Strong recommendation for Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases. It packs a lot of information into a well-structured format, making it easier to understand the underlying pathology of many diseases as opposed to just memorizing walls of text.
Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses. Useful for administration of drugs you're not familiar with.
Medication Index. Useful for indefinitely medications by class/use. Also has other references for things like overdoses.
For neuroanatomy this book by Hal Blumenfeld is pretty good, our school made some team based learning workshops based on this book.
Not sure about physio tho, I mostly relied on BnB Step 1 material and my school lectures for my neuro block.
"The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications: Rätsch, Christian, Hofmann, Albert: 9780892819782: Books -"
It's worth every penny absolutely love this book
In Medication Madness, psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin, M.D., describes how people taking psychiatric medication can experience abnormal behavioral reactions, including suicide, violence, emotional breakdowns, and criminal acts. Dr. Breggin explains his concept of "medication spellbinding": individuals taking psychiatric drugs may have no idea whatsoever that their mental conditions are deteriorating and that their actions are no longer under control. He proves his argument by documenting dozens of cases from his practice and his consultations in legal cases.
Make your own flashcards. Make a list of drugs you don't know about that you run into at clinical. Research and study later.
I keep this on me at every clinical.
2021 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses
If you buy stuff with smile at Amazon, a portion of it goes to a non profit of your choice. Don't buy from regular Amazon, just
I read it in a book called The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants.
Exactly! Thank you.
Thanks for the recommendation. Here's a really useful, academic level one: The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications
And if you look up the paper "Getting High witch the Most High" online, you will find a really good study on where they appear in the Bible.
If you’re interested in shamanic plants there’s a brilliant book that you can use as a leap board to gain quite advanced knowledge pretty quick
The PDF is 2 minutes away on google, I had the PDF and just had to buy the book. It’s an 11 out of 10 for me
Most of the plants I wouldn’t touch, like datura. You don’t do datura datura does you. It’s for the most advanced shamans like many. Some of the plants are dangerous like transdermal absorption dangerous, just handling them can fuck you up. I have the utmost respect for plants, the true overlords IMo
There are many plants with active compounds mate
Carvacrol for example
It’s in oregano oil in high concentrations, is an anti inflammatory that stops pneumonia taking over hint it’s useful to have in your cupboard
There are many papers which document the effects of countless compounds, MGO is another very interesting one
There’s books that are literally life changing the PDF of this is out there easy to find
This book will help you explore different alternatives to cannabis. I love this book.
I used this a lot. It was nice to have due to not always having a computer available when needed.
2021 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses
Also this (it fit perfectly in my scrubs pockets).
Nursing Clipboard,Foldable Lightweight Aluminum Construction, Nurse clipboard are Suitable for Nurses,Doctors and Students (Black)
Other than these two things, the only other things I ever took were my stethoscope, a couple pens, a pen light, and a pair of bandage scissors. Never needed anything more than that.
I frequently used this during clinical:
2021 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses
It was especially useful to have because there weren’t always computers available when needed during clinical. As far as actual textbooks, I used e-books almost exclusively and would always take my laptop with me to class. This is what is recommended to all new budtenders at my local dispo. This is what was recommended to me by a friend who is a historian. He felt this was the best representation of the actual history of things.
Leafly has a great book on the basics of cannabis consumption and things to know
The Leafly Guide to Cannabis: A Handbook for the Modern Consumer
Man, I had a quick google for "psychoactive compendium" and I've not found one within the last two years, yet, but there are some really interesting looking books out there! Novel Psychoactive Substances: Classification, Pharmacology and Toxicology
These are just the first two I found. I got a little lost browsing books on amazon. I'm amazed and yet not at all surprised that there are so many books on the subject. Goddamn.
Still interested in hearing about yours though!
Hehehe. Get "The Bible"...
It's expensive but worth it... and there are some things as (or more!) amazing than DMT.
"The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications"
Leafly published a book which is pretty comprehensive: If you want a thorough re-introduction to the state of weed in 2018, it’s a great start.
David Bienenstock’s book “how to smoke pot properly” is also excellent:
Hi my name is William B. Skates and i'm the author of The Art of CBD Hemp Oil the book is solely focused on beginners who want to dive into the world of CBD Hemp Oil and help them understand the benefits it has over traditional medicine, how to acquire it legally and also how to avoid scams when making a purchase. The book just entered its free promotion from 6/1 to 6/5. I would love to hear your thoughts down in the comments below.
In The Art of CBD Hemp Oil I touch on:
Hi my name is William B. Skates and my book The Art of Hemp Oil has been out for a while. The book is an easy to read guide for beginners who want to learn more about the benefits CBD and Hemp Oil have for treating chronic pain, anxiety, diabetes, fibromyalgia and more. I also talk about how to legally acquire CBD Oil , avoid scams when making a purchase and easy recipes you can make. I would love to hear your thoughts down in the comments below.
Click Here to get your copy
In The Art of Hemp Oil I talk about:
Respectfully, William B. Skates
Hi my name is William B. Skates and i'm the author of The Art of Hemp Oil the book is solely focused on beginners who want to dive into the world of Hemp Oil and help them understand the benefits it has over traditional medicine, how to acquire it legally and also how to avoid scams when making a purchase. The book just entered its free promotion from 3/4 to 3/8. I would love to hear your thoughts down in the comments below.
In The Art of Hemp Oil i touch on:
Hi my name is William B. Skates and i'm the author of The Art of Hemp Oil the book is solely focused on beginners who want to dive into the world of Hemp Oil and help them understand the benefits it has over traditional medicine, how to acquire it legally and also how to avoid scams when making a purchase. The book just entered its free promotion from 3/4 to 3/8. I would love to hear your thoughts down in the comments below.
In The Art of Hemp Oil i touch on:
I would recommend this book, Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases by Moore. We used it for medical school and I found it particularly useful.
I bought my acupuncturist a great book on mind altering plants as a gist once. She loved it. Here it is.
I lifted most of it from Illegal Drugs: A Complete Guide to their History, Chemistry, Use, and Abuse. Maybe give it a buy if you are looking for a good information source.
Review would be Najeeb/Kaplan vids depending on what you have time for plus obviously a high yield review resource (First Aid or Crush The Step etc) and lots of questions because Neuro is mostly application so UWorld and such but also books like Lange Neuro Case Files.
The one underrated book I think is Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases which you might find a 'free' copy of online still or:
It has questions plus the explanations but it is a bit thick and contains some unneeded info. However for someone as bad at Neuro as I am, I'm gonna have to unfortunately read this and take the time.
Hands down best book in my opinion. Made the block an enjoyable one.
Neuroanatomy through clinical cases- Blumenfield
this is THE book for neuroanatomy. I sat down read the whole thing for my neurology clerkship and got 99th percentile on the shelf, wish I had used this thing in first year - its money. Yes its a text book but if you get through it especially the clinical cases at the end of capters , you'll know the foundations cold- all important for anything neuro related that comes after M1 since clinical neurology is pretty tied, unlike alot of the other fields to its groundwork basics.
If you just want to see anatomy anatomy, its got good pics and cross sections too.
I was just gunna say google but there are a few books I can think of.