Chances are you're talking when you should just say, "This conversation is over until you can speak me respectfully."
Stop telling her what you do then, it sounds like you're asking her for permission to do the things you are going to do anyway.
I highly recommend you read this book:
Dr. Paul Ekman, a specialist on the psychology of lying calls this telling the truth falsely,
He defines this as "admitting the truth but with such exaggeration or humor that the target remains uniformed or misled."
What makes some a lie is not that the statement is false, but rather the intent to mislead.
OP I can recommend this book . Read it myself (I consider myself to be someone who’s strength is critical thinking) and I’ve learnt interesting things. Also work with a wonderful designer who struggles with critical thinking and decision making (she’s awesome if she’s given direction and someone else makes decisions but lacking if she has to make them), and it has transformed her approach.
Decision making is a skill, just like any other so practice is what will help and this book gives you frameworks of sorts, like a template for things to consider and ask.
Hope it helps
I'd say read the book "What Women Want when they Test men", as it's literally written about insecure women like this.
One solution is the dodge:
"Who ever gives me the bigger boner at the time."
**Smile and smirk**: "I know what I want to save from death, my blue balls because they're about to explode." Then you start kissing her and loving her up - and go to sexy town.
Others have said not to play her game, that the only winning move is to not play... The other thing you do is change the damn game. Women say these things when they're feeling insecure, so the nature of the solution is to give her emotional comfort & security.
For fucks sake, stop being such a people pleasing doormat. This makes me ill. Take some damn responsibility and grow up. Go read some books on emotional intelligence and social intelligence. They're skills you can learn. As for dealing with your GF, read this book:\_a\_def\_rwt\_hsch\_vapi\_tkin\_p1\_i4
You HAVE to read these books:
Dude, you should have cut that shit out at "I'm getting tinder to get friends" that's a bit naive.
I would read this book to help you out next time: What women want when they test men.
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Wow man, that is some tough shit. Just be open with your family that you supported her through her depression for six years and have nothing to show for it.
I do suggest a couple books though, that I think would have helped you then and will still help you now.
What women want when they test men
A lot of what she put you through were tests that you failed. When you fail these tests, you get an even more depressed woman.
Finally,No More Mr. Nice Guy. It will help you understand why you put up with such bad behavior from her for so long.
Prices quite negotiable.
Research in Psychology: Methods and Design, 8th Edition
Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction (6th Edition)
Found it on kindle if that's of any use.
Melbourne, Australia has a copy at the library.