Bronze Age Mindset, by the exalted master of natural philosophy Bronze Age Pervert, without who we would be maggots writhing underfoot. Submit!
(BAP is one of the most famous users on """frogtwitter""", a post-rationalist-adjacent proto-alt-right splinter group that are terminally irony poisoned and talk about philosophy a lot. The book is actually very good, if you're the type of person that appreciate new viewpoints without having to agree with them. There are, naturally, less reputable ways to read it.)
Hey r/kappa! Since I was not chosen for the winter komike, that means I'll have more time to focus on improving my fundamentals, as well as doing more fighting game related NSFW art. Hopefully I'll be able to post here more often from now on!
I have also been reading quite a lot recently. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari has been as inspirational as lord Daigo's book to me. Highly Recommended.
You know nothing about me and it shows.
By whom?
By the way, I went to look at the Amazon page of the book, the stumbled across a bunch of pretty hilarious satirical 5-star reviews.
If anyone wants to know more about what King Leopold II did to the Congo, I recommend reading King Leopold's Ghost. (amazon link)
According to the book Sapiens, this very paradigm is why men are in positions of power and not women. Men, and male animals in general, have to be aggressive in order to win a mate. They also must learn to compete against other males for the same female. Females, on the other hand, could simply sit back and let the males come to them. They could afford to passive and not intervene in conflicts between males because they had no incentive otherwise. So evolution conditioned males to be aggressive, competitive and able to navigate conflict, while conditioning females to be passive and conflict-averse. You can easily see how this would result in men, throughout history, excelling in the power struggle while women really didn't even participate.
edit: link to book. it's really interesting
Digital Gold by Nathaniel Popper is an excellent read. It gives a really good history of the first 5-6 years as it came out in 2016. It’s covers the pre-history with projects like HashCash that paved the way for white paper. Then the early days of Satoshi posting on the the bitcoin forum, Hal Finney, the Silk Road, Mount GOX, the Winklevos twins, Wences Casares, Charlie Shrem, Roger Ver. The Bitlicense in New York. All really interesting stuff and key characters that will go down in Bitcoin History.
You might be interested to check out this book then. Its well researched and describes an ancient order of women brewing pscyhedelic beer!
Its really fascinating seeing several links here arguing against beer witches that all happen to be about 3 years old. Almost like there was a coordinated pusback against something.
What happened about 3 years ago?
This book came out: The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion With No Name
The book makes 2 key points specific to OPs post.
The book takes you through all of the literary and architectural references to this religious group. Even going so far as to take you to the Vatican and walking you through all of the references to psychedelic experience you can find there.
PS1: There are multiple examples that can be found in our world of knowledge and things passed down only through women. So that is nothing new.
PS2: Modern Christianity is based upon retelling of older traditions. Knowing that there are substances out there that allow you to "experience god for yourself." What story could be told to those who dont know any better that the substance they are being given will allow them to experience god without actually experiencing anything different? The push back against psychedelics starts making way more sense now.
That’ll be fine for a few hours. I recommend everyone read this book. Has some useful anecdotes about power and water outages.
I haven't read this but I have read this one which also has an interesting theory about Jesus and hallucinogens:
The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name
That's 100% wrong, though. You should read <em>Sapiens</em> by Yuval Noah Hariri. The TLDR is "We came, we saw, we ate."
Early humans were absolutely savage in terms of obliterating local wildlife populations and causing lasting environmental damage that we can detect (with some difficulty) today. Using up the food and water, and shitting up the surroundings, were the primary drivers of early migration.
The myth of the native or primitive human in balance with nature is a lie we tell ourselves. We are hungry murder monkeys.
Not just beer, they put in some extra which is why the Catholic Church spent hundreds of years persecuting them to try and monopolize divinity.
It must be terrible watching these people tarnish the message, like the North Koreans claiming to be the "Democratic Republic of Korea" instead of a brutal dictatorship.
The thing is, it seems like even real Christianity isn't what Jesus was teaching - the audiobook is only 15 hours and I guarantee that if you're someone who has a background in this you will find it an intensely interesting listen that will employ chemistry, archeology, and the finding of ancient relics in places you wouldn't expect them to make its case that the Catholic Church is doing its own thing instead of preaching the actual gospel.
they are selling this at the Harvard bookstore and it's being endorsed by tenured professors at ivy league universities - the Vatican actually let him into their archives and he has hold evidence from their own records to support his argument as well.
The Immortality Key by Brian Muraresku along with his interview on Joe Rogan's podcast is exceptional and mindblowing on it's own right.
Highly recommended.
According to Harari, it works as some kind of glue (my words). It's in one of the first chapters of his book Sapiens.
Blasphemy doesn't exist, unless you count the complete corruption of the message of the (very mortal) human Jesus Christ by the Catholic Church and other branches that lie to their devotees to this day about the true origin of the Christian Eucharist and how it gives you a direct personal connection to the true nature of the universe.
There was recently a book about this called The Immortality Key.
The author made some unique new discoveries and confirmed it. You can see him on JR here
Check out The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No name
This is not an ad, but a recommendation. It is a scholarly book about the early underpinnings of the christian church and its use of a psychedelic eucharist.
Ive been reading it and so far it is very fascinating. I look at this church and it really hammers home the idea that early churches were not about learning about god, or talking about god, but rather about having a personal experience with god through psychedelics.
Just checked "Sapiens" on Amazon and although it has a 4.5 rating, the top reviews are 1 stars. Here's the Amazon link. They claim it's not scientific and/or biased. What did you think?
(to be fair, the 1 star reviews may be because of politics based on some reviews)
Has less to do with the technical, but I always like suggesting the book "Digital Gold" to people that ask about bitcoin/blockchain etc... it's free via Amazon Kindle if you have an Amazon Prime account.
Other than that, Nick Szabo and his enumerated blog is a good source for technical, along with Andreas Antonopoulos.
The alleged Roman persecution of Christians is greatly exaggerated. There is really no evidence that Romans paid any attention to Christians at all before Nero, and Nero scapegoated them for the fire of Rome, not for what they believed. Christians were unpopular, but Christianity as not illegal and there is no historical evidence that any of the apostles, including Peter and Paul, were martyred.
There is a New Testament scholar at Notre Dame University who has written a good book about this subject:
The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom
They do. I like the guy buying real estate for passive income and to have places to go. If the shit hits the fan, does he really think the will honor property lines?
These are also Silicon Valley people who never leave their bubble. Yes, the US seems fucked and maybe it is, but frankly, we've been through as worse in the past. Dystopia is not a foregone conclusion. Neither is an uprising. But people living in the Valley have no clue about the rest of the world. Consider that those in social media tend to see and remember all the shit, none of the good.
If you're a regular person, this book will be handy. It's basically this guy's story on getting prepared. It's a fun but practical read.
Candida Moss goes way too far to discredit early church history, but she does point out this problem of martyr complex that some Christians in America identify with.
There is actually no evidence that any of the disciples were martyred for their beliefs, much less the authors of the Gospels (who are completely unknown). The martyrdom traditions of the earliest Christians are all 2nd and 3rd Century legend.
Candida Moss The Myth of Persecution: How Early Christians Invented a Story of Martyrdom
I think the book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind might be an enlightening read for you. Particularly the first half has great information about the emergence of religion and how certain religions came to be dominant in the world we know today.
Favorite song is Instant Crush, by Daft Punk. Makes me remember a few of the crushes I had in my life, plus the beat is awesome too.
Favorite TV Show is breaking bad, as it tells a great story about great characters. You definitely should check it out, in case you never watched it.
Movie has to go to Tropa de Elite. It's a Brazilian movie about an elite squad in Rio, Brazil, that gets inside the favelas to take down a powerful drug dealer. It's one of the best acclaimed Brazilian movies, and the production do the movie is very hollywoodish, so a lot audiences outside of Brazil tend to like it too.
Favorite book goes to Sapient, a Brief History of Mankind. I learned so much about the human evolution, the human brain, the importance of religion and faith in the development of our societies that it's a nobrainer. Recommend to everyone.
I'm enjoying Super Mario Odissey a decent bunch, but favorite game goes to Chrono Trigger. I played the game so many times for the plot and the characters that it takes a special place in my heart.
I know that is the most popular view among the cultural elite, but it just isn't true. If you would like to actually examine this topic I encourage you to read the book I linked to earlier in this thread.
Many of the differences between ethnic groups are caused by biology, not cultural norms. Not all of them, but enough. This is a hard truth to face, but we will be better if we can get past the PC police and talk about the issues openly. I'm reminded of how James Watson (co-discoverer of DNA, you may have heard of him) was forced out of his job for talking about ethnic differences.