grab one of these and u never have to fucking worry about bags
Amazon sells Amazonbasics 900 dog poop bags for like $13 with a holder.
AmazonBasics Dog Waste Bags with Dispenser and Leash Clip - 900-Count
Have you tried plain greek yogurt? A tablespoon per day in a small dish right before the first meal will help establish good gut flora. I'd try that for a couple days before any further tests.
There's also Fortiflora, a probiotic food additive that will help promote healthy bacteria growth. My Vet recommended it to me for a similar issue. Just sprinkle a packet on their food once a day.
most pet stores are similiar in price and supply choice. Pet Value tends to be a bit higher, but otherwise all the box stores are around the same. Costco is great for larger dog beds. Amazon is truly your best bet for most pet supplies, especially poop bags. I bout these two years ago, have two dogs and am maybe half way through them.
I use this enzyme cleaner
May need more than one application. Pour it on, let it soak in, wipe up with clean cloths. Repeat as necessary.
I personally recommend enzymes. I've used the Nature's Miracle brand for several decades now, and it has never failed me.
But they are just a single company. There are plenty of competitors out there. And they all work similarly. You use a black light to discover where the concentrations are:
then you mist the area with enzymes and walk away. It takes time, but the enzymes break down the odor causing compounds into their base components.
Sometimes it takes more than one application, but that's OK. I mist three times a day, sometimes for two or three days. In the end the stench is gone, never to return.
We had a very similar outbreak and bought this spray from Amazon. It worked ASTOUNDINGLY WELL. As in, no signs of fleas within a hour of spraying. I also like that it's plant based, pleasant smelling, and safe for home and pets.
I buy these from Canadian amazon. I love them so much. Great quality, pretty thick in comparison to other poopy bags and super cheap! Also comes with a convenient roll holder I can just clip onto the leash.
I'm sure there's an American version.
Tapeworm! You may see small hard pieces that look like grains of rice, too. I took in a stray kitten earlier this year who had fleas and ended up with tapeworms from grooming and ingesting them. The wait for the vet was months due to Covid so they told me to buy the same pills they’d give me if I come in and do an at home flea treatment, too. Get the dewormer pills off Amazon. They’re $14.98 there vs $24 I spent at a brick and mortar store. Bayer Tapeworm Dewormer (Praziquantel Tablets) for Cats, 3-Count Praziquantel Tablets for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older
900 bags for $14, even comes with a little dispenser to clip on you leash...i get the biodegradable ones and just chuck em into the bushes behind the house, might as well recycle that poop into nutrients.
This will do. Cat poop will get contaminated like that. You havent seen any since that most likely the case. If you're still worries I recoment the above product. If your cat is losing weight, has the runs or visible worms or what looks like rice in poop or on backside take to the vet.
Awwww. For the soak you can make it REALLY shallow so might be worth at least trying to see if you can get him to step into a little puddle-depth dish. I get that water fear though.
As far as apple cider vinegar, I've never tried it, but I just would be worried about the stinging part. I mention stinging again cause I tried a spray once that apparently stung and it took maybe two weeks to get my dog to let me near his poor feet again! That said it seems like it's recommended often so you could try a little patch test with diluted vinegar to see the reaction.
I also have heard feeding plain, unsweetened yogurt is helpful! My dog LOVES it. You just have to be careful to get plain unsweetened. I also use the purina fortiflora probiotic packets for general purpose treatment of biome disruptions, like during/after antibiotics or gastritis. They're expensive but they seem to work VERY well. You could try that if the yogurt isn't strong enough. I hope you find something that helps!
Yes, if he's sneezing more with that bedding, I would get rid of it. I would recommend using something that is not wood-based to see if it helps his sneezing. Here is the Kaytee bedding that I like to use. In the meantime, try giving him lots of toilet paper (just a bunch of toilet paper) as bedding until you're able to get the new bedding. Make sure to give him lots, and rip it up a little so he can still burrow and play! If his sneezing continues and/or if he still seems unwell otherwise (lethargic, watery eyes, etc.), take him to a vet ASAP.
I've always been told that kittens that age should be allowed as much food as they want. However, the diarrhea is worrisome. I foster kittens a lot, and the SPCA vets have given me kitten probiotics when that's happened before. You could try getting your kittens some of the same stuff and seeing if it helps their digestion:
(Note that it may be cheaper on other websites; I normally get mine off ebay. The vets normally only give me 2-4 packets if a kitten is having problems, so you might be able to buy less than this, too.)
If you really want her to be able to go inside, I would look into systems specifically designed for that. What I mean is they do make "turf" or even real grass pads that can be used inside. I'm talking about something like this. Usually you want to teach the puppy that outside=potty, but maybe you can teach her that grass=potty.
Also, some people use their actual dry food as treats, which is taken out of their total daily allowance. Like if your pup is supposed to get a total of 2 cups of food per day, then take out 1/2 cup for training and spread the remaining 1 1/2 out over her regular meals.
I recommend this brand from Amazon. For 40LBs, the price is currently at $13.10. It goes on a price "sale" often and the price varies a bit from time to time.
Precious Cat Ultra Premium Clumping Cat Litter
The litter does not smell and clumps wonderfully. The best part is for the benefit of the cat--when the cat kicks up the litter too energetically, there isn't a dust storm!
This stuff kills them on contact, and it really works.
It's not very expensive on Amazon. The next thing is to vacuum, vacuum, vacuum, and then vacuum some more. Two or three times daily, empty your vacuum cleaner after each time. Make sure to pay close attention where your dogs sleep and hang out the most. Oh, and did I mention you need to vacuum?
Where I live we usually have a break out of fleas in the spring and early fall. If we don't stay on top of it they can really overtake your house before you know it. This is the best way I have found to get rid of them without using harsh insecticides that could harm your pets.
I use this one which normally Amazon has in stock for ~$16 but they have been out since it went on sale for $10. I swear by it! I used Tidy Cats, Arm and Hammer, others. This is the only one that clumps and helps contain the odor but only when they bury it. One of my cats doesn't bury for no clear reason and that can stink but I just scoop a bit of litter on it and no more smell.
In an ideal world, yes. But most people will either use bags they have from the store or the cheap ones from the local pet store or Amazon. Neither are biodegradable. Environment friendly dog waste bags cost more. These ones on Amazon are $14 for 900 cheap bags or $26 for 900 of the biodegradable ones.
I would cut out the yogurt as lactose and dogs is sometimes not the best combo. See here;
I have also used fortiflora probiotic powder on my dogs food in the past. It helped firm things up as it promoted more complete digestion.
I used to get it from Amazon;
Hope it helps, hang in there, try not to make too many adjustments at the same time.
I came across tics a lot last year and did a ton of reading.
In order for you to get lime disease the tick has to puke into you. So when pulling them off, pull by the head with tweezers. DO NOT Squeeze the body, especially when filled with blood. IF you squeeze the body you can force the blood back into you. DO NOT DROWN THEM OFF. It can cause them to puke into you as they convulse trying to get oxygen.
If I remember correctly the tic has to be on you for 24 hours for yo0u to get infected (on average).
I had one on me for a few hours and it got to the size of a dime before my girlfriend saw it. I was fine. I'm sure you will be too.
If you can get a shipment from the US you can buy this stuff. It worked really well on my dogs but they are not allowed to sell it in canada. I bought it on Amazon 3 or 4 years ago and now you can't ship to canada/
My cat had it, and I did get him through it. He did not have to be force fed nut was vomiting everything up. I believe the cause was the kidney formula food he was on.
I found small meals, complete altering of diet, changing of food often and the best thing, appetite and nausea medicine and Fortilflora.
The probiotic help the nausea and digestion. Works really well, I give it to my young cat now too.
Time and patience and waterproof bedding.
Best of luck.
I’m sorry. I know how frustrating this is. we use a fake grass pad on our patio because we don’t want Ziggy the Pup peeing all over the concrete. It is a miracle and surprisingly doesn’t smell horrible. This is the one I love. PETMAKERThe Indoor Restroom Puppy...
Alas. Long haired cats have special needs, which present another route of attack.
I guess I should mention using cat attract litter as being one possible route to tackle the issue. Probably wait to try that until you're sure there's no medical issue. If he has an issue and has a residual aversion afterwards, being able to give him a brand-new kind of litter with no negative association would be best.
My dog has had fleas for a few months on and off also, I tried shampoo and it didn't do much besides kill/drown whatever was on at the time.
Then tried frontline+, didn't do much of anything either.
Then I got capstar tablets, these are awesome at killing the adult fleas that bite, however the eggs remain (fleas lay a shitton of eggs in their brief life span).
Tried many times to vacuum like crazy yet they just kept coming back. Also tried borox all over (pain in the ass to vacuum), they were still coming back.
After this I figured there were fleas with dogsitter and dog kept re-getting fleas anytime they dogsat. Stopped dropping dog off over there for the short term and fleas have been going away.
Did another application of frontline+ and continued using capstar and a bath, continuing to vacuum anything and everything the dog touches.
They came back again after another brief stay with the family member. Pestered family member to clean house (helped also) and started using this the other day. Sprayed it everywhere, doesn't smell bad and doesn't harm the dog. Haven't seen any fleas yet. Probably will use the spray at family members house. It's just oils and water, dries pretty quickly.
Hoping to be rid of these bastards because they've attacked my legs quite a bit.
if you can go with non-flushable litter, then Dr. Elseys Precious Cat Ultra is what you want, imo
I use "Precious Cat" which is incredibly cheap for a 40lb bag and it is the best cat litter ever. Minimal dust, cats love it, and it clumps really well.
In addition, I have the Omega Paw litter box which cleans the litter box by having you turn it on its side as it sifts out the dirty litter. It falls into a drawer and you just pull the drawer out and BAM.
We have two litter boxes and three cats. This stuff lasts me a long time and we rarely have to throw out ALL the little and clean it because of the sifting method and the great clumping.
When we do clean it, we let the litter get really low so we're not throwing too much out. It's easier that way.
Give probiotics like FortiFlora, give small portion of regular food next couple meals or something bland like plain cooked chicken. She should be fine. You can also give Pepto, 1 tsp per 5 lbs of body weight / 1 caplet per 20 lbs. Every 6 hours.
Some animals are sensitive to it, so be careful, but:
A single Seresto collar on one of the cats, can in the relatively short term clear all of them and the house (assuming indoor cats).
It renders fleas infertile, which slowly clears the infestation by attrition.
They’re about $50-$60 on Amazon.
Do NOT buy a knockoff or bootleg - they don’t work.
And while you’re waiting for it to work,
Vet's Best Flea and Tick Home Spray
(Not an affiliate link)
It’s a peppermint/clove/eucalyptus spray, and seems to help a bit in the short term.
Source: this combo worked for us, then subsequently several neighbors.