A PhD is Not Enough! A Guide to Survival in Science by Peter J. Feibelman Amazon link
Make Your Mark in Science: Creativity, Presenting, Publishing, and Patents, A Guide for Young Scientists by Claus Ascheron and Angela Kikuth Amazon link
Everyone universally uses this textbook for studying:
HR Whiplash will cover the textbook's important parts and add some of his own anecdotes which has the added bonus of providing relatable and by proxy, memerable info. The only thing that is missing from his guide is the updates to FLSA this year, which you can easily find more online. You might get a question or two about it on the test so don't miss out on the changes!
These were all I used. You could get more such as benchprep but that is solely up to you.
Focus on the skills sheets! For the NREMT I highly recommend reading/studying the EMT crash course book https://www.amazon.com/Crash-Course-Online-Practice-Preparation/dp/0738612359, it’s only 12$ and it totally saved me. As well as listening to emt podcasts. Good luck!
I read this about a year into grad school (previous version). It's got some good general advice on how to think about your time and what to do with it to succeed.
All I did was take the practice test that came with this book a few times and use some online free study guides I found from past Reddit posts. About 6-8 hours of studying total and passed my first attempt. SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification... https://www.amazon.com/dp/1259583422?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
SHRM exam is more about situations than memorization of laws and explicit knowledge. If you want to just study to memorize, I’d recommend PHR. (I also just think there’s greater value in the PHR and I personally regret doing SHRM instead)
This is a great, cheap option that was amazing when I was studying for the NREMT. It takes all of the content areas of the NREMT and condenses it down into +/- 300 pages. Great for reviewing without spending what some of the other studying apps can cost.
Emt B prep, and get on Amazon and buy this: EMT crash course
It was an online practice test that came with a crash course book I purchased. https://www.amazon.com/Crash-Course-Online-Practice-Preparation/dp/0738612359/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=1UE0WENM2FCW1&keywords=emt+crash+course&qid=1657840053&sprefix=emt+crash+%2Caps%2C710&sr=8-1
I just passed my NREMT last Thursday, what really helped me know what I needed to study was this book:
Specifically the practice test that comes with it. I would recommend (if you get that book) to take the practice test and see what areas you need help in and read the chapters you need help in.
Academic side of academia? Not sure what that means, but it sounds like an unhealthy reason to do a PhD, FWIW.
If you're serious about finding your way in academia, I recommend the book <em>A PhD Is Not Enough!</em>
The link given below is a book in amazon for aphr.. is it applicable only for SHRM exam ? Or can be used for HRCI exam? aPHR Associate Professional in Human Resources Certification All-in-One Exam Guide https://www.amazon.in/dp/1260019489/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_VR0V0F0MZNPJEAXZME7Z
I took the Maryland EIT/FE exam and used this prep book. It was great prep for the exam and the questions asked were basically identical. Would also recommend to practice with the approved calculator in advance a friend of mine also passed but wasted some time getting used to a different calculator.
I just passed mine in December and this was about 8 years after I graduated (kids don't be like me) so I had a lot of cobwebs to dust off. I ended up buying this book. I felt like it went over everything more thoroughly than what I saw on the exam. Each section had a practice exam so I used that as a litmus of how much I needed to study. For some reason the book still has a statics and dynamics section so skip that.
Other suggestions I have are * get a good approved calculator and learn it I used the TI-36x pro. It can do numerical diff and integral calculous, systems of equations, and statistics which helps out on a lot of problems. There is an equivalent Casio that people also suggest, but I spent my life on TI calculators so I stuck with that.
look over the study material and give yourself a schedule and stick to it.
Make sure to concentrate on breadth instead of depth I felt like some questions did really get into a subject, but most could be answered if you had a good general knowledge of the subject.
aPHR Associate Professional in Human Resources Certification All-in-One Exam Guide https://www.amazon.com/dp/1260019489/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_NDZCVVBMZG9DNJR1DMCR
Also check out TheCris8490 you tube channel. And HR Whiplash! You tube channel.
The test was a little different than I was expecting but common sense will get you through. I studied for about 3 months. I had 0 HR experience beforehand.
Have you tried the app called pocket prep? NREMT savior I used this app and studied my ass with it as well as this book NREMT Holy Ghost
EMT Crash Course Book has been great so far. I wish I had bought this earlier in my program. It's just the essentials and not a lot of filler text so it's quick and easy to read. Definitely check it out.
I recently bought the "EMT Crash Course" book on amazon and have thoroughly enjoyed it. $16 bucks and comes with some practice tests. Its very meat/potatoes type info, no bulky text to read through, just essential info so its very easy to read and absorb some useful info. It's not 100% all encompassing however and may lack some details you might be lacking.
It's very simplified and some goes into AEMT stuff, but still not detailed. Everything is a "pearl." It can help, especially listening to his videos while driving (not the Youtube vids but the ones if you pay for his program). One big issue I had was that a lot of what you need to know, like the obstretrics or gynecology are only in the extra paid tier. There are two sections on it in the regular paid access area. It's another $14 per month for the VIP section.
Public Safety Guru also makes some good podcasts that can help understand some things. He makes some audio lectures and reviews.
I was listening to both of those anytime I was driving.
The Crash Course is a good book and is only like $15 from Amazon, https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0738612359?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
It's more concise than a text and less detailed, but goes over most of what you'll need. There is access to their practice tests as well.
Speaking of practice tests, I'm sure you've noticed that the practice tests aren't quite what is on the NREMT exam. They can help you if you look up the answers you miss, and don't stick to the easy practice exams.
EMS Pocket Prep: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ems-pocket-prep-emt-paramedic/id1503584128
And the EMT crash course book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0738612359/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BZ9PEMMDBPCN6095QS6Z
(Source: I just passed my NREMT on the 19th just using these two things to study. Got 82% correct out of 600 questions on pocket prep. Also reviewed most but not all chapters in the crash course book. Do around 200 questions on the app and study your the areas you did the worst in in the crash course book, the app will tell you which areas you need work. Don’t do missed question quizzes on the app until around 2 weeks before your test then just do missed questions until your test date and I’m sure you’ll pass)
Good luck :)
Ohhhh that’s not the same book I used. We used the infamous “orange book”. However, I do recommend getting a copy of EMT Crash Course.. It’s everything you need to know to pass the national registry test in short sentences. It helped pass my NREMT and will definitely help you pre-study for your course.
I took the aPHR and this book helped me a lot:
The only complaint is that the quizzes at the end of the chapter sometimes don’t align with what’s taught each chapter.
Here are the links! One is the study guide and the other is the practice questions
SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification All-in-One Exam Guide https://www.amazon.com/dp/1259583422/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0Q3X8X6X037NBNQQPAA6
SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Certification Practice Exams (All in One) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1259584887/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SEQKQPC14F95QR1RWWAD
In addition to the other comments, read A PhD is not Enough!.
The latest is the 6th edition which is 2017 IIRC. That being said, do you feel that the PMBOK is not in layman's terms? There are a couple of exam prep books which summarize the processes, but they skip a lot of material that is in the PMBOK: Rita Mulcahy or Andy Crowe.
I don’t know if you have to get this from amazon but this book along with the practice test was really helpful to me.
EMT Crash Course with Online... https://www.amazon.com/dp/0738612359?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share