So they've "invented" a $20 pool skimmer?
I have a friend with a black lab, and I have a Great Dane. Also sand filter.
Buy these skimmer nets in link below, turn off vacuum and only leave on skimmer for ~1-2 days (starting during dog use, and leave on for 24-36 hours after). By then, all the non floating hair should be mostly in the deep end, grab your pole net and fish it out. Much easier with the nets! You can also throw them on the pump basket, but I recommend not just in case they get sucked into the impeller. Hence why I just turn off the vacuum and run the skimmer.
You are definitely going to get higher TDS due to the dirt they collect on their paws as they jump out jump in etc, but personally I enjoy the fun of a dog being in there with me. Bonus fun is get an RC Boat and watch the dogs FLIP OUT!
Coopache 30-Pack of Pool Skimmer Socks - Filters Baskets, Skimmers Cleans Debris and Leaves for In-Ground and Above Ground Pools
If anyone who is using these cartridges has a skimmer basket I HIGHLY suggest you buy these socks it saves so much from going into the paper filter
I think this is easiest for leaf removal - a Pool rake. This brand (pro tuff) isn't the cheapest but lasts a long time and a great warranty. Don't opt for a bigger one unless you are built like a linebacker and enjoy the workout ;)
Bag-o-leaf type water hose vacs work, but I find them slower to use..
You got a Good test kit, plenty of reagents to test often and learn without fear of running out.
Your plan sound good. I'd prob lower pH to below 7.5 if needed, and start pouring in chlorine as you begin getting junk out. Post again when you start for more tips - but generally keep adding chlorine 2x+ a day, to keep the FC at 10 (or whatever your slam-tfp pool school term- level is) (the chlorine FC level drops as it's used up) and youll be surprised how quick it cleans up! Good luck
It freezes hard where I live, so I am paranoid about the lines freezing and having an underground rupture.
If you have a mesh cover, drain the water low enough to compensate for winter snow melt. For me, that is 18-24 inches. Not sure what the norm is for a solid cover, but you definitely need it below the filter returns.
I blow out the lines with an air compressor and will even add a little RV anti-freeze to the lines and blow that out just to make sure.
Securely plug the water jets with pvc caps or whatever.
I'll also make sure there is no water in the skimmer (there shouldn't be at this point) and add a pool skimmer plug for added mental relief. Not sure if that's actually needed or not, but it makes me feel better.
I also remove the filter gauge and rinse visual glass thing (not sure if those are needed) and open all drains (definitely needed) on the filter.
My first year with a pool, I paid someone to close it and took notes and pictures.
Pool rake - Ordered one recently as a replacement, but havent really tried it yet. Apparently lifetime warranty w 2000 amazon reviews.
Some of these types have a dustpan like scoop, but probably not needed for the big stuff.
Dont open pools here, so i just know from storm cleanup etc. Sure others will have good ideas!
On your skimmer basket. It catches all the pollen, palm hairs and other stuff that would make it thru the skimmer basket and the pump basket to get caught on your filter. I do have to hose them off once or twice a week but its easier than cleaning filters.\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details
>when I remove the skimmer basket and then attach the vacuum hose to the skimmer inlet, the pump sucks air for a bit until it is able to purge it and go back to normal operations
If you're vacuuming leaves up you might want to get a vacuum plate that lets you leave the basket in. Or emptying the leaves out of the pump works too.
You can get all the air out of the vacuum hose first. Hold the end underwater with your foot and then feed the rest of the vacuum hose into the water and down so it fills up with water. Then attach to skimmer.
I don't think having a Y-connection to connect two pumps to a single output would work. This will cause opposite forces with the flow of the water outtake and in turn, cause the flow of water to weaken and make the weaker pump work harder. The stronger pump would want to dominate the other Y end of the weaker pump. It would just cause problems in the long run.
I bought this Skimmer along with a 2,500 Gal/hour pump and this system I've set up works wonders. I have an Intex 15ft pool.
I have this skimmer and I just attached it to my existing system. I have a BestWay pool with two pool outlets. One gets used on the skimmer and the other one is just a regular strainer outlet. Does your pool not have two outlets?
I would imagine you'd be fine on circulation if doing the wall-mounted skimmer on a single outlet. In fact, it'll probably be more effective than the dual outlet setups as most of those (including mine until I upgraded to a bigger pump) usually require a flow reducer on the non-skimmer attached outlet. I don't think you'd have the need to run a separate pump just for a skimmer.
Throw one of these on the skimmer basket before puppy time and you should get most of it.
I've used this for +10 years and it's been excellent. It has really cut down on how much I need to vacuum.
Occasionally tiny plant seeds will float around a bit and I use a skimmer sock to capture that crap.
Do some research and contact a local pool company to let them know you just bought a house with a pool and are interested in having them out to maintain the pool. Ask them for a lesson or run thru. Check for some good info (there are lots of pool sites). A good automatic electric cleaner (as opposed to suction powered which will run off of your pump pressure) is a good investment. This thing was a good investment: PoolSkim Pool Skimmer and Pool Cleaner
I used an extendable pool pole in 2019 and it worked very well! I kept it down most of the time, and only put it up when I needed to
HydroTools by Swimline Adjustable Blue Anodized Step-Up Telescopic Pool Pole
You need more chlorine if you let your dog into the pool in addition the dog hair can really do a number on the filter and it's often advised to use something like skimmer socks. But, lots of people do it.
Personally, I wouldn't really like to do it. It's not really enjoyable swimming with your dog as their paws can really hurt. My last dog never understood jumping in or walking down the stairs so he only went in the once when he fell in while chasing a rabbit. However, he loved lakes and streams where he could gradually walk in and he swam in those whenever he could.
I’m a novice to owning a pool but I have about the same size as yours. We shock ours once weekly and have a chlorine float that we put one tablet in, that usually lasts us a little over a week. I was having some issues getting my chlorine levels in the ideal range in the beginning until I added a double dose of the recommended shock. Now it seems to be doing pretty well. We use one of those chemistry kit looking tests for our chlorine levels and I just purchased a skimmer to help cut down on the debris that sink to the bottom but I’m still waiting on delivery.
Look for a skimmer sock. Just wrap that around maybe with a rubber band or a zip tie.
Impresa Products 20-Pack of Pool Skimmer Socks - Excellent Savers for Pool Filters, Baskets, and Skimmers - The Ideal Sock/Net/Saver to Protect Your Inground or Above Ground Pool
If you happen to be an Amazon user.
This net works great
But most of the time for leaves at the bottom I manually vacuum.
Bought a 20 pack 3 weeks ago, still using the 1st sock. Works ģreat, especially during these heavy pollen filled nights...
Get a filter sock. They are like little cheesecloth socks with elastic that go into your skimmer filter and catch alot of fine particles.
Use some.of the other clarifier as mentioned and this should clear it up.
This is the same as the intex pool scimmer, bot for open water.