Also, don't buy the one on Amazon with forward by Alan Dershowitz by mistake like I did.
Spends the entire forward making horrendously disingenuous remarks and attempting to spin the report into something that exonerates or proves Trump's innocence.
Egregious hit job.
I implore anyone who is interested in this connection to read the recently released book 'Proof of Collusion'. I just got mine in the mail & read the first couple of chapters last night & they particularly focus on Trump's long & documented business history with the oligarchs & mobsters of Russia. It's disturbing to read, but very compelling. I am convinced that what Trump actually wanted was to be like the American version of a Russian oligarch.
In all seriousness I want to plug <em>A Legacy of Ashes</em> by Tim Weiner. He published it right before Obama took office, and goes through a detailed, ~700 page rundown of the history of the CIA and its many abuses. And not just abuses, but historic failures too. The CIA is a fairly incompetent organization in many ways and this book takes them to task. I highly recommend getting it or borrowing it from a library, it's a hella good read and really exposes the worst of the CIA.
And that's all before these last 12 years.
Yeah. The Washington Post version is a good one. It keeps the original pagination which I think some others do not, and had extras like the indictments and a timeline as well.
I prefer the paper version because it allows you to easily flip back and forth and mark it up with your own notes if you want to. Worth the $10 even if its free online.
If you haven't (this is directed at everyone, really), get Seth Abramson's Proof of Collusion. He's great on twitter and the book is fantastic. The reviews are practically all five stars:
There is no Mueller report yet and we don't know for sure if there will be one but Dershowitz is already on Amazon's incoming books with: The Mueller Report: The Final Report of the Special Counsel into Donald Trump, Russia, and Collusion.According to some twitter comments the publishing company Skyhorse is a russian backed company.The fuckers even put the logo and Department of Justice on the cover to look like is the official report.
You can also by the Washington Post version for $10 on Amazon. It's Dershowitz-free.
This twitter thread by Seth Abramson, author of the book <em>Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America</em> is a real bombshell, in my opinion:
There's an excellent book about this called The Cuckoo's Egg. Highly recommend it, especially if you're getting started in the software development / cybersecurity space, or working alongside government agencies.
If you're interested - blind man's bluff talks all about some of their stories. The US subs were so advanced over the soviet counterparts that this was how they passed the time. It's a pretty good read.
The Watergate investigation took much longer and was much less complicated. Read Seth Abramson’s new book, Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America.
This book just came out this week documenting with crazy amounts of annotations, just how deep the real Trump/Russia/other bad acting countries conspiracies/collusion go. Yet I doubt any of it will ever be discussed on r/conspiracy. Those people are truly looking down the wrong rabbit holes. It's like the twilight zone in there.
Fun fact:
Pizzagate's primary propagandist is Mike Cernovich, a Trump fanatic.
Lesser known is that Mike Cernovich allied with Epstein's ex-lawyer Alan Dershowitz in a legal quest to attack Epstein's victims. Both of them have been filing joint or related legal requests in a court case attempting to unseal documents on one of Epstein's accusers.
The victim of course has been defending herself in court against these attacks by highlighting to the judge how completely fucking biased Cernovich is against rape victims.
Another fun fact:
Alan Dershowitz wrote the forward to the Mueller Report published on Amazon. The credits for Alan were already on the cover before the report was even published, before he had time to actually read it. Look it up on Amazon, most people don't realize someone deeply biased towards the Trump child rape crew managed to get himself added into the report, before the report was out.
All coincidences, I'm sure.
>The only way it could be published instantly is if Dershowitz writes the introduction in advance.
You mean like this?
Because, i'm sure that wasn't created to be misleading at all.
No, you can pre-order the Washington Post version published by Scribner which doesn't include any forewords written by partisan hacks.
>The articles provide no proof
And here is the problem.
Trump supporters, because they are either fundamentally misinformed or are merely pretending to be, act as if life is an episode of CSI. Meaning that Trump must assuredly be innocent unless someone can produce a smoking gun to show them and wrap this all up within about 45 minutes, plus commercials.
The evidence for the collusion allegations are all around you, and in fact right at your fingertips if you care to look for it. But I get the sneaking suspicion you don't care to look, which is the basis for your demand that someone spoonfeed you the "proof" you only pretend to care about. As well as your misguided notion that the allegations are bunk unless someone can successfully change your mind.
Straight up there is a physical copy of the Mueller report for sale on Amazon with an "introduction" by <em>Alan Dershowitz</em>.
Is it just me or is that fucking insane?
I'm reading Seth Abramson's Proof of Collusion right now. It's pretty convincing and incredibly well-sourced.
First quote on the "editorial reviews"
>"Let it come out, let people see it. Let's see whether or not it's legit…I look forward to seeing the [Mueller] report."—President Donald Trump
Is that a joke?
The Jakarta Method: Washington’s Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World by Vincent Bevins > In 1965, the U.S. government helped the Indonesian military kill approximately one million innocent civilians. This was one of the most important turning points of the twentieth century, eliminating the largest communist party outside China and the Soviet Union and inspiring copycat terror programs in faraway countries like Brazil and Chile. But these events remain widely overlooked, precisely because the CIA’s secret interventions were so successful.
>In this bold and comprehensive new history, Vincent Bevins builds on his incisive reporting for the Washington Post, using recently declassified documents, archival research and eye-witness testimony collected across twelve countries to reveal a shocking legacy that spans the globe. For decades, it’s been believed that parts of the developing world passed peacefully into the U.S.-led capitalist system. The Jakarta Method demonstrates that the brutal extermination of unarmed leftists was a fundamental part of Washington’s final triumph in the Cold War.
you make it sound as if I personally take some EU funds. And you have a really condescending attitude. "You take our money, we helped you, so you must listen as we tell you". From my perspective (I am Czech), it was Germany and Russia who fucked my country up 80 years ago. One side Nazis killing slavic people because they were untermenschen, on the other side fucking USSR. If it were not for these two countries, communism would not have decimated eastern Europe. You need some history lessons
and nowadays we see history repeating itself. Gemany is no more nazistic and imperialistic, but it is spineless and enabling another fascist Regime, which is current Russia. Russia is again threatening other countries
If anyone wants a more specific case study, The Jakarta Method, by Vincent Bevins is a really good (and horrifying) historical account on the US/CIA's intervention in the affairs of another nation.
In Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA, the author writes that while the USSR found it pretty easy to recruit Americans or place agents in the US, the US was comically bad at placing spies in the USSR, due to the Soviets' skill at spycraft and the Americans' difficulty in penetrating the culture.
Sorry, can't find a direct quote. That's a good book, though. Like the title implies, the CIA has more failures than successes as far as its grand projects go, e.g. regime changes and intelligence operations.
This twitter thread by Seth Abramson, author of the book <em>Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America</em> is a real bombshell, in my opinion:
I just finished reading that book after Thanksgiving dinner this evening and now I can't sleep. It's information that everyone in America should know and I can't recommend it highly enough.
He didn't. He wrote it for a slanted take on the report:
Read the product description there.
Bizarre when I look it up it shows a massive selection of political books.
Your lies are as weak as your photoshop.
If you like that, you're going to love this:
The Mueller Report "the final report of the Special Counsel"
It says that Mueller and the US Dept of Justice are the authors and it includes an Introduction by Alan Dershowitz.
Fake books! It states that the publication date is March 26, 2019 and it is labelled as a best seller already probably due to presales. I don't have an Amazon account so I don't know how to report it.
This book literally just came out this week that shows all of this evidence. Someone is already showing you the truth, it's just not the official Mueller report yet. There's an audio version too, or check at your local library. Everything is fully fact checked & annotated.
> That's the sad thing, people say "it's the FBI leadership, not the rank and file!" this wasn't Comey and co. This was the rank and file.
A problem, though, is that the leadership generally sets the tone and emphasis of an organization. And since J. Edger Hoover, the primary focus has been political, especially on stuff that generates good publicity. That's why when I was growing up their emphasis and reputation was still based on bank robberies and kidnappings, which are both notorious and particularly easy to solve crimes, because of witnesses in the former, and the need to pick up a ransom in the latter.
If you're into computers, and, heh, this is another "Russia" thing, read The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage. The one organization that wouldn't give Cliff Stoll the time of day in tracking down the West German hackers who were being run by the KFB was the FBI, because the crime didn't satisfy their $100,000 or more threshold.
Hoover did seriously care about counter-espionage, but it was always a red headed stepchild in the organization, and he of course was long gone by then. That the FBI started exerting itself so much about claimed Russian espionage and the like last year just by itself makes it very suspicious, they wouldn't do it without a political angle, which we now can be pretty sure was the "insurance policy" they had in case Trump got elected.
Thanks! Snyder is a great writer. Bloodlands is definitely worth the read -- it's a look at the mass killings under the Hitler and Stalin regimes. If that sounds like both-sides-ism or something, it's more like 'political mass murder' is itself the center of the story, often told from the point of view of its victims.