
From amazon! Sunny loves it, she can never get comfortable/stable during car rides but this gets the job done without me having to move her dog bed in and out of the car constantly.
K&H Pet Products Bucket Booster Pet Seat Large Gray 14.5" x 24" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ZJOKIU?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
I'm not familiar with ESA rules outside of the USA. In the US, to have an ESA, you need a letter from your doctor. Hopefully someone can chime in with experience in other countries.
Carriers are like this: https://www.amazon.com/Sherpa-Travel-Approved-Carrier-Medium/dp/B000633ZOY/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=dog+airplane+carrier&qid=1594736759&sr=8-1 , and each airline has its own requirements on how big it can be, so you'll need to check with the specific airline you're flying. The rule is it needs to go under the seat in front of you at all times. But as I mentioned, sometimes you'll get a nice flight attendant who will let you put it on an empty seat or something along those lines. I would not count on that being allowed though.
There have been some posted a few times and I remember seeing some photos of this one from YESYEES on Amazon. Personally the photos made it appear to be an unperfect fit so I won't order one of these, but I do like how they come down the sides and also allow for the middle console to come down.
As someone with two small kids and carseats in the back, I'm looking for something high in quality that's not an eyesore.
I’m sorry to hear about your accident, it must have been scary! Glad you’re okay though!
My family invested in a seat belt for our boxer puppy. We put him in his harness and then clip the belt hook to it on the metal ring on his back and snap in the belt holder in my mom’s truck. He doesn’t go anywhere on the seat and it’s very durable. I recommend it to any of you guys.
Here is the seat belt my family uses for him, it can be ordered on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014W40TSW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Three things:
It can be flustering to have your dog act like that in public/have everyone watching, but sounds like you're seeking the right type of help and are committed to your new gal. Have fun and best of luck, she's a cutie!
Sorry to tell you, but dog hair is inevitable. The best solution is the good ol’ vacuum cleaner. You can keep a duster handy to wipe the hair from the seat to the floor and then vacuum later on.
Not sure how big your dog is, but I have a car seat for my Frenchie. I bought this one and it works well. Also helps to prevent paws/claws on the seats.
He doesn’t mind the ‘snugness’ he is a real Houdini so it has to be a little tighter. His walks are about 5-10 minutes to go get some air and eat some grass. Link to Amazon item here - rabbitgoo Cat Harness and Leash for Walking, Escape Proof Soft Adjustable Vest Harnesses for Cats, Easy Control Breathable Jacket, Black, XS https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SC7WFQN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_QVFTS69VM14NPVYJFEAD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
But you need to use a harness. If you have it on your dogs neck collar and there is a collision or a sudden stop you’ll break your dogs neck.
Consider a seatbelt that clips to the harness. In the event of an accident, the sweet little chi becomes a projectile. My chi has something like this. Buckles in to the seatbelt then clips like a leash.
This is the seat cover that I’ve had for a couple years. It is very durable and waterproof. Customers have even complemented it. I spent a little more for this one because it is compatible with the middle seat having a shoulder strap and unzips in the middle.
Before that, I had a cheap neoprene car seat that I got for like 20 bucks at Target. I still have that as my backup (hidden in trunk with spare tire) if I need to swap it out without needing to end my nights driving.
If you’ve got a sedan, or just want to keep an eye on your dog closely, buy one of these.
It gives your dog a safe space in your car, and protects your backseat. My pup peed in ours one time when she was sick, and it didn’t soak through to the seat.
My 8 month old lab mix does the same thing!!!! It’s absolutely terrifying. Like, heart dropping, life ending terrifying.
We got him the easy walk harness and it is a game changer! Not only can he not escape but he doesn’t pull anymore on walks! Here it is on Amazon!
From amazon! Sunny loves it, she can never get comfortable/stable during car rides but this gets the job done without me having to move her dog bed in and out of the car constantly.
K&H Pet Products Bucket Booster Pet Seat Large Gray 14.5" x 24" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ZJOKIU?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
From amazon! Sunny loves it, she can never get comfortable/stable during car rides but this gets the job done without me having to move her dog bed in and out of the car constantly.
K&H Pet Products Bucket Booster Pet Seat Large Gray 14.5" x 24" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004ZJOKIU?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
It’s a brand called K&H that I found while browsing on amazon. I take car rides with him pretty often and we love it! I’ll try to include the link below if I can:
Hey there! I also made a cross country move and brought two cats (Looking back, I dont know how I did it hahaha). Here's a link to the carriers that I bought: Sherpa Original Deluxe Pet... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FLETX8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I flew Alaska and the carriers fit under the seat in front of us. My sister flew with me since they said only one animal per person. My cats were about 10-12 lbs each and they didnt move during the flight so I wouldnt worry too much about that. It might be other animals that they have that notice for...
Good luck with the move!
Try a front leading no-pull harness to discourage him from pulling on walks. It's humane and painless, not like a choke chain or some other horrible thing. It just make it difficult for him to pull and redirects him around to face you instead. We've had quite a lot of success with this one Also, you can try stopping every time he pulls and only continuing to walk once he stops, thus showing him that pulling and lunging will not get him what he wants. Be warned, this can be quite slow and frustrating (for both you and the dog!) at first, you may spend 5 minutes moving a few steps down the street, but if he's smart he should catch on quickly.
I flew delta using a sherpa and I recall one of my flights having an odd underseat dimension. No one asked any questions or measured my dog or the carrier. It did stick out a bit on one of the flights (longways into my leg area maybe a half to one inch) but again, no one said anything.
I think u/littletoast flies with their dog as well.