I love seeing shit like this. So inspiring. I'm pushing 30 and was worried about missing "my prime". I'm catching up slowly now though!
Hey btw, if you're a lazy lard like me and don't exercise because of convenience, get a desk pedaller. I'm burning an extra 300-400 calories a day just doing my regular schtick. People always say they're bad, but I think those people buy shitty ones. I splurged for one of the 160 (cad) ones, and I love it.
Even if you are pedalling SUPER slowly, it's still something. It adds up. Quick.
Also, it'll probably help prevent you from getting an infarction from sitting too long. Yay spontaneous clotting!
For those wondering: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00QIM5CMA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I just bought a desk cycle via Amazon for $150. Essentially it's just resistant pedals that sit on the floor. Probably one of the smarter purchases I've made in a long time and perfect for a small space, keeping it out of the way.
Edit: For those asking, this is what I picked up ... https://www.amazon.com/DeskCycle-Exercise-Pedal-Exerciser-White/dp/B00B1VDNQA?ie=UTF8&ref_=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top
I don’t have one but my husband does. From what he’s told me: standing desk, walking around at lunch/breaks, taking stairs when you can-even on your breaks, his biggest thing is keeping nutrition in check since he is sedentary for most of the day.
Also if your not afraid to get possible some possible looks from co workers you could check out the Desk Pedal Exerciser :)
Probably for people that have a desk job and want to get some exercise while they work. Similar to standing height desks or under desk peddlers or treadmill desks
You can get these neat under the desk "bicycles" like this one.
This could get your heart rate up and burn some energy discreetly.
This is an awesome list. I didn’t like the side effects from some meds like gabapentin but am so glad it’s helping you!
I’m getting this little cycle peddle thing delivered today to help build strength, I’m so excited for it :]
Could you explain the reason for the magnesium things you take?
Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Mini Exercise Bike with Digital Monitor and 8 Level Resistance https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZHNWK8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_80MSFbNNJQNTZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Sure! I’m pretty damn lazy with it. My macros are set to 20g carbs, 100g protein, and 124g fat and staying at or under 1600 calories. I’ve slacked off with logging meals lol. I’m doing 16:8 IF most days. I make all my meals. Lots of fresh ground beef for burgers and meatloaf. On off days I make flaxseed meal crackers and dip them in guacamole and queso (all home made and essentially zero carbs). I rarely log but when I’m making a batch of food I calculate the carbs and in my head understand “hey I’ve just eaten about 10 carbs so do 10 or less for your next meal”. I’m drinking tons of water too. Occasionally I’ll have a diet root beer (A&W’s diet tastes like the real deal!)
Sorry this isn’t more helpful. I know I should be better at logging but it takes so much time for me to get a recipe correct in MyFitnessPal and I’m way too impatient right now lol. I barely have time Mon-Thurs with work to do anything besides come home, eat, watch an episode of The Office and then go to bed, so I just wing it lol.
If you’re struggling to lose what you want to, maybe try adding in exercise when you can. I just found a cool bike thing on Amazon I’ll probably get. I have a back injury and was told I can only exercise on a recumbent bike, so if you can’t hit the gym this might be a good option to do exercise at home while watching TV or something. That’s my plan!
Sorry for the essay!
Edit: fixed link
Edit 2: if you want any recipes Pm me ;)
Because it is cheap and can accomodate any height. I suggest get an 40 dollar floor pedal that she can use pre and post op. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XLP3WZK/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_glt_i_KK8M9DEKJZCWXJKCKH0Z
It's relatively cheap and does not take a lot of space. Once she has more range of motion upgrade to a better equipment.
Play all the video games you want, but get yourself one of these:
Sunny Health & Fitness Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser, Desk Elliptical Mini Bike - SF-B0891 , Gray by Amazon.com Learn more: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZHNWK8/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_JQJJP8X19X1KTH29QHJE
Additionally, commit to going for a walk 3x/week for 30 mins. Then move that up to 45 mins, then 60. Then 4-5 days/week. Walking is easy and takes no warmup, and is mentally a lot easier than trying to get motivated to go on a jog where you’ll be out of breath.
Use a calorie tracking app like LoseIt.
Switch from regular soda to diet.
That girl from Spain was a guy catfishing you.
Best of luck bud.
I have bad hips and have been using this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BDRFMZK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_88SNAVMHT8356RVR0NSY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 successfully. I don't find it hard on my hips or my knees. I hope this helps!
I’m not vegan so I don’t really have many suggestions in that regard, but our stats are pretty similar! As for exercise would you maybe be able to do a stationary bike at the gym? These are fairly low impact and I don’t think they should hurt your knees much but I could be wrong. Amazon even has mini pedalers that you can do at home to burn a few calories. Something like this https://www.amazon.com/Drive-Medical-Exercise-Electronic-RTL10273/dp/B002VWJYSE/ref=sr_1_4_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1489422490&sr=8-4&keywords=mini+pedal+exerciser
You're so welcome! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine! And I agree, 200 is totally awesome for an hour, and 400 for a day with what i consider little pain and no inconvenience from working is amazing!
There are many different ones available on amazon. This one is the one I got because price wasn't really an issue for me, and it has pretty much the best reviews, but honestly there are ones in the $50-100 range that have almost as good reviews - like 4.3-.4 out of 5 stars instead of this one's 4.6.
If you end up getting one let me know how you like it!!!
I’d recommend an under desk exercise bike like this one. It’s a little pricy but there could be other options that are less expensive.
I saw someone having a treadmill under a desk or something like this
It's not going to give you the same workout as a full bike, obviously. It puts up no resistance. But I use for a couple hours a night and it is helping me lose weight.
It's $147 on Amazon, with 1209 reviews (and more reviews on other listings): https://www.amazon.com/Daiwa-Felicity-Original-Exerciser-Circulation/dp/B003DQWQNM/ Not particularly expensive nor uncommon.
I spend a lot of my time at my desk - getting a desk cycle or desk elliptical has been really great for me to get some extra activity in.
I have a mini peddler that I use & it doesn't really make any noise. I don't use that exact one but basically the same thing. Another I like to do is fit in very mini workouts when I can. Instead of skipping show intros, I'll do sit-ups. While waiting for the microwave, I'll do pushups on the counter. While brushing my teeth, I'll do squats or wall sits. You could walk or jog in place for those if you want to as well! Best of luck to you, you got this!
Could you use something like this? I used this when I was working as a receptionist in the halycon days before med school, and I'd do like 40 miles a day on that bad boi
Gonna fill out your survey
But I was looking into this exact thing for when I'm studying. There are lots of pre-existing products that fit under this category.
Mini Exercise Bike https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JFTQ2MS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_H95CCCS1QAZ4D0RS4C7G?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Got Banned From askreddit for sharing it but be warned The Hard Part is finding a desk that fits your legs https://www.amazon.com/Vaunn-Exerciser-Electronic-Assembled-Exercise/dp/B07XLP3WZK/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=desk+pedal&qid=1636917774&qsid=133-5627746-6236835&rdc=1&sr=8-4&sres=B08CY37RPY%2CB07XLP3WZK%2CB08XXBR549%2CB07JFTQ2MS%2CB08...
50% OFF COUPON ON SITE! NOW: $149.00!
DeskCycle 2 Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser with Adjustable Leg - Mini Exercise Bike Desk Cycle, Leg Exerciser for Physical Therapy & Desk Exercise https://linktr.ee/AmazingDeals.com https://www.amazon.com/under-desk-bike-pedal-exerciser-stationary-bike-for-seniors/dp/B07BDRFMZK
Deskcycle is the brand name. If these links doesn't work, just search Amazon for Desk bike. I'm sure there's others using the same technology and may be cheaper. Just something I had picked up.
DeskCycle Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser - Portable Foot Exercise Cycle for Sitting with LCD Display - Mini Stationary Peddler for Adults & Seniors, Physical Therapy Workout Equipment https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B1VDNQA/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_VF839TBM9N8C5FRVRQW7
Deal of the day: DeskCycle 2 Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser with Adjustable Leg - Mini Exercise Bike Desk Cycle, Leg Exerciser for Physical Therapy & Desk Exercise https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BDRFMZK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_dl_2N8E9Q4RC372RNFMNQ51
If you're able to sit up, what works for me is the [DeskCycle 2 Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser with Adjustable Leg - Mini Exercise Bike Desk Cycle, Leg Exerciser for Physical Therapy & Desk Exercise https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BDRFMZK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_N4HN4BSF5MA3C6NK38KH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MBQ19Z2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title
I agree that it's not as good a workout as a treadmill (you are sitting after all), but my work requires a lot of mental focus, and I've found I just can't work and walk at the same time. Maybe I'm just dumb. I use it all the time as I'm sitting at my desk for 8+ hours every day. You won't get any sort of cardio unless you've got it at the highest resistance and are just going ham on it, which to me is too much exertion while trying to concentrate, but by the end of the day, my legs are a tiny bit sore and I'm tired, so it's doing something. I have it at a medium resistance.
I also have an actual treadmill bc I do need to get some cardio, and resistance bands.
I already do something MUCH better, CHEAPER and EASIER than that with a DESK PEDAL they cost almost nothing and it breaks the system of fitness and Laziness https://www.amazon.com/Vaunn-Exerciser-Electronic-Assembled-Exercise/dp/B07XLP3WZK/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=desk+pedal&qid=1636917774&qsid=133-5627746-6236835&rdc=1&sr=8-4&sres=B08CY37RPY%2CB07XLP3WZK%2CB08XXBR549%2CB07JFTQ2MS%2CB08...