I buy covers on Amazon for my VStrom 1000 and my FJR1300. They last about 12 to 16 months in my environment. These are great.
I.m in central Florida with no garage so the bikes (and subsequently the covers) are out in the sun and humidity all the time.
I bought a higher-end one once, and it didn't last a full year in these conditions...
I'm having good luck with this cover
My first bike so first cover so I don't exactly have any experience. But it seems to do what I need and was a good price. I bought it as a recommendation from one of Motojitsu's videos. I've only had it for 2 months so I can't speak for longevity. But it keeps the water off my bike.
I ride daily and only leave my bike outside. This is the cover I got.
I bought a brake lock with it as a package. I only use the lock about half the time but the cover is on every night. Knocks the mirrors around, but I think that would happen with any cover. Other than that it has been grand.
I had these on my '90 Sporty, didn't have to relocate the signals. amazon link
With the slant, they fit quite nicely between the shocks and signals.
I've been using a $27 cover from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01L3QWQDI?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) and it has been fine so far. I'm sure it would melt in a heartbeat if I put it on if parts were too hot.
What I end up doing is riding to my destination (at home I can just park in garage) and letting the bike cool off. I then return 10-15 minutes or whatever and put the cover on without fear.
Yeah sure a pocket rocket. I highly doubt that projector weighs 350lbs (shipping weight of the hawk 250. Think before you type your bullshit dumbass.
I’m really happy with this one - it’s not expensive, it’s holding up year round for more than two years, and the best feature is that it has two “belts” underneath. One goes behind the front wheel, the other through the spokes of the rear.
the name looked familiar, it was, i bought something similar from them. and others from different Amazon sellers. Before that i would buy them on sale at Menards for about the same price. the amazon ones start off waterproof, Menards ones were not. Over the years i have left my motorcycle and flew home for the weekend, weekly, best place was LAX where motorcycles park free, I always parked right near the police station in the garage. I used the framingham port auth parking in lot in the boston suburbs, that was outdoors but at least fenced. I have also used commercial lots, hotel parking, paid airport parking. I disc lock , double if possible and chain the rear wheel/frame to a post if possible. I drag the outside of new covers through dirt, oil, and if lucky a puddle before i use it for the first time. i want to make sure people know this is a dirty cheap tarp over a motorcycle that is not worth stealing. the orange picks up the dirt and oil really well.
Name aside, the Badass Motorcycle cover I got off Amazon for $80 is awesome. I've had it for 4.5 years at this point and it's outside 365 days per year. It's breathable, stays on the bike, and is heavy enough that it hasn't torn with me taking off and putting it back on literally hundreds of times.
Talk to building management and see if you can bolt one of these to the ground on the side of the building somewhere. Bonus points if you have a rack nearby the bike sould also be locked to.
Mophorn Motorcycle Shelter Shed Strong Frame Motorbike Garage Waterproof 106.3"x 41.3"x 61" Motorbike Cover Tent Scooter Shelter 120055 Hoods for Vehicles https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MZHB22O/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_1B168Q3623TSJ5ZHFFT2
These are the bags in the picture:
They are universal and meant to lay over the frame or seat. Because the bike is much more narrow, I had to cut the connecting flaps shorter and sew then together. Then I had to slice some holes for the seat bracket to go through where it bolts to frame.
You will also need some solution probably to keep them away from wheel, a simple metal bracket bent in the right way can do this.
Long and short is, you need to get a bit creative. I bought those cause they were cheap enough (if I screwed them up) and small enough (I knew they'd fit) , but the quality on them is still great.
New rider and just wanted to get suggestions on a bike cover for my ninja 650. I was looking at this one but was looking for suggestions as well. I'm going to have to keep it outside of the garage for a little while and don't want any water of the hot sun beating down on my bike.
Thanks for any suggestions!
I lied it’s actually this one in large specifically but they look like they’re from the same, probably Chinese, warehouse
I’m in the same boat even my 125 engine & exhaust have done this but nowhere near as bad but enough that I feel like it deters people “must be shit look at that tatty cover” i also have this one at my girlfriends which is much heavier duty and had no such issues whilst I keep my tatty Oxford one for home/out and about use since it’s much lighter.
I have a cover that proports to be breathable, and in practice does a decent job. I'll cover it wet, and when the rain stops, it usually dries out pretty quickly. I also find it helps if I cover it right after I've ridden it a while -- the excess engine heat seems to dry it under the cover a bit faster. (My cover doesn't seem to have a problem with my hot exhaust.)
Same situation as you, street parking only in Seattle, so once wet it's gonna be wet.
I really like my Dowco Guardian. Don't forget fuel stabilizer too!
Step 1: buy one of these
Step 2: if it's stolen, (which isn't likely since it's a random tiny brand from china), just buy another one.
On a real note, those bikes are actually pretty badass. My buddy bought one, has beaten the shit out of it on/offroad for a couple years now and it still runs great.
The one I bought is no longer available but it was the same brand as this, currently £19 plus 20%off, so even if it only lasts you a year that's £15, hard to beat. A couple bungee cords help it last longer, what I find ruins covers quickly is the loose bits snapping back and forth in the wind, that will snag and rip quickly. A quick amazon search shows you can also get the Oxford aquatex covers at around £20, but read the reviews and they're no more durable, possibly even less so.
Favoto Waterproof Motorcycle Cover XXL Motorbike Cover 245cm long UV Scratch Bird Droppings Heat-Resistant Outdoor Protection Black 96.5x41x50 inch https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07D739PBG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_E37KFTXC4XD8T3FVGB99?psc=1
Phone holder - Quadlock with their vibration dampener addon.
Topbox - I currently have Hepco & Becker and seems quite solid. Otherwise, a lot of people go for GIVI.
I used this for my Yamaha MT-125 and it did the job, seemed solid too. https://smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07TVG743X
I use this with mine fits well but it isn't the best quality cover as you could guess from the price. It will keep things dry tho. I hope it helps at least with giving some size idea. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0142IHKX0/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
20 bucks on amazon, the bottom clips through your wheel so it wont fall off. Been using for a while, only issue was when a hurricane came through and enough wind was able to topple it, but that's going to happen with almost any cover. https://www.amazon.com/XYZCTEM-Season-Waterproof-Motorcycle-Lockholes/dp/B0142IHKX0/ref=sr\_1\_4?\_encoding=UTF8&c=ts&dchild=1&keywords=Powersports+Vehicle+Covers&qid=1625066481&s=automotive&sr=1-4&ts\_id=404643011
Not cheap but this has protected my bike through rain and snow storms: Dowco Guardian 50124-00 WeatherAll Plus Indoor/Outdoor Waterproof Motorcycle Cover, Black, Sportbike https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000HS1356/
It’s not good for it. Get a cover at a minimum. Something like this is cheap and should work. Favoto Motorcycle Cover All Season Universal Weather Premium Quality Waterproof Sun Outdoor Protection Durable Night Reflective with Lock-Holes & Storage Bag Fits up to 96.5” Motorcycles Vehicle Cover https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D741PVK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_dlC_6ar0FbADS4EWS
I don’t have a garage, so I bought one of these pop up storage tents. They work pretty well at keeping the elements off your scoot.
I bought the sport Dowco cover off Amazon and the fit is very good. The material feels very rugged and it's waterproof. It also comes with a little bag so you can roll up the cover and transport it. A bit pricey but I recommend since my bike is stored outdoors.
I've tried many different covers over the past 35 years and am pretty impressed with this one:
It's only $20 and has lasted 3 years and still waterproof. I live in Miami so i can't say how it'll do with snow but for hot rainy climates has been great.
P.s. I have 6 of these covers for the bikes i keep in daily rotation, all of them have held up equally well.
i keep my bike outside all the time, and i use this cover. it is very good and keeps water completely off the bike.
Dowco Guardian 50124-00 WeatherAll Plus Indoor/Outdoor Waterproof Motorcycle Cover, Black, Sportbike https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000HS1356/
I got this cover last week for my FJ-09 and it has been great so far. Waterproof, heat shields in exhaust area, solid reviews and $80. It stayed on the bike in gale force winds and a downpour with no trouble last weekend. Bike was bone dry when I checked it in the morning after the storm and the cover didn't show any signs of coming loose or shifting on the bike.