I recently got this book by Pete Souza, Obama's staff photographer. Opened it up to to about the middle of the book to the pictures of Obama coaching his daughter's basketball team when the actual coach couldn't make it to the game. Actually brought tears of regret to my eyes. I had to close the book.
It is sweet, but it's not the only one. This is from a collection of historic photographs of same sex couples. You can buy the book here
For those who dont know, this is from a beautiful book called "Loving". It is full of pictures like this.
Oh my god, not all nude photos are porn. You can find the actual list of evidence easily. I see you copied another redditor without the actual source, so I suggest you look it up. As an example, this is one of the "books with pictures of nude children' you're talking about: https://www.amazon.com/Cronos-Pere-Formiguera/dp/8495273349
Its mostly a picture guide of how to use makeup to achieve the desired effects. It breaks down terminology and techniques used by makeup artists in the 90s. It’s a great book! It may be old but i find it’s not dated. It’s not so much about looks to try but tricks to master. My mom gave this to me when I was like in 8th grade ( like 12 years ago), so I have no idea if it’s still around
Edit .found it!
Here's another one for you. You should look up what those books actually are: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/no-child-porn-found-at-neverland-thenor-now-the_b_577fdfbce4b0f06648f4a3f8
This is one of them. You can buy it on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Cronos-Pere-Formiguera/dp/8495273349
Calling most of those things "child porn" is absolutely absurd.
> Evidence Item #509. Book with pictures of nude children. > The hard cover book is titled Cronos, by author Pere Formigeura, contains images of nude children of both sexes, as well as adults. Same location as item #508.
This book is so not illegal and not child porn that you can buy it on Amazon.
> Evidence Item #508. Book with images of ‘nude teenagers and/or young adults’ > Located in upstairs library area of video/game room. The book was titled, The Fourth Sex: Adolescent Extreme, with no listed author.
Yep, this one is on Amazon too.
> Evidence Item #304. Two pornographic magazines, two ‘nude art books’ > Magazines were Barely Legal and Girls of Penthouse, with one book titled, The Gynoids Genetically Manipulated. That book contained, according to the report, ‘appeared to have a fetish (bondage, Sadomasichism, piercings, etc.) related theme’.
Barely legal? Oh, OK, legal then. Etc. I don't see a single thing there that is actually child porn.
Is this the book your Aunt got?
Obama: An Intimate Portrait it is a book by the White House photographer at the time. It is a big picture book of the Obamas.
It's a joke...
I always thought they were really funny. Because yes. Give me a guy who'll voluntarily vacuum and I'm pretty damn happy :)
I liked this book. It had a ton of photos in there.
Yeah, sorry -- I really meant that more out of the context of Femdom. I was actually thinking specifically of this book:
In the context of Femdom, I can see people liking it as part of a power exchange -- but, in the vanilla world it lands as more like "women get turned on when men pull their weight around the house" which is super annoying IMO.
May I recommend this book.
It's full of pictures of m/m couples from the 1850s - 1950s.
The couple who made the book have spent 20 years searching garage sales and what not looking for these photos.
The ones in the book are a small percentage of what they have - they only published the highest quality ones. It also only represents the m/m couples who would have had access to photography between 1850 and 1950 and have been willing to pose for a photo even though it was dangerous. And they're all American. And it only features men.
So percentage wise, this book contains a TINY percentage of the queer people who were around back then. And yet the book is massive and contains so.many.people.
Ever since they were little I’d have lots of conversations about kids in poorer countries do for fun instead of buy things. Then we’d look up stuff about other countries. And always commented on the lifecycle of things and how much people buy just to buy. I also took them to thrift stores a lot to see the stuff that was just for sale at a regular store didn’t make that person happy and now it’s here. It wasn’t an instant process but rather a long childhood conversation. This book was a staple in our house. https://www.amazon.com/Material-World-Global-Family-Portrait/dp/0871564300
You reminded me of this one book I've been wanting to get from Amazon... Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s https://www.amazon.com/dp/8874399286/ I'm not sure if links are ok but it's Amazon so it should be fine? It's pretty pricey but since it's photographs it makes sense.
Peter Menzel has a similarly themed earlier book, Material World. The photographer's gallery is online.
That picture was included in this Loving book:
The one in the book is slightly cropped however.
Try looking for a professional makeup artist that has experience with special effects. They might be a freelance artist, so don’t look for a salon. They will have an amazing Instagram story, so you will know ahead what you are getting capability wise. I’ve been a cosmetologist for almost 40 years. I’ve been trained in all kinds of makeup. If you really want MY advice, you really need to learn this yourself. Go get this book. It will explain highs and lows to you. It will explain almost any kind of makeup to you. It’s a makeup artists Bible for beginners. Kevin is gone, but he left us a beautiful guide!
Making Faces https://www.amazon.com/dp/0316286850/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JY5PQDW82F44DD68TE5P
This is a fab book of pictures like this from the 1850s to the 1950s. Obviously there is no way of knowing the true relationships, but some of the pictures of the roomates/close friends are lovely.
"There is an unmistakable look that two people have when they're in love with each other. This unmistakable look was on the faces of these men."
Just bought "Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s" from Amazon:
Thank you!!!!!!
We're trying to buy a little hobby farm so I'm getting him a book of blueprints for things like chicken coops and barns. I'm also getting him this coffee table book.
Where did you get this information? This is what's really scary, people believe crazy, made up shit.
The art book Room to Play that was found had weird artistic/gothic pictures. Some of adults in creepy rooms with children's faces superimposed on them. You can still buy it on amazon.
His secret room wasn't secret at all it was called the doll room. Just a bunch of toys and dolls in it.
You mean this book that anyone can buy right now off amazon?
Room to Play https://www.amazon.com/dp/1931885095/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_31ePCbKARTR3M
“Simen Johan’s Room To Play has probably been most responsible for many of the more salacious media headlines, as Johan’s style (like that of Jonathan Hobin) often features photographs of children in what appear to be extreme or neglectful conditions. The “morphing” photographs in Johan’s book-where children’s faces appeared to be superimposed over adult bodies (and vice versa)-are clearly part of an artistic statement about the loss of childhood and what happens when children are forced too soon into the turmoil and pain of adulthood. “
Trust me, I’ve done all the research. I’m not a biased individual or Jackson fan trying to bend the truth. The guy was weird but the claims from his trials were spun so badly by the media it’s not even funny. None of these items were ever brought to trial because none of it would have ever held up in court.
This is from a book by Hugh Nini and his husband. I just preordered it on amazon and am super excited to get it.
For anyone else interested its called "Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s" and can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/8874399286/
Pete's book on Obama finally shipped the other day -- it's on sale and is AMAZING. I got mine in (from preorder) on Tuesday. This photo (in MUCH higher quality) is included in the book.
(inb4 hailcorporate)
Did you read that link? Did you mean the books they found like this one that's readily available from Amazon TO THIS DAY, because there's nothing illegal about it, or even suggestive for that matter, unless you really want there to be something there?
Yeah... I think we're gonna need more than that to condemn the man.
Armani foundation makeup is a must if you have uneven skin tone. It's light and doesn't feel like it's there. Expensive but worth it.
Take Ivy (Amazon link) https://www.amazon.com/Take-Ivy-Shosuke-Ishizu/dp/1576875504 Not sure if it's what you're asking about...specifically Ivy League fashion, possibly too late for what you're talking about. I love it though
Week's been good so far. Half-day training at the zoo on Tuesday, board meeting that night. Blood-work Monday preceded my doctor appointment today (all my #'s are good, doctor's happy and so am I). Haven't read a book since Christmas -Porn For Women my daughter bought me. http://www.amazon.com/Women-Cambridge-Womens-Pornography-Cooperative/dp/0811855511 Very entertaining and thought provoking book. I've loaned it to many friends of any gender. All enjoyed it.
There are two entire books based on this premise:
My Last Supper: 50 Great Chefs and Their Final Meals
My Last Supper: The Next Course: 50 More Great Chefs and Their Final Meals