Yeah, your old plastic USB speaker, or the nylon holding case (not sure which you have it in), won't help much when that thing goes roman candle. Just get one of these or something like it.
When I charge lipos for my rc planes I do it in the garage in metal buckets. I've seen two lipos go. They didn't so much as explode as much as shoot out a jet of flame.
"Low voltage" according to the battery gauge is ~3.4V on the battery itself. That's still above the minimum "safe" voltage for a standard lipo cell.
In the RC world, you typically stop to recharge a lipo battery when it hits 3.3V/cell. There are alarm attachments that plug into the balance port on RC lipo batteries that are made specifically for this.
The built-in battery controller also isn't stupid, it's not gonna let the battery actually die. What you see when the battery "dies" (usually) is an automatic shutdown sequence triggered by the low voltage to avoid actually killing the battery.
It'll be fine.
Basically nothing, you can get a better charger for about the same money on Amazon
I do not just last night the new charger was delivered and I love it. Was just raving to my wife about it. It charges both cells fully rather than the USB which only charges one cell partially and another fully.
Heres the one I highly recommend
You're safe to use the basic charger till you get the better one of course id just get the better charger for better results.
You just need to charge a single 1S cell? If you want something versatile but user involved you can get a simple mutli-funciton balance charger. With this you can charge not just LiFePO4 but Li-Ion, NiMH/NiCD and Lead Acid, up to 6S/15S/10S. If you want something plug-and-play you need a dedicated 1S LiFePO4 charger. Looks. like there are lots of BMS+charger boards available but they have some pretty low overdischarge thresholds (2.1V? Pretty low IMO).
There is another thread that I just answered with a very similar issue, but the exact same thing happened to me. Played with it on Christmas morning and afterwards used the included USB charger to let it charge up. It would only move a little bit, but the wheels would turn and the LEDs would light. I did some research and came to the conclusion that the stock charger is a piece of crap and I bought this replacement. After getting that it charged right up and I've been using it reliably ever since.
This is a widespread issue, so I would bank on it being a shitty charger and not a blown motor.
Hey, I got the Jeep for Christmas and the exact same thing happened to me. Once the 'factory' charge wore off I wasn't able to get it to work with the included charger. All it would do is light the LEDs and turn the wheels. Sometimes it would poorly attempt to move forward. I did a bunch of research and apparently the stock charger is hot garbage and doesn't work, just Google it. I ended up buying this charger from Amazon and it has been perfect. It just sucks having to wait a couple of days to play with your new toy!
The discharge rate is based on a minimum, you're fine to exceed this rating.
I watched this video about a year ago and it definitely has some good advice.
Biggest take-aways are : - Get a LiPo charger with balance and storage mode - ALWAYS balance charge - Store in a fireproof bag - Store at 3.8v per cell
This is the charger I use for single battery charging:
At the moment this is a very good price, it normally bounces around between 60-70$ on Amazon. I actually bought an extra as a spare.
I had that same charger and funny enough same Titan battery. Thought the battery died, bought another 11.1 lipo, turns out it wasn’t charging one cell and I unbalanced/ruined another 11.1v. I got rid of all that and bought this charger that will warn you if somethings out of balance across cells, I HIGHLY recommend it for the health of your batteries and safety, Lipos/li-ons are awesome but fickle..
It needs a power supply, people recommend one in the comments that works well. Look on YouTube for a tutorial on how to run it, and honestly, I loved my Titan but I’d buy 3-4 lipos from Hobbyzone instead of another Titan 🤙.
Well it's probably possible, but not recommended... especially when you could get a charger for 14 dollars on Amazon that will charge that battery correctly.
I use the tenergy tb6b I really recommend it even though it does cost a bit with it you're not limited to just lipos or what type of connector it has it comes with a octopus cable (not sure what to call it) but it allows you to basically charge any type of battery with it you can program the charger to work with any battery too! amazon link
edit, I kinda care about the cost, and also amazon shipping is also really quick for me. also there's also this Tenergy one which hasn't really been recommended.
The battery is alright but the charger is shit. You can get a smart charger for $15 on Amazon though.
Ya, these days, everyone needs to have a fireproof bag at home... it's probably just as important as a smoke/co2 detector, and fire extinguisher. Sooner or later, you will have a swollen lithium battery and you may not be able to deal with it right away.
I'm not recommending this one per se, but here's a $15 example:
this will charge your battery at the proper rate, includes the correct cable and will be handy for when you get a bigger car,
though, you could use this for only $10, takes about 1h.
It's the stock charger, it's garbage.
This is one is decent for the price.
Battgo chargers are better but expensive. Try your best to not leave anything charging overnight, not even your cellphone 😁
Is this the correct charger? Thanks for your helpful response!
SKYRC iMAX B6AC V2 AC/DC Dual Power Professional LiPo Battery Balance Charger/Discharger
I have one of these its great for the small 2s lipos
HTRC LiPo Charger 2S-3S Balance Battery Charger 7.4-11.1V RC B3AC Pro Compact Charger(White)
I wanted to get this one but not sure if its good. Also, 50$ is about my price limit SKYRC iMAX B6AC V2 AC/DC Dual Power Professional LiPo Battery Balance Charger/Discharger
whelp, ive been conned into buying a lipo. ima just keep it outside and not use the battery inside at all... my only question is a charger, this is the charger i was told, but reviews say sometimes it eats batteries... is there a good, recognized charger for a 3s 11.1 v battery...
What's the biggest battery (#of cells and maH) that you will need to also charge with it and do you need a charger that does more than one battery at a time?
Just like that, for a single battery, i'd say get a iMax B6AC, they're cheap and they can do charge current in increments of 0.1 amps all the way up to 6 amps, they can also charge NIMH, NICAD batteries as well as your car 12v lead-acid battery if you need to.
But i could suggest other models depending on your real needs, if you detail them to me.
If your worried just get this
While I would still recommend spending a little more for something like a Venom charger, this is a decent charger within your budget:
It can also charge multiple types of batteries. Just remember to always balance charge lipos. Honestly read the instruction manual for proper use. Youll want to plug the balance leads from the battery into the balancer and then the main leads from the battery into the main charging leads of the charger. The charger will also allow you to put the battery into storage mode (3.8v per cell with LiPo batteries) for when storing it over long periods of time without use. Also, just remember to not discharge LiPo batteries below 3.2v or you can permanently destroy the battery.
I agree with this even though so many people shit on Titan. I personally think the price is worth it in the long run. Just the fact that I don’t have to worry if it dies completely or if I leave it in a closet for 5 years uncharged is great because then I don’t have to worry about maintaining a battery. In my personal opinion, I find lipos to just be a hassle more than helpful. With that being said, you should still always keep your batteries in a lipo safe bag. I use this one since I own 12 different Titan batteries of various sizes and voltages and it fits them all and then some.
How about a dedicated NiMh charger? Like Amazon
Awesome yeah I just use this for charger for hobby stuff but you’d have a death wish using it with that big boy. Thanks for the tip though. Never really considered a boat battery but that would let me get it farther from apartments, and not smoke out neighbors all day so much. But I’ve been lucky as long as I occasionally share people put up with me and smoking all day (Large complex 800 units)
Hey reading this was a little eye opening. Can you tell me if this charger will work like the b6ac chargers you were talking about.
Link: TB6-B Balance charger
2p complicates things, as there's no good way to see if one cell has completely gone and one is still carrying the load, or if both are equally degraded. (unless you don't care)
I still think my old B6 iMax battery balancer charger/discharger/tester does a lot for the money. There's a ton of them on Amazon, but if you get one, be sure to get either the AC powered version ( , or the DC version with the power supply included.
These things do it all... more than most people would ever need.