It's available on Amazon!
Pain by The Authors of Pain: The debut poetry collection from WWE tag team and literary powerhouse The Authors of Pain.
Full Story - I thought it was really ridiculous that there's a tag team called "The Authors of Pain" and they've never actually written a book called Pain, so I got a bunch of my friends together to write it for them. Originally it was just a digital book, but you guys really dug it so I formatted it for paperback and it's now available on Amazon for $4.
You can still download a free pdf of it at
It's a book of bad poetry from the perspective of Akam and Rezar and with a foreword by Paul Ellering. This thing took several months to put together and I could not be more proud of this. Former WWE writer Matt McCarthy, the head writer of Kayfabe News, the creator of Botched Spot and RD Reynolds of and a bunch of other really funny writers even contributed pieces. Now it's a literal, physical book which is insane to me.
Edit: Regarding all of the comments about the legality of this, I have a few friends that are parody book publishers that I talked this over with. I'm certainly in a legal grey area, but I doubt this thing is going to set the world on fire sales wise and it's available as a free download at the previously posted Supercollider Press page so I'm definitely not trying to get rich off of it. I mainly created the paperback because a bunch of people in the old thread asked for copies. If I'm asked to take it down, I will but until then I'm not super worried about it. Regardless, the heads up is appreciated.
Watched AOP perform live on the NXT House show circuit in Tampa before they made it on Television. Both dudes were green wearing cheesy face masks and constantly got heat and shit on by the local fans. The switch once they made it on to TV was night and day, they picked up big time and despite the one serious botch were relatively safe big men who made everything look real and had an aura about their team.
Sad to see them move on but at least they still have a career in free-verse poetry if they so decided:
> "You realize they're not actual authors right?"
I recommend this as a place to start:
Bonus points if you also get the audible version as most poems are meant to be heard and not read.
Unanswerable Questions contains a series of poems that dive into some of the most important and most neglected questions we can ask ourselves: What is compassion? How do we show it? Who am I? What is real? What is true? What does it mean to be present? You will find that these poems speak to your soul. They are the words that we all hear deep within, if only we should listen. This book is your chance to pay attention. Inviting you in to your existence, these poems are the siren of your Being. Answer her call. She awaits your opening.
eBook: $2.99 (or free with Kindle Unlimited) Paperback: $9.99
Unanswerable Questions contains a series of poems that dive into some of the most important and most neglected questions we can ask ourselves: What is compassion? How do we show it? Who am I? What is real? What is true? What does it mean to be present? You will find that these poems speak to your soul. They are the words that we all hear deep within, if only we should listen. This book is your chance to pay attention. Inviting you in to your existence, these poems are the siren of your Being. Answer her call. She awaits your opening.
eBook: $2.99
paperback: $9.99
Unanswerable Questions is an anthology of poetry that takes a deep dive into questions of compassion, identity, and presence. Free eBook through 5/31.
For those that don't know about it, here is the Book of Pain by the AOP:
there's some chapters in this anthology focused on nature, it's one of my favs:
Yo recomendaría dos: * Una antología de la poesía del Siglo de Oro * Obras completas de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (lo puedes encontrar en; por desgracia, ahora la web no responde)
Si tienes un Kindle, en Amazon hay varios libros de poesía "antiguos", como el de Bécquer, para descargar gratis.
There's an anthology called The Poetry of Sex which you might find interesting. I didn't love all of the poems in it, but there are definitely some good ones. You could also just look at the ToC and then look up the poems online/separately if you can't get the anthology.
Issue 2 link for the lazy:
The Morning Bell is an Australian-based literary journal - and submissions for the next issue are open now (
Okay, that's enough self-promotion - enjoy the book. (I may or may not be an editor of the journal)
No problem! It's just a link to the paperback of the book more's the pity, but here's a link to the Amazon page in case that's more useful.