> But Hell's Angels started riding Harley-Davidsons mostly because, unlike today, they didn't have much choice. In 1957, it was either ride a Harley or settle for a Triumph or BSA. They'd already stopped building Indians. It's always been important for Hell's Angels to ride American-made machines. In terms of pure workmanship, personally I don't like Harleys. I ride them because I'm in the club, and that's the image, but if I could I would seriously consider a Honda ST1100 or a BMW. We really missed the boat not switching over to the Japanese models when they began building bigger bikes. I'll usually say, "#$%* Harley Davidson. You can buy an ST1100 and the mother#$%*er will do 110 miles per hour right from the factory all day long." The newest "rice rockets" can carry 140 horsepower to the rear wheel, and can easily do 180 miles per hour right out of the box. While it's probably too late to switch over now, it would have been a nice move, because Japanese bikes today are so much cheaper and better built. However, Japanese motorcycles don't have as much personality.
—Hell's Angel: The Life and Times of Sonny Barger and the Hell's Angels Motorcycle Club
I've spoken to members of his family, yes. I'm trying to hold off on saying exactly who I did and didn't talk to until tomorrow when it comes out though.
I think X's mom was put in an impossible situation. X signed up to be in the public eye and be scrutinized but she didn't. X made good money and I think most people in her shoes would have just sat back and stay afloat from that. But it was so clear that X's following wanted to more music and they wanted to continue to feel connected to him and she stepped up and facilitated that. She basically took on a full-time job when she could have just been chillin' and set up that huge memorial.
So, yeah I don't buy it. I also didn't think Bad Vibes Forever was a bad record at all. There are songs on it that I don't love but there are others I do. Some of the songs may have been stretched but that's up to producers and labels to decide on.
A few quick things before I go (I think I answered everything but will double-check.)
The book cracked the Top 20 Hip-hop books on Amazon this morning. If you guys can spread the word and help it climb, that'd be amazing. Here's the link
You can find the audiobook above. I did the reading and there's a special intro that's not in the paperback.
Thank you all for coming. One of my favorite things about working on this book has been getting to interact with all of you.
If you’re gonna use Amazon, use Amazon Smile, it’s not much but all orders from the “Smile” site have a percentage donated to the charity of your choice.
This is a very good description of the early years. He talks about the drugs and the drug running and the violence. It's pretty vague when it comes to the later stuff for obvious reasons, and you have to take the self-aggrandizement with a grain of salt. But it is a good read, and as I said, is accurate with the early years.
If you want to get her something on her birthday, an album would be a good idea, but I think a book is bette.
She's 18, which means she must've started listening to Eminem around 5 years ago, Eminem dropped his book about 6 years ago, talking about a phase of Eminem's life she didn't see.
Even if you don't consider all this, the book is really cool for all Eminem fans.
I listened to The Black Parade back in 2016 because my girlfriend at the time was really into them. I realised they were actually pretty talented. Not completely my style of music but I liked it overall.
You probably know this but it's been said that a lot of emo from the early-mid 2000s including MCR sort of came about as a reaction to the lasting effects that 9/11 had on wider American society. In fact Gerard Way wrote the lyrics to Skylines and Turnstiles after 9/11, and that would go on to be MCR's first song.
>Maybe in the future a few people who never thought they would like xxx might have their minds changed by a thinkpiece about his music just like I was with MCR
I'm not a hardcore X fan or anything but I do like a decent amount of his music. But I also don't deny that for most of his life he was a piece of shit and did bad things. Whether he was on the path to reforming or not, that's not for me to determine, although I did read a quite interesting biography on him that gives some more context into the events of his life and what shaped him. The author Jonathan Reiss said that xxxtentacion had even started taking medication in an effort to work through his issues. So idk, again that's not up for me to determine.
But I do think that listening to any artist you should keep an open mind. Occasionally it isn't easy to separate the art from the artist and that's understandable. I didn't really like X's persona when he was alive, and even though I'm more of a fan of his music now than I was before his death, I still acknowledge that he wronged and hurt many people and did bad things. I don't have to excuse or justify his actions to listen to his music, and nor should I deny them.
He made a 'F*ck, That's Delicous' cookbook too. I also recommend 'The Untitled Action Bronson Show' on Vice if you haven't seen it, absolutely hilarious
The new book being officially written about Mac’s life, fully endorsed by his family, it’s on Amazon if you wanna check it out The Book of Mac: Remembering Mac Miller https://www.amazon.com/dp/1637580681/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Y391MS11JBGWKB36RAAX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The Way I Am https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0452296129/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_xrbpFb7BFTWTD
Angry Blonde https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0060934514/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_1rbpFb5Q4JH1Q
I would like to see updated versions or new books, though.
Are you referring to the new one?
That’s an amazon link to buy it paper book,but I heard you can make a free audible account that lasts for abit to read the book free
Look at Me!: The XXXTENTACION Story https://www.amazon.com/dp/0306845423/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_APk4EbE2S88WZ
Shame is hazardous my friend, embrace your old self and kill it softly.
If you really want to be the fearless and strong version of yourself, I highly encourage you to read this book
My first attempt at any bread ever! Came out really tasty.
The recipe is from Action Bronson's new book.
Ingredients: 5 large eggs, 2 active dry yeast packs, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 7 cups of all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup canola oil, 1 1/3 cups of lukewarm water, sea salt and poppy seeds for outer crust.
> The Onion’s Baratunde Thurston shares his 30-plus years of expertise in being black, with helpful essays like “How to Be the Black Friend,” “How to Speak for All Black People,” “How To Celebrate Black History Month,” and more, in this satirical guide to race issues—written for black people and those who love them. Audacious, cunning, and razor-sharp, How to Be Black exposes the mass-media’s insidiously racist, monochromatic portrayal of black culture’s richness and variety. Fans of Stuff White People Like, This Week in Blackness, and Ending Racism in About an Hour will be captivated, uplifted, incensed, and inspired by this hilarious and powerful attack on America’s blacklisting of black culture: Baratunde Thurston’s How to Be Black.
Book covers aren't allowed? Amazon site book
Either way...whatever :)
Not a documentary, but if you want some good reading in comic book form, I highly recommend the following:
Third one comes out soon.
50 is a pretty intelligent man himself. A great book that has anecdotes on Curtis Jackson (50 cent) and which specifically relates his cleverness and shrewdness to many universal power principles is a book written by Robert Greene called The 50th Law. Fascinating read. You can download the audiobook for free via torrent.
PS. Greene's other book, The 48 Laws of Power, is mind-altering. Also available in audiobook for free on torrent if you're broke/cheap.
I'm not OP but I can tell you that's a bullshit story cooked up by Life magazine to sell print. If you want a real taste of it read this book by the guy who started the HA. It'll open your eyes.
Sonny Barger has a great book, it's another case of retelling the story so the author looks good. I need to read it again, see if the biker from that clip is mentioned, he had chops. Hope he wasn't at Altamont...
I don't see anyone hating per se. But Juggalos and ICP is a weird and somewhat disturbing subculture for most of us that even after reading this book, I still don't quite understand fully.
I don't know, man. Seems like a lot of needless negativity. Looks like this book's title is directed at you.
I read his book a while ago and honestly loved it. Here it is in case you'd like to buy it.
I had a similar experience with Eminem's music about a year and a half ago. I was going through some tough times, and his music helped me get through it. I read his autobiography The Way I Am, which made me want to get to know his music more deeply. So I started from the beginning with The Slim Shady LP. I laughed and cried through the whole album. I love his story telling skills. I love his ability to express himself in a clear and clever way. I could go on and on. I loved his first 3 albums of course. Encore was okay. Relapse was better. Recovery I can't get into. But I still have mad respect for him. I also read the biography Whatever You Say I Am: The Life and Times of Eminem by Anthony Bozza, which is well written. My favorite song by far is The Way I Am. A lot of my friends didn't understand my obsession with him, so it's nice to see some fellow Eminem fans.