You may find the book Confessions of a Public Speaker and the related blog posts useful.
(One big hint, as others have said elsewhere in comments: practice!)
These books seem like those overpriced ones that a professor makes you buy. You will never ever take a look inside unless you have to.
I've read a few books about data vizualization. This one from the bundle has zero reviews on goodreads or amazon. If you look through the table of contents, it deals with the very basics about visualizations. Nothing special here. Many much more renowned books have been written about this years ago.
Hard skip for me. The time you spent is much more valuable than you would ever get out of these books.
The others are correct; there's almost certainly no way of automating this, but WHATEVER you do, do nothing until you've got a good solid template to start with. Otherwise you'll just have similar problems, though perhaps not quite as severe, when the next rebrand comes along down the road.
There are people who do this professionally; two of the best have written the bible for creating good templates:
You'll want to get a copy. Then maybe hire the authors. ;-)
Think of it as two domains: what you and how you say it.
What you say
How you say it
Drop everything and check out Building PowerPoint Templates, V2
This all-new edition is literally just weeks old. And you cannot find two better authorities on the topic, either. Your boos needs this, you need this, and everyone on this thread needs this.
Taylor's a good guy and a funny, mile-a-minute talker. The man can pack more useful info into a couple minutes than anyone I've ever heard.
If you want THE reference on building templates, though, check out Building PowerPoint Templates (Swinford & Terberg).
Disclaimer: they're both friends of mine.
Slidology... Nancy Duarte did other books (e.g. Resonate). There is plenty of practical and good stuff in there. She also gives trainnigs and a lot of great leadership guys I met, had a Duarte training.
FYI, this image is from a tweet by /u/math_rachel : . And the quote is from 'Confessions of a Public Speaker' by Scott Berkun :
Your advice + a WPF cookbook could be a great mix. I just don't have any to suggest.
This one has good reviews but I didn't read it myself.
Eric Pimpler has a book.
(I have not used it, but am offering it as another option)
To these I'd add something on presentation; this is a serious skill for UX practitioners and gets overlooked lots of times. Two really good books on ppt/slide presentation are "Slide:ology" and "Presentation Zen."
Oh, I also forgot one. Information Dashboard Design - Data is (are? data is plural but that just sounded weird) useless without being able to communicate it effectively.