Forget the cup.
Buy a magnet and just toss the loose staples onto it. You can then play with the forms and they'll more or less stay in place as a desk toy
I believe it's a bunch of tiny iron filings suspended in some sort of oil, squished between two sheets of plastic. The iron moves in relation to the magnetic field, letting you visualize magnetic field lines.
I agree that the price seems pretty cheap for something that I assume could be reused an unlimited number of times.
Actually it looks like amazon has it for a little cheaper, even:
Magnets my man, magnets.
Get some Neodymium magnets and some GoPro stickies and you can mount just about anything
I suppose a lot of it depends on whether your desk will be against a wall or not. I had the benefit of knowing mine would be, so I had some freedom with the back.
Here's a video of how mine works. It's completely open from the back. The front panel just connects using these magnets from Amazon.
I could certainly spend some time neatening up the wires more, but being that they're completely hidden, I haven't done that yet.
Something like this would probably be strong enough.
Can you put up shelves without finding studs? Maybe, but not shelves that will support much more than their own weight, especially with lath and plaster walls. You really need to find the studs.
I had the very same problem with a hundred year old home and solved it by using a rare earth magnet to locate the nails under the plaster that held the lath in place. I happened to have two magnets left from another project that I sued. These are the magnets that I originally bought for another purpose and used as my stud finer:
To find the studs I used a long piece of floss (about 3 feet long) and tied a loose loop threaded through the hole in the magnet, then pressed the end of the floss against the wall with the magnet hanging below it. Then keeping the floss tight against the wall I began to slowly move it laterally across the wall while at the same time raising and lowering it vertically by a few inches. When the magnet found a nail, it clung to the spot right over the nail. I would then lightly mark the wall with a pencil and confirm it was a stud by dropping down about 12" and seeing if I could pick up a nail directly below the one I first found. Then I marked that spot. After that I measured over 16" to make finding the next stud easier. Eventually I had all the studs located.
It takes a bit of patience to find them, but once you do, you can go ahead and install your shelves and be sure they are secure.
Dont quote me on this because I am not sure what type of magnet they use but I have used rare earth magnets before and those things look like the one in the dynastash and they are super strong. just google rare earth can get them on amazon.
there is an amazon link
Pick the smallest size n52 magnet with over 14000 gauss. Will run you anywhere from 9$ to $27. Amazon is a great place. Also K&J
There ya go.
Are the cases metal? I tried several other magnets but these worked the best. Might need to use one in each corner. If the case is cardboard, mounting one to the wall and taping another in the case will damage the case(but provide a very strong hold).
The ones I used aren’t available at the moment, but something like this works. You just need to clear as much wood out from behind as possible because the magnets lose a lot of power through wood. Test before you cut on your final product.
I used
1.26" Neodymium Cup Magnets (qty 2) from Amazon
3/4" Diameter Steel Ball Bearing (qty 1) from Amazon but only had a 6 pack
I've made a bunch of these--I buy the magnets off Amazon as well --they seem to have the best prices if you dig a little. I get super strong magnet bars (like these ones:
and route out a channel in the back of the piece of wood so that 1/16" is left between the knives and the magnets. I've found that 7 of these magnets in a row will be enough for most knives, but doubling them up to have 14 magnet bars results in a more satisfying, secure hold for my knives. That gets pretty expensive though--looking for a cheaper solution.
This isn't X-Rays, it's magnetic viewing film. You can buy it on amazon for around $10 here
My mom is the same way lol and I used these DIYMAG Powerful Neodymium Disc Magnets with Double-Sided Adhesive, Strong Permanent Rare Earth Magnets for Fridge, DIY, Building, Scientific, Craft, and Office Magnets, 1.26 inch Diameter, Pack of 6
I’ve made a few wooden magnetic knife boards and each time I was shocked how thin I had to leave material to get a good hold. These are the ones I used last time
The wood is 1/8" at the back and the maple inlay on the front is about 3/16" thick. I got these Magnets from amazon. Quite strong.
Something like this?
I got a bunch of these and find endless uses for them. They excel at finding nails in old wood and locating screws or nails in sheetrock. Two of them easily hold my pistol hanging from under the top of my desk.
Sorry for the late response. We got to playing DnD and I got distracted. Here are the measurements:
height from floor to table top: 29.5 "
Length: 71.5"
width: 47"
The map measures 24" x 36" which gives about 12" (from edge of map to table edge) of usable space on each of the long sides and 17.5" on the ends of the table.
My laptop is about 9.5" wide so there is enough space, even on the long sides of the table. Honestly though I intended for the overall dimensions to be bigger than it is. But I made a mistake in the build and had to compensate for it in the width.
The table is generally big enough for the four of us, though. Each person has plenty of space and even two cupholders. If we had more people playing with us I believe we could have 2 more and still be fine.
I bought the magnets from Amazon and the exact ones can be found right here. They're definitely plenty strong. You have to be careful with rare earth magnets, though, as they can be brittle.
I use "Neodymium Magnets with Hole." I prefer to put a hole in the wall for peace of mind. If you can't damage your wall then do go with Command Strips!
Easy to find. Rare does not equal rare, lol.
DIYMAG Neodymium Magnets with Hole,30LB Pulling Force Strong Permanent Rare Earth Countersunk Hole Magnet with 10 Screws for Refrigerator,Cruise,Curtain,DIY,Science-1.26 inch x 0.2 inch, Pack of 10
I strongly suggest you pick up some magnetic test paper. It is a cheap and a lot of fun.
That should work fine.
I use these:
They don't mark the wall, I can always find them because they stick to everything in my tool pouches and my truck, and I can tie a string around them. Finding the first drywall fastener in some walls can be vexing. After that it becomes easier by measuring standard stud spacing and hoping that the drywall fasteners align horizontally (they usually do). But with a magnet on a string you can swing it gently like a pendulum to cover a large area quickly in a search pattern.
Good suggestion. You can also get bar-shaped rare earth magnets, and I think one of those would do the trick in spades.
Hey I just decided that I wanted to buy some high quality, strong magnets for my fridge.
I did some googling and came across r/magnets, and then I saw your post here.
I'm looking around a bit and Amazon appears to have a lot of magnets that look similar (in strength, size, etc) to KJ magnets. But the Amazon ones seem to be significantly cheaper.
I know that when it comes to niche hobbies, prices can go up well beyond what an amateur would expect, and there's usually a good reason (usually just increased quality).
It's higher quality the reason these KJ magnets are so much more expensive than magnets I'm finding on Amazon? The specs appear similar, but I also know that places like Amazon can be less honest about their specs.
Here is an example of Amazon magnets I'm looking at so you have an idea what I mean.
These claim to be n52, neodymium and have 33 lbs of pull.
Similar magnets at KJ appear to be selling at ~$10 per magnet. I feel like there must be a significant difference, I just don't know enough to identify the difference.
Get this kind of magnet:
It won't work for everyone, but it does for a decent percentage. You don't need to take my word for it. Try it on your vaccinated friends. Have a laugh.
You should seriously plan how you want to spend your last 1 to 3 years on earth. I suggest you get to know God. Why follow the agenda laid out for you by the very people that would rather see you dead? What they're doing is terrifying.
A recommendation I saw a couple times was magnets used to secure lattice. All depending on what you're going for of course.
Something like this is what I saw.
But she is looking good so far. Plenty of clearance around condenser.
>rare earth magnets
OOC - You legit can buy these on Amazon
You can also order dynamags separately from dynavap or find a similar magnet (here are several on amazon with stickers on one side for about $10 ) and there are also other sizes/shapes available of that type of magnet on amazon.
I also saw someone else mentioning that you can get several for 2 or 3 bucks from Harbor Freight if you have that store nearby. Grab some magnets and improvise something. :)