Thank you! These are the bulbs we used: GE BR30 LED Grow Lights for Indoor Plants, Full Spectrum, 9-Watt Grow Light Bulb, Plant Light Bulb with Balanced Lighting for Seeds and Greens
I'm no expert but my plants love this bulb. Has a natural looking light and is just a standard bulb size for any lamp.
The biggest thing I did for the health of my high light plants was get supplemental lighting. A Reddit user recommended adding some lamps and once I did…. Amazing results. This was the bulb they recommended:
I use these GE grow lights in clamp lights. Plants seem to like them, and they’re not a weird color like some other grow lights you may have seen: GE Lighting 93101230 LED Grow Light, BR30, Balanced Spectrum
a desk lamp can definitely hold a BR30 light bulb! I actually bought these before I bought the PAR38 lights and they work amazingly if you only have a few plants. The PAR38 is definitely gonna be better if you have tall/multiple plants, but they’re too heavy for desk lamps :(
They also make grow lights that only look a little pink, for that soft vintage lighting aesthetic!
I’m using this bulb inside a movable lamp
GE Lighting 93101230 LED Grow Light, BR30, Balanced Spectrum
If you use 2 shoe boxes, cut the ends into flaps, and glue/ tape them together, you’ll have an enclosure that’s twice the height, and about 3 times the grow height.
And I’d say this bulb or something similar would give you the light you want for the shoe box :
The one that they’re under is a grow bulb maybe 4 inches above them.
GE Lighting BR30 LED Grow Lights for Indoor Plants, Full Spectrum, 9-Watt Grow Light Bulb, Plant Light Bulb with Balanced Lighting for Seeds and Greens
I'm not an expert, but mine are in LECA and they seem to really like it. the mom plant isn't doing great after the transfer but the babies love it. I have a grow lightto keep them not looking sparse and I feed them this every other watering cycle.
I’ve had very good results with these: GE BR30 LED Grow Lights for Indoor Plants, Full Spectrum, 9-Watt Grow Light Bulb, Plant Light Bulb with Balanced Lighting for Seeds and Greens
I have them on a lamp that has 3 lightbulbs and leave them on all night. Definitely needs more light. Hope that helps!
Fixture, yes. They make T8 LED grow bulbs that fit into fixtures, as well as A19 bulbs.
It's easier to grab a utility light and an A19 bulb than T8s, mostly.
Most plants don't care what KIND of light they get to grow as seedlings, but begin with the easiest fixture you can find and go up from there. Utility clamp lights with PAR30 sizing for your bulbs are my go-to choice.
These also work pretty well for starters bulbs as well.
Start with what you have, upgrade as you can.
For most of my lights, I use these to adjust height. Not sure if it will help in your case. This way I don't have to move shelves.
Totally depends on the plant in question, some stay covered for a week some closer to a month. Seedlings are tricky, I always grow them on the shady side as they are a pain to recover when the get burnt.
Edit: added the letters to words I missed on the first go round.
Yes! It’s a super cheap floor lamp from ikea. I have these bulbs in a couple different lamps, any lamp that has a medium base (BR30) would totally work!
The frist one is fine the 2nd one will not load. The past 3 years I have been using two of these.
This year I have switched over to these
It's not so much the amount of money for the lights, but the light they give off. Blue/Red lights are great for specialized growing phases, where as full spectrum white lights are good generalist for all phases.
(Here's one I'm using for my current set up, growing raspberries, tomatoes, and potatoes indoors with this light)
Some of them are good, some are crap. Personally I've gone through many different types of grow lights and the ones I've really grown to love are the bulbs that you can screw into regular lamps - low/med light and high light. I put them in swing arm desk and floor lamps so they blend with my decor. They look so much better than clamp lamps.
I like these bulbs and you put them in whatever light you have. I’ve also attached to IKEA hanging cords:
GE BR30 LED Grow Lights for Indoor Plants, Full Spectrum, 9-Watt Grow Light Bulb, Plant Light Bulb with Balanced Lighting for Seeds and Greens
I built this personal removable hangboard setup in my too-small condo a few months ago and it's been working out great for me:
I got some of these inexpensive locking pulley systems on Amazon to rig it up.
It doesn't look beautiful, but it's proven to be reliable and safe, so it gets the job done!
There's also a great desktop grow light that I use- it's available on Amazon for $40. I have two of them, and put the plants that need the most light directly underneath the bulb, and then the ones that need indirect light towards the edges of light exposure.
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I had to go the grow light route since my apartment has poor sunlight. I used these glow lights:
they are pretty energy efficient and helped out a ton with new growth. I had the light a few inches above the plant and I watered it every 7-10 days only when the soil felt pretty dry.
It honestly may not be enough long term. Depending on your budget, there are affordable LED growlight bulbs that can fit in most desk lamp fixtures like this ---
Thank you everyone for all the love! It’s funny because Reddit actually made me buy SOT in the first place. 😊 These two are under these grow lights for 12 hours a day. The VSOH gets watered around every 10-14 days when the hearts are slightly bendable; SOT every 7 days. They also get MiracleGro diluted to half the recommended concentration on packaging with every other watering.
I personally found VSOH to propagate very well in water; however, you do have to remove lower leaves so that they don’t rot in the water. I also tried soil propagating by pinning down cuttings with bobby pins and planting one node cuttings (butterfly method). They just take longer to root in soil, and it’s tricky to balance wet vs. dry this way, so I prefer water propagation.
For SOT, I laid 2” cuttings on top of soil and kept the whole thing in a closed Ziplock. I blew air into it every once in a while, and took it out when the new growth was 1” long.
I hope this helps everyone!
Ps - I am not selling cuttings of these or making any cuttings to share, for those of you who sent messages. ❤️
I only have experience with two so far but I’ve had them both about two months and my plants are doing great under them! They can seem kinda bright at first but I’ve gotten so used to the extra light I really love it now. The bigger one has kinda a pinkish tint to it, it’s lovely. I did research and these both met all the important things, broad spectrum, energy efficient, and long warranties. Idk if I can post them as links so I’ll try and i can’t I’ll dm them to you ☺️
$1 topsoil. Blasting Sand cap. This light bulb...
GE Lighting BR30 Full Spectrum LED Grow Light Bulb for Indoor Plants - 9W, Full, Balanced Lighting For Seeds & Greens
Hi all,
I bought this grow light bulb for my rubber tree to supplement the poor winter light from a north facing window.
But I wonder if my plant needs a stronger / additional lights given its size? Especially since those lower leaves aren't getting as much light from my current lamp. Some of the leaves are fading in color, and the whole plant is visibly leaning.
Any recommendation for grow lights?
I have this as my ceiling light in my plant room and it's great. I also have LED lights that have been in that space before I got all my plants and are in a dimmable wall mounted lamp which is working well for my succulents and leafy plants. Message me and I can send a picture to clarify if you want.