Hey! I get chronic UTIs as well. UTIs will not go away if you don’t take antibiotics, and AZO is only a pain med. I would not recommend getting them online, because prescription amount and dose to your body is so so important. Here’s what I will tell you: I haven’t had a UTI - while having consistent sex - because of this probiotic: probiotic on amazon
I would go to the doctor, even though you know, just so they can give you antibiotics. Get some of the probiotics and take them once you’ve finished your antibiotics! Clean your Vibe, wipe front to back, and pee after sex. Then you’ve got a pain-free coochie!
A probiotic! I was pretty constipated early on and tried all the things - prunes, fiber, etc, but once I started taking this https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Formulated-Probiotics-Guaranteed/dp/B00Y8MP4G6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=probiotics+for+women&qid=1626758255&sprefix=probiotic&sr=8-3 each day, I haven’t been constipated once and I’m now 33 weeks.
This one! https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Formulated-Probiotics-Guaranteed/dp/B00Y8MP4G6?ref_=ast_sto_dp I got it at Target and I noticed a difference almost immediately. Not pre pregnancy better but still much better than the first few weeks!
Oh I used to drink Yakult religiously, mainly for the taste. Lol But I found that the probiotics I take now have been the best out of all the kinds I’ve tried! I’ll see if I can figure out how to link it for you. :) They have them on Amazon, formulated for men and women.
Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Once Daily Women’s Shelf Stable Probiotics 16 Strains, 50 Billion CFU Guaranteed Potency to Expiration, Gluten Dairy & Soy Free One a Day, Prebiotic Fiber, 30 Capsules https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00Y8MP4G6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WEDEVT85YJH9QSP87C4B?_encoding=UTF8&psc= That’s for women, but they also have a men’s version. I hope the link works, I’m not the best with Reddit. XD I’ve a lot to learn still.
I’ve never had BV so I can’t be much help there but as far as the probiotic I would definitely recommend trying a better one. I use a women’s probiotic that is physician formulated. It’s in a pink and white bottle and I get it on amazon. Kinda expensive (about $25 a bottle) but it works for me
The probiotic they gave you looks like a really good one! I am on a similar one with nearly all the same strains in it (I checked the ingredients for both) and it’s a lot cheaper! If you’re interested I get mine from amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079H53D2B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_zb3gEbKF5B0HC it’s only $18 right now!
second this - a lot of folks are saying to eat fermented foods but if you are doing a low histamine diet / histamine sensitive this does not pan out. my doctor has me taking miralax once in a while and that helps get things moving. i do eat greek yogurt a few times a week and https://www.amazon.com/Probiotics-Billion-CFU-Prebiotics-Acidophilus/dp/B09GLGC9DG/ref=sr\_1\_3\_sspa?keywords=probiotics+for+women+kiwi&qid=1669068937&sr=8-3-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&smid=A1MMEZWXCBJG60
renew lifethis one comes up often and can actually be found at most grocery stores. But then I purchased this one, maybe best seller is what got me but they both seem to be in the same realm of the help needed for my body women’s probiotic - this LCM247 can be found in most yogurts, Kiefer and cheese as well!
I've never had that happen, but I definitely would put a pause on both tampons and baths until things are feeling completely better! A really key part of treatment for a vaginal infection is following up the antibiotics with vaginal probiotic suppositories. This is what helps to actually repopulate with good bacteria / replenish the lactobacillus that may have been wiped out.
There are protocols on myvagina.com that you can look into for this but I believe their BV protocol suggest transferring the Azo women's probiotic to a vegetable capsule, to be inserted vaginally. And the folks at Evvy recommend taking this: https://www.amazon.com/Probiotics-Formulated-Probiotic-Supplement-Acidophilus/dp/B079H53D2B Lactoferrin is important to get the bacteria to stick around locally in the vagina.
And have you done an Evvy test? It lays out your entire vaginally microbiome so you can see all bacteria present and tailor your treatment/how to move forward. You can order it on your own: https://www.evvy.com/
Make sure you are drinking tons of water! And, you might be gaining meddle. Also, try taking a probiotic for your gut health, like this:https://www.amazon.com/Probiotics-Formulated-Probiotic-Supplement-Acidophilus/dp/B079H53D2B/ref=sr_1_2_sns_sspa?crid=1UXGRKPKKBWZ9&keywords=50+billion+probiotics+for+women&qid=1666558200&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0LjE3IiwicXNhIjoiMy40OSIsInFzcCI6IjMuMzIifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=50+billion%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1
And, finally, check in with a doctor about your asthma, thyroid, and any possible immune issues and ask your OBGYN about PCOS. Good luck!
https://us.naturalslim.com/collections/productos-naturalslim®/products/good-flora this one is the one that worked after using it for about a month.
https://www.amazon.com/Probiotics-Formulated-Probiotic-Supplement-Acidophilus/dp/B079H53D2B?maas=maas_adg_8C9262106D63D3BF13A7519B169ADE54_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&gclid=CjwKCAjwzNOaBhAcEiwAD7Tb6P_KKwDpbgHC47--cmSrNvKplK6zQKubW_De0InLO76ws5Rw... this one is the one I’m using now and has not been as good as the other one I’m thinking about trying with another one because even tho the first one worked its more expensive and it does not last as long since I was taking 2 capsules instead of one.
I have diagnosed “extreme anxiety” as well. And I would say just try to relax . 1 in 3 people have HPV which literally means if you threw three people in a room 1 of those people most likely has it . Don’t feel alone.
And as for anxiety . What helps me is taking my medication. I take buspar. I also go to therapy. I also notice a huge difference since adding a probiotic to my diet . There is a big connection between stomach health and the brain , you can even find more info about this on YouTube. But I recommend adding a probiotic to your diet .
If you are interested here is a link to the kind I use https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Formulated-Probiotics-Guaranteed/dp/B00Y8MP4G6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_mod_primary_sns?crid=3JPND2UEGAIMK&keywords=garden+of+life+probiotics&qid=1664640541&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjk5IiwicXNhIjoiMy4zOCIsInFzcCI6IjMuMz...
I also got them all the time when I first started having sex. It’s been said but I’ll say it again because it’s crucial - pee after sex. Make sure to drink lots of water all the time so you’re flushing everything out consistently. Also, I started taking a daily probiotic which made the biggest difference. I take the Garden of Life once daily Women’s probiotic.
This product is a bacteriophage. That's a virus goes after a specific bacteria. You might try this because it could help you.
If you have always been hypermobile in all your joints, I would talk to your doctor about whether or not you have Ehlers Danlos syndrome. If you have stretchy skin that easily bruises, that's a strong indicator.
The antibiotics could cause some things by impacting the gut microbiome. That's the bacteria and other organisms in your digestive system. They play a large role in your immune system.
In your case, I wonder if an imbalance is causing all the digestive related issues.
You could try a couple of products I use because they've helped me.
This is a collection of bacteriophages. These are really cool. They're viruses that target bacteria. These go after bad bacteria.
I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that has good bacteria.
That dermatitis pattern is the same as mine. I also have become allergic to most foods, and it doesn't surprise me pizza does that to you because tomatoes can be a big offender.
You mentioned autoimmune testing for liver and such, but did they test for things like psoriatic arthritis or other rheumatological conditions?
You might try balancing your gut microbiome to see if it fixed your reactions to food.
What has been a game changer for me is bacteriophages. I learned about them in a Reddit comment. They are literally viruses that target specific bacteria. In the case of the products available right now, they target a few strains of e. coli. These strains are responsible for enabling other negative bacterial growth while suppressing many positive bacteria.
In my case, taking the bacteriophages has had a direct impact on my inflammation and ligament laxity.
Here are the two products I use:
Despite being labeled a prebiotic, this is a collection of bacteriophages. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that has good bacteria.
Seems like a derivative of the AIP Paleo diet. I don't have AS, but I do have autoimmune inflammation and ligament laxity. I have found in my case the diet has helped but not eliminated the problem.
What has been a game changer for me is bacteriophages. I learned about them in a Reddit comment. They are literally viruses that target specific bacteria. In the case of the products available right now, they target a few strains of e. coli. These strains are responsible for enabling other negative bacterial growth while suppressing many positive bacteria.
In my case, taking the bacteriophages has had a direct impact on my inflammation and ligament laxity.
Here are the two products I use:
Despite being labeled a prebiotic, this is a collection of bacteriophages. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that has good bacteria.
Sure. I discovered there's a link between autoimmune conditions and gut health. At first I started taking probiotics, but they didn't quite solve the problem. Then I discovered in a Reddit comment the concept of bacteriophages.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
Ask your doctor if they'd object to using this product.
It goes after bad bacteria to allow good bacteria to flourish. I use it and it's had an amazing impact on my autoimmune condition.
Beautiful smile.
I personally have an autoimmune disorder that impacts my SI joints. I've had a hell of a time because it also impacts my ligaments.
In my research while trying to get better, I discovered that there is emerging medical evidence that autoimmune disorders are linked to imbalances in the gut microbiome. If you're not familiar with that, basically your digestive system has all kinds of bacteria that helps with digestion as well as your immune system. If it gets out of balance and the bad bacteria take over, lots of undesirable things can happen.
I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice.
I found a product that I can say unequivocally is helping my autoimmune condition. It is directly impacting my inflammation as well as making my ligaments work properly.
You might consider taking these preemptively to see if they help you.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
I take two of these at the same time as the bacteriophages. These help promote desirable bacteria.
Congratulations on your diagnosis. I'm so glad you're getting help.
I personally have an autoimmune disorder that impacts my SI joints. I've had a hell of a time because it also impacts my ligaments.
In my research while trying to get better, I discovered that there is emerging medical evidence that autoimmune disorders are linked to imbalances in the gut microbiome. If you're not familiar with that, basically your digestive system has all kinds of bacteria that helps with digestion as well as your immune system. If it gets out of balance and the bad bacteria take over, lots of undesirable things can happen.
I found a product that I can say unequivocally is helping my autoimmune condition. It is directly impacting my inflammation as well as making my ligaments work properly.
You might consider taking these preemptively to see if they help you.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
I take two of these at the same time as the bacteriophages. please help promote desirable bacteria.
I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice.
Your stomach problems could be coming from an imbalance in the gut microbiome. You have good and bad bacteria in your digestive system. If the bad bacteria becomes dominant, it can cause all kinds of problems.
I take the following two products. You might consider doing so.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
I take two of these at the same time as the bacteriophages.
The following is not medical advice. You should always consult a doctor before doing something someone on the internet suggests.
Your joint problems could be caused by an imbalance in your gut microbiome. This is the bacteria that inhabits your digestive system. If there's too little good bacteria and too much bad bacteria, that can create a lot of problems.
This could be why your diet temporarily helped your symptoms, but then they returned. You may have way too much bad bacteria and not enough good bacteria.
To adjust your gut microbiome, you could use two products I personally use.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
I take two of these at the same time as the bacteriophages.
I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice.
This might not be a popular take around here, but it sounds like your girlfriend has entered into a depressionary spiral and she's caught in some sort of negative mental feedback loop. That's not to say she isn't experiencing what she says she is. But state of mind can greatly impact a person's experience, and I suspect hers is negatively impacting her daily life. I think she needs professional mental help.
Does she have a therapist she sees regularly? If not, could you help her find one that does telemedicine so she doesn't have to travel?
On the topic of her digestive problemsz it could be caused by an imbalance in her gut microbiome. This is the bacteria that inhabits the digestive system. If there's too little good bacteria and too much bad bacteria, that can create a lot of problems.
To adjust her gut microbiome, she could use two products I personally use.
Check out the reviews on this one. You'll see a number of people mentioned long time problems just like your girlfriend has that were cleared up with the use of this product.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
I take two of these at the same time as the bacteriophages.
The following is not medical advice. You should always consult a doctor before doing something someone on the internet suggests.
Your digestive problems could be caused by an imbalance in your gut microbiome. This is the bacteria that inhabits your digestive system. If there's too little good bacteria and too much bad bacteria, that can create a lot of problems.
To adjust your gut microbiome, you could use two products I personally use.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
I take two of these at the same time as the bacteriophages.
Congratulations. It's always a little victories that mean most.
By the way, one thing a lot of medical doctors don't disclose about using antibiotics is that they can alter your gut microbiome. That's the collection of bacteria that helps your digestive process as well as your immune system. Sometimes antibiotics can screw up the balance and cause other health problems.
The following is not medical advice. You should always consult a doctor before doing something someone on the internet suggests.
To adjust your gut microbiome, you could use two products I personally use.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
I take two of these at the same time as the bacteriophages.
I'm glad you are getting second opinions and trying other doctors. One doctor you may want to consider is a physiatrist. They are also referred to as physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors. As you can infer from the name, they are specialist in diagnosing physical problems and guiding rehabilitation. Personally my bias is towards finding one that is an osteopathic doctor because they have better training in body mechanics. They're typically more open-minded also.
The following is not medical advice and I'm not a doctor. You should always ask a doctor before doing something someone on the internet suggests.
If she's not psychologically ready to change her diet wholesale, that's totally understandable. You could still adjust her gut microbiome so that it can better handle her current diet.
To adjust your her microbiome, you could use two products I personally use. They have reduced inflammation for me.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
I take two of these at the same time as the bacteriophages.
I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice.
It seems like you're already somewhat informed on the issue of the gut microbiome. The probiotics you're taking may be helpful. But the bad bacteria in your gut may have taken over and thrown off the whole balance.
I take the following two products personally. You should consult your doctor before taking these.
The Dr. Tobias product is labeled as a prebiotic, but it's more accurate to describe it as bacteriophages. These are viruses that target bad bacteria in the gut. I take one of these daily on an empty stomach and not eating for at least 3 hours. The empty stomach without food allows more direct access to a wider portion of the gut, making it more effective. Food gets in the way.
I take this simultaneously with the following product that encourages the good bacteria.
I take two of these at the same time as the bacteriophages. I selected this specific probiotic because of the wide variety of strains.
Spinning babies is free! I did the stretches some in second trimester but really did them a lot in the third trimester, along with LOTS of walking, walking feels so good in pregnancy :)
I looked up the exact probiotic needed for babies to be able to digest their milk and this one has it-
That’s a good brand of probiotics- getting on top of nutrition will set the stage for a healthy mom and baby, I’m glad your into checking out that book :) I do not know any doulas, sorry, but that’s a great idea! Just don’t let them induce you unless it’s really really necessary, and try natural inductions if you have too (your close to 42 weeks), the rate of C section after inductions is SUPER high- also the longer you can labor at home the better your chance of having a natural birth, I had all three of mine with no drugs and it’s totally doeable, if I wouldn’t have had a midwife I probably would have had a C section with my first but I labored at home so long I was only in the hospital (transfer because I was soooo worn out and not progressing after 3 days) for 1 hour before my son was born (LOL!) Try to find a good doctor or midwife in the hospital that supports laboring in your own way (not hooked up to the machines constantly) and you express your wishes beforehand. I birthed an hour away from the hospital with my second and everything was great, a good midwife will be able to foresee any issues and get you there in good time if that’s what you choose, I am blessed to have had a very medically aware midwife who had all the tools and drugs and was very experienced, I was in good hands with her for sure. Hospital births can be great too though :) good luck and congrats again!
I used to take two femdophilus, then I switched to taking two rephresh pro b, now I'm taking two jarrow dophilus daily. So about 10 billion probiotics? Is this the garden of life one you take? https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Formulated-Probiotics-Guaranteed/dp/B00Y8MP4G6/ref=sr\_1\_7?crid=L6X8U8PZBV76&keywords=garden%2Bof%2Blife%2Bwomens&qid=1652980903&sprefix=garden%2Bof%2Blife%2Bwomen%2Caps%2C76&sr=8-7&th=1