Just make sure that the second that little guy starts growing, you either get a bigger tank with a lid, or placed the lid on that. When I first got my red eared slider, I didn’t know they were good at climbing and one escaped. Another suggestion would be to get a basking area that stays in the middle of the tank. That is because turtles have it much harder trying to climb out if it’s not on land, here’s an example (https://youtu.be/QrvfthrHYMI) Make sure whenever you buy him a new item for his tank, that you watch him carefully to make sure he doesn’t do anything that could injure/kill them. If you are getting them a new basking station make sure the water level is high enough for them to get on, as young turtles don’t have a lot of strength in their legs. I would not recommend one of these as a basking area, as these do not stick to the bottom of the tank and can be used for your little guy to escape. (https://www.amazon.sg/Penn-Plax-Reptology-Floating-Basking-Platform/dp/B004PBCFG2/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=Turtle+basking&qid=1624665217&sr=8-2) I actually used a very big rock (65 kg) for my turtle basking area, I placed it against some strong bricks and placed it near the middle. This way my turtle can’t escape using it but they still have a basking area. If you ever decide to put his new tank outside, remember to drill a hole in the side of it. Because if it rains, the rain water will raise the water level and if the water doesn’t escaped it will just keep rising till it’s high enough that you’re turtle can escape. Sorry if the English and grammar were not great, English is my second language. Edit: after posting this i rewatched the video, keep that box of wires around 30cm away encase water splashes from the tank on them.
My snake liked this hide a lot when she was younger. I put damped moss in it so it was a humid hide. She sometimes used it, but when she was in shed she would spend a lot of time in there, safe and because of the damped moss no reason to come out to stay hydrated (snakes become party blind in some part of the shed progress so they like to hide in that time). She has had perfect one piece sheds every time.
She kinda grew out of that humid hide so now i have this one. A bigger upgrade from the old one. She is very happy with it.
place it on the underside of the tub, place the little rubber nubs the should have came with the heater on the four corners on the underside of the tub. make sure its not on the ground or anywhere flammable. I say a thermostat is necessary to keep the snake from getting burned or melting the plastic. You can buy one here
It's an Exo Terra rock hide for 20 bucks on amazon!! She loves sleeping in there and i put some moss to double as a humid hide. I got the size large🙂 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008YDHDD2/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_dmGCBbYA1A8BR
Just something I picked up at Petsmart years ago and was handed-down from my other snakes. I searched through Amazon and found it again - "Penn-Plax Shale Step Ledge and Cave Hide-Out" - Amazon link
It's definitely a versatile and not bad looking hide.
Awh, Lemonade is a great name! He should also get a lot more yellow as he grows, so it’ll fit even better in a couple months :)
Yep, plastic plants are fine! And yeah, basically they feel a lot more secure when they have stuff to cover them. I’d put one hide on the warm side of the enclosure and one hide on the cold side, then some plastic plants all over the enclosure
Also, the log could probably work fine, but I’ve found that some leopard geckos feel more secure in hides like these that aren’t as open; https://www.amazon.com/Exo-Terra-Reptile-Cave-Medium/dp/B001F3YJ9O?th=1&psc=1
Feel free to ask if you have more questions, cheers!
My crested geckos sleep almost every day in these:
When I picked up my RES, Walter, his previous caretaker gave us a Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier, that I feel is unmatched. It's large, and easily supports Walter's weight and size (roughly 5 & 3/4 inch long shell - I believe he's about 5 or 6 years old now)
I actually recently replaced it with the exact same thing, because it was time to go higher and the one I was given was incomplete, missing the center column pieces to go the full 16 inches high it will support out of the box (so it only went about a foot vertical). I'm toying with the idea of going higher, or letting it free-float, because the only draw-back is the amount of space it takes up under neath the water's surface. He can still swim between it, but I think it would make it cleaner looking if it float.
Another idea is to look for a large piece of cork, which could be anchored, like a pond-basking platform, or let float freely. But it's not easy to find quality cork around me, and I don't want to trust purchasing one online sight-unseen.
Good luck!
If you get bored of that one, or it wears out, or you have room for another, you should try one of the seagrass hammocks like this. Our beardie LOVES to rub himself on it when he's shedding. You can also boil them eventually when you do a deep clean. They hold up fairly well considering the material they're made of.
haha thanks i got it on amazon i was scared cause some reviews said it came in broken but this one came in one piece haha this is the link if you want to check it out :-)! Penn-Plax Shale Step Ledge and Cave Hide-Out Medium Aquarium Resin https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0018CJNEI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ymwwAbAX107WK
Here are the links to the two I got off amazon.
We have an under tank heater with thermostat on the way from amazon and this for moist hide will be on the left maybe might move stuff around a bit and want to get more of the brown for that desert look
I just went on amazon and found this one. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008YDHDD2/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_W7E0EbRWNGXZ0 I got a medium and may upgrade to a large later on. He loves it and is in it most of the time.
This is the greenery I got, it was a ton so I was able to cut it in half and put it on both sides of the tank Amazon.com : Fluker's Repta Vines-Pothos for Reptiles and Amphibians : Pet Habitat Decor Plants : Pet Supplies
She loves to shit in the coconut. It's like her litterbox lol
Quickest, cheapest option would be a tupperware with a small hole she can fit through filled with moist spagnum moss or topsoil.
If you don’t mind spending money on one this is the one I have (medium or large will do): https://www.amazon.com/Exo-Terra-Gecko-Reptiles-Medium/dp/B008YDHDD2/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=1TY944A6VWWKK&keywords=leopard+gecko+moist+hide+rock&qid=1669654876&sprefix=leopard+gecko+moist+hide+rock%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-4
use a wet q tip to lightly brush off the shed on the toes, https://www.amazon.com/Zilla-Decor-Rock-Lair-Large/dp/B01N8ZQWF1/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=humid+hide+zilla&qid=1667275737&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjAwIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-2#customerReviews I would recommend this for a humid hide
Make sure you give him a moist place to shed. I got mine one of these (with some wet moss) and he loved shedding in there. Since then he has been eating better as well.
I got this dock for my female RES— as she was too large and heavy for her floating platform.
I have made a few adjustments to the pier to ensure optimal functioning and safety—putting large river rocks under the bottom plastic support to ensure she doesn’t get stuck. Also drilled holes in the dock and ramp and attached them with zip ties as they kept separating
I wouldn't. I'd rather have something that I can replace with ease to clean, rather than having a single surface that is going to get dirty over and over. I use paper towels for my geckos, (both being special needs). I'm not sure about what will be available in your country so I can't advise on something wood looking
No, exclusively insects.
They're normally there for a very short time and often neglected in other ways that will suppress their natural behaviours. You can have two, three, four, etc together for an infinite amount of time. It's just a constant coinflip of whether it'd be okay. I'd never advise to keep Geckos together other than when they're being bred.
Spot checking, more accurate, handy to have. It's not imperative but it's super useful.
You can use anything to prop up the corners. It's not an issue on non-glass tanks.
I use generic reptile disinfectant and replace any paper towels that have been pooped on.
If you need anything else ask :)
Depends on a few factors but the tanks I have that used them before I ran 80w on a thermostat, the reason for a “dimmer” vs a “on off” type thermostat is two fold, 1 while they heat up faster than ceramic or regular lamps, they do take a little bit to get to operating temp, so they will cool off, then when needed take a little bit to get back to higher temps. 2 this flicker can wear out some bulb types faster.
A dimmer can be had for next to nothing Zoo Med ReptiTemp RT-600 Digital Thermostat Controller, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FYXX9L3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_215GK9VGYRMQMJ6C4ZWT Here is a reptile branded one
Leviton TBL03-10E Tabletop Slide Control Lamp Dimmer, 300-Watt, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A80756O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_8WZCC7W8H1XKHVPCV7HR
Just use a laser temp gun to check your temps and get them where you want them. Start out low and slowly move up till you get to where you want to be.
She may not like the clear hide. My pickiest boy greatly prefers the zilla rock lair style of hide. Much more secluded. This is the medium size: Zilla Rock Lair MD https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1EOR0K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_W6NP7MQ3RSWP033D8DZ7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here is a link to a similar one on Amazon 😬 hope this helps!
Another vote for the silla rock lair, the large. (kinda has a snail shell shape on the inside) ZILLA Rock Lair Lg https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N8ZQWF1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9YGT9JYHG1YCB4AM1G19 filled with wet tan sphagnum moss- not the green, which is dyed and can fuck all the way off.
I used to use that dock and my two cents would be to upgrade it, believe me I know how hard taking care of a tank can be and it takes a lot of learning to get it exactly where you.
Here is the dock it is relatively cheap and it a very good quality one that I have found. I would also recommend having the UVB and heat lamp over the dock if you can keep the temperatures good.
I would recommend a new tank as well, a bigger one but tanks a pricy and it may be out of your means right now but maybe its something you want to think about long term.
You will also want to look into canister filters as these bad bois allow the good bacteria to stay inside the filter and eat all the bad stuff that can irritate and make your turtle sick, regular water changes are a must as well with a good quality water conditioner such as Zoo med Reptisafe.
Good luck and if you need any more help just let us know!
Of course 😊 We have a few of the small one's also but this one is the medium. Both of them work well for our full grown Leo's..
Zilla Rock Lair MD https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1EOR0K/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_QH6X3X7CD9CGJGWVGS87?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Probably need a better basking platform to get him out of the water. He needs to be able to dry off completely. I got this one for my slider but I had to modify it with hair ties on each post to keep the platform from sinking. So hard to find a good one for real. Penn-Plax Reptology Floating... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004PBCFG2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
If you want a premium moist hide, the Zilla Rock Lair can't be beat. You could easily go for a mason jar, or even one of the black plastic hides with the one "arch" as an entrance, but my buddy LOOOOVES his rock lair. Literally to the point I had to quit putting damp paper towels in their, for fear of him getting a respiratory infection 😂 so do keep that last part in mind. Also, they have three sized, but the medium is almost too small for my fully grown boy. So I'd recommend that or the large.