Never ever use acetone on plastics.
It looks like someone has already used too aggressive of a cleaner on.
Try a little Dawn on a microfiber towel followed by a plastic polish like Nexus.
Novus 7136 Plastic Polish Kit - 2 oz.
Good luck-
You could try a plastic polish and see if that helps. Something like this, though I don't recommend using the "heavy" scratch remover as these scratches don't look that deep.
For context, the heavy scratch remover is very gritty and while it removes heavier scratches, it also creates finer scratches, which, in theory are meant to be removed by the "fine" scratch remover -- but in my experience, it doesn't always work.
tl;dr: I'd try the "fine" scratch remover first and see how that goes. I'm sure there are plenty of YouTube videos on how to properly use it.
This stuff works good on Pop plastic windows and any type of plastic surface as well. It's recommended a lot on this sub for scratches on the window.
I use Novus plastic polish kit. Sometimes I use Brasso beforehand if the scratches are bad enough... Just keep rubbing that stuff in a circular pattern with a rag until the big scratches disappear, then use Novus #3 to start polishing, then Novus #2 for the final polish. Then #1 for a beautiful sheen. I just did that for a GameCube jewel the other day.
Yup, Ultimate Polish will work just fine, but if you're going off Amazon anyway I'd go with M205. It's basically the pro version of UP and has slightly more cut but finishes extremely well.
And yeah, you'll need to rewax after, but make sure you're using an IPA spray first to remove the oils so it bonds well! Which Youtube video watch before, btw?
Novus plastic polish may work on the lens as well, just be careful.
I put it back in the box because I don't like dust covers. I put round piece of plexiglass on the platter when I'm not using my turntable.
If you need to restore yours, you can try the Novus kit.
Otherwise, a trip to your auto parts store to find a headlamp restoration kit might work.
I actually use the Novus three step system on my Montblanc pens. I'm not really interested in saving a few bucks and using toothpaste on something as expensive as these pens.
Link to product on Amazon U.S. - This is NOT an affiliate link.
You can try the methods in this article. There are also commercial products for restoring CD's and general products like Novus plastic polish that can be used.
It won't be perfect like it was when it was brand new, but you can try Novus for that.
You can try a scratch remover for glasses. Like this one:
Perfect, thank you for this.
Also here's the whole Novus kit for $5 more (the standalone Polish Pack is a 'add on' item through Amazon and won't ship without an order of $25+)
The car is a 2015 Subaru Forester with Pearl White paint. I got quoted $250 to fix this, but I am wondering if it's just easier to do it myself. I am looking at a 3M Scratch Removal System on Amazon and wondering if I could just remove all the scratches, or do I need to buy the paint itself?
Not sure if I should just suck up the $250 and do that or try to do it myself
NOVUS plastic polish is the best stuff I have found when dealing with old plastic; It does a great job of restoring any kind of antique that has plastic on it:
Use this afterwards. You can skip the sanding part as it's not really needed for the light scratches that you'll create.
The paint on mine looks better than before.
I have spots/stains on the instrument gauge cluster plastic on a used car I just bought that I can't get out. I tried plastic cleaner and goof off to no avail. Would a headlight restoration kit like this be too aggressive? Any suggestions?
it was too cold for CA so I used the NOVUS 7136 Plastic Polish Kit
Or just get Meguiar's and hand polish it (one for scratch, one for finish polish). May be hard to get to match but I have one and it doesn't seem aged finish like the newer Epi 59 LPs.
You might have better luck over at /r/luthier though. I'm a novice at best, so take my comment with a few grains of salt :-)
You could also just try polishing it alone at first and see if it bugs you.
As others have mentioned use a fine automotive polish. I've used this Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover on our old and new stainless steel fridge and it was amazing. Buffed out some rather deep scratches. Go nice and easy on it.
So you will need to polish it. Hand polishing won't get rid of swirls though, especially if you got a ton of them. You will need a DA polisher with a polishing pad and proper polish.
Like this one.
Novus Plastic Polishing Kit. Follow the instructions. Alternatives are tooth paste (the whitening stuff, not the clear-ish stuff).
Choose a kit you’re excited about, because you’re likely to finish it. Tamiya will be a better quality kit and also a bit easier to assemble, removing that potential frustration. Any modern kit will generally have a lot of tiny parts, regardless of the scale.
magic erasers have a fine abrasive in them... so that wasn't a great plan.
But 100% can be recovered. Just get some plastic polish, and a supply of soft cloths.
Asides for the cloth, that has everything you should need. Bonus the #1 "Clean and Shine" is good for cleaning visors, and mildly anti-fog
I bought one from these guys, works well and looks nice.
To get rid of the already existing scratches and add a protective layer of wax try this stuff, I've had good results with it. Other plastic polish kits are out there but I can't vouch for any personally.
You can try pouring just a touch of resin over it again, probably the simplest fix. Are you using wet sandpaper up to 3000 grit? after i work my way up to 3000 grit I hit my pieces with some Novus Plastic Polish, here is the link
Girlfriend just swiped a pole in her brand new WRX and was heart broken, looked just like yours. 15 mins later, looked brand new again. I've also used it on my CX5. Just keep rubbing in circular motions even if at first it looks like it's not doing anything.
New nav DVD (which is what the DVD is for, only for reading maps), all that does is update the maps themselves. There will be no change in the apps/interface/any of that. Carplay etc? Absolutely not, you're about 10 years too old for that with a 2008. They sell retrofit kits that essentially add an android auto head-unit on top of your existing one that you can press a button and swap over to. Depending on whether you have the CIC or CCC nav (post a picture of your nav screen), it may require a new screen as well. $500-1000
Headlights -
Backup camera - besides checking settings like someone else mentioned, take a look at the camera lens. Could be cloudy/scratched just like the headlights. Upgrading the camera with your existing head unit is unlikely. If you did go the android auto route and add one of those boxes, they often are set up to allow additional aftermarket camera connections.