They actually make a whole line of them for adults now! Go to a Barnes and Noble and check out the journal section and the self-help section and sometimes the spirituality section. They are everywhere! They became a thing again when self awareness and mindfulness started becoming a “thing”.
Some examples for anyone that’s into that sorta thing (I personally love them ��)
If you read The Satanic Bible you quickly notice LaVey did indeed borrow a lot of his ideas from social darwinists and people like Ayn Rand. Which, after looking it up, is a major gripe the satanic temple (as opposed to church) has with him. And an understandable one.
LaVey was often going out of his way to be shocking, and more than anything he envisioned Satanism as a kind of nihilistic inversion of everything Christianity claims to preach. So if Christians claim you should be forgiving then Satanists claim you should treat people who hurt you with contempt, if Christianity says be charitable then Satanists say don't give anybody anything they don't deserve, etc etc.
Follow this attitude to its logical conclusion and you get a bunch of pseudo-authoritarian dickheads masquerading as libertarians. Which is one reason that, despite enjoying The Satanic Bible as a read, as an actual ethical system it's pretty fucking shallow. He makes some great points about religious hypocracy and the absurdity of treating normal human emotions as something dirty and evil. But that's really kind of it. It's one thing to criticize, if you can't come up with something better than who cares?
It's a damn sexy book though. Like, god damn, that cover...say what you will about LaVey that motherfucker had some style.
> Sen pitäisi tapahtua nyt heti
Aivan! Aloita heti nyt niin se muutos on lähteny käyntiin. Sit jossain vaiheessa sulle alkaa tulemaan sitä tulosta. Mikään ei muutu hetkessä. Edes lottovoitto ei tapahdu ilman sitä kuponkien täyttämistä. Suosittelen lukemaan Gary John Bishopin Unfuck yourself:n ( / Löytyy myös googlen play storesta 10e...) ajatuksella ja sitten vielä uusiksi. Itselle tuo teos oli omia epäilyksiäni vahvistava ja antoi minulle työkaluja omien lukkojeni avaamiseen.
Mieti vielä kuinka kauan sulla on elämää edessä. 27v ei ole ikä eikä mikään. Mä oon joskus ollut samassa tilanteessa joskus ja voin kyllä sanoa, että jos tekee edes vähän muutoksia elämässään niin hommat kyllä lähtee rullaamaan. Muutama vinkki: -Siivoo kämppäs jo tänää. Tee se nyt. Se on hyvä alku. -Mene huomenna tekemään jotain liikunta juttua. Ota äänikirja luuriin, jos sulla ei ole varaa niin kato vaikka piratebaysta (muista suojaus), ja mene kävelemään. Saat samalla liikuntaa ja pääset kuuntelemaan hyvii tarinoita. -Jos noi tuntuu liian kevyeltä alota joku harrastus. Mee vaikka LAN:lle. Tsekkaa onko sun lähistöllä jotain tapahtumaa ja meet sinne.
Your goal shouldn't be to cheer her up. She is most likely grieving a life that she thought she had and feeling like it's very unfair that it was taken from her. Your goal should be to be there with her in it. I highly (and frequently ) recommend the book, "There is no good card for this" for specific information on how to show loved ones compassion in the face of grief and loss.
People know. You seem like you aren't paying attention and are looking for a sun-shiny quick-fix answer.
The book How to do the work goes over a ton of activities, but you have to actually do them. Over and over again.
"Polyvagal theory in therapy" by Deb Dana also goes over how to "do the work" on your nervous system.
Yoga is doing the work. Meditation is doing the work. Journaling is doing the work. Somatic modalities are doing the work. EMDR is doing the work. Internal family systems is doing the work. Infra slow fluctuation neurofeedback is doing the work. Genogram mapping is doing the work. Grieving is doing the work.
You have to do it every day. Every fucking day and it fucking sucks. The work fucking sucks because you have to do it all the fucking time. And it isn't fucking fair. And that's the shitty reality of healing from trauma.
Love this - thank you for sharing! Not sure if you're a reader, but Dr. Nicole LePera's book How to Do the Work might be very helpful for you.
I don't think it's what qcumbers think it is, though.
1: Amazon or call your local bookstore to see if they have one in stock. My Barnes and Nobles only carries one at a time to prevent people from vandalizing it.
2: You can say Hail Satan to anything. I said it multiple times today, my wife and I say it when something cool happens or something works out in our favor. Essentially it is the vocal equivalent of "praise god", but since we don't believe in god or Satan and we praise ourselves, saying Hail Satan is like "yay me" or an affirmation.
As far as Lucifer, one of the titles for Satan, no we(LaVeyan) do not worship Lucifer. Luciferians on the other hand revere Lucifer as a liberator character but also a deity who they do not worship.
If you have more questions I would be glad to answer them through PM at any time. :)
From the Church of Satan FAQ:
Can I get a free copy of The Satanic Bible? Where can I download it?
>No, we don’t proselytize so we don’t send out free books or pamphlets as do other religions. The publisher of this book, HarperCollins/Avon, has not released an eBook version, so if you do find an electronic file of this book it is not authorized and is violating the copyright.
The book is for sale on Amazon and is inexpensive.
I highly recommend this book (for you OP and other friends of your friend): "There is no good card for this"
I learned from personal experience that life does not prepare us well on how to react in situations where someone we care for goes through something horrible. This book is written by very compassionate and empathetic authors and almost exactly adresses your question. There are so many wrong things to say and this book will help avoid that.
In such a situation I would even consider getting multiple copies and handing them out to the people closest to your friend. I cannot recommend it enough.
I've never read this book, but sometimes I think I should (Amazon non-referral normal link)
You can also buy it from which has other books you can look into.
Man, that's laziness. Typing your request literally takes more effort than going to Amazon and searching for "Satanic Bible". Not to mention you have to wait around for your request to be filled, IF it's filled.
In Chrome (assuming you're already an Amazon user, since you requested the link):
Click New Tab button or CTRL+T
Type "am" and pops up (because it was already in my browsing history)
Hit TAB and search for "Satanic Bible"
Hit Enter
****** Lo and behold, SEARCH RESULTS! ******
That was 17 key presses and a couple mouse clicks.
Edited for late night spelling
recommend reading this
My missus gets stressed af and loses the plot every time she has an interview, and as a result she's been at the same level for about 10 years. However, she's been encouraged to apply for a number of roles 2 levels above hers, not only by her direct supervisor but by the director as well, AND the fact that there are some real wankers in the department that will apply as well (and probably get in), so she's thinking that she pretty much HAS to apply otherwise she'll be pissed off at the wankers being above her.
So she's starting to freak out about the potential interview. I'm very tempted to get her this book for xmas.
I read The Story of Christianity, Vol. 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation ( It’s two volumes, but the first volume is enough to establish that TSCC narrative of the history of Christianity differs substantially from the facts. And further, that the facts of Christianity’s history challenge the claim of Christ’s divinity.
Another, shorter, read is Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth (, though it is less of a history and more of a persuasive theory drawn from history.
In any case, it becomes clear that - rather than TSCC’s narrative of a divine Christ who established his church on earth during his lifetime, which church subsequently fell into disarray, and was later restored in its fullness by JS, the Christian church began with a small sect of Jews who held some common beliefs based on the teachings of Jesus, that it evolved over time, and that the idea of Jesus as the divine Christ came later, probably starting with the teachings of Paul and codified in later creeds.
At the very least, claims of a restoration are false since there was no “primitive church” to restore.
edit: fixed a typo
According to Amazon, it is exactly 0.7 inches thick and 272 pages long. It's a quick read, though; especially if you're reading it to gain an understanding rather than an intense study.
The Satanic Bible
amazon (if your in the uk or ireland book depository also has it with free shipping)(
Hear me out here. I’m not trying to sell you on religion or a way of life, but The Satanic Bible is a pretty interesting read. There’s nothing to believe in and it only costs $10 on Amazon. How would your roommate react to seeing this in the house?
I highly recommend Justo González's The Story of Christianity. It is a two volume anthology of Christian history that is both thorough and entertainingly readable. The first volume is probably what you're looking for as it covers from just after the New Testament up to Reformation, while the second goes through the Reformation up to present day.
Amazon link to the first volume:
There is also the Didache. A sort of manual for how churches should operate that was probably written within one or two generations of the NT.
It definitely does have the same effect! This is the coloring book I am currently using. I like gel pens, since you don't have to keep sharpening them like you do with colored pencils.
As a LaVeyan Satanist who had to go to Christian church every day during high school, sitting through a sermon isn't all that bad. You get a nice story and you get some free money when they pass around the plate. It would be pretty boring to do that for a whole weekend, though. If you accept the offer for bible study and show up with a copy of The Satanic Bible, they may leave you alone. You can get a copy of The Satanic Bible here if you don't have one.
HR is not there to help you. HR is there to protect the company. Talking to HR might get you fired.
Start applying to jobs. Setup a LinkedIn profile. Add friends from current job on LinkedIn.
There's a book called the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***. You should read it or listen to the audio book.
You're not wrong lol. For how low my self-esteen was, it has been interesting seeing how much people are drawn to me these days.
The two biggest things that really helped were getting on Lexapro for a couple years (this helped lift the weight so I wasn't constantly viewing the world through a depressed/anxious lens and I could better see the big picture), and Dr. Nicole LePera's self-help book Doing the Work.
This book was hands down the most helpful thing for me. It taught me how to recognize when I was in flight/flight mode (which was way more often than I ever realized, i.e. daily) and retrain my body to not be triggered so easily. It also helped me love myself, figure out what kid me wanted in life, and form a narrative that wasn't rooted in pessimism. I lent it to several friends and met a couple other folks that read it, and they all had excellent experiences with it and have recommended it to others. I wish I could explain in a comment how excellent this book is, but you can check out her Instagram @the.holistic.psychologist to get a better idea of the focus of her work.
Story of Christianity by Justo Gonzalez is really great if you're wanting the basic broader history of the church. It's a textbook, just it's so well written it doesn't feel like you're reading a textbook.
i can recommend a great book to you, which i never do because book recommendations usually land no where. but truly, please look into this book. it is called "there is no good card for this: what to say and do when life is scary, awful and unfair to the people you love" and it is less than 300 pages, adorable on a coffee table when you're done with it, plus it is illustrated brilliantly and usefully.
Did you really just use "turbo cringe" in a sentence? Man, I wish I had your confidence. I'm guessing you're a fan of this
That looks really interesting, thank you! For anyone else reading this, if you are looking for a digital copy, it has an alternative title: Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why
It's a phrase commonly used in the psychological realm. It means you're working on yourself. It's been popularized by Dr. Nicole LaPera