I just wanted to say-- thank you so much for taking time to learn about betta's and not just go off of what the general population seems to think.
One additional suggestion-- make sure that any plants you offer are either silky or live plants. The plastic ones will tear up their fins. You can often find nicer silky ones in the reptile sections of pet stores or Amazon rather than the fish. Like this one for example. It also offers lots of hidey space, which betta love!
The hanging /suction cup silk plants in the reptile section could also be neat, though I've never used them in a tank personally. It might be cool to have a plant sort of trailing down in a corner.
They definitely should have a filter, but make sure it's not too strong of one. You might be better with an under gravel filter or two small filters. Also-- make sure you buy a temperature gauge. You want to check regularly to make sure the heater is still working properly-- 75-80F water always feels cool to the skin so it's hard to tell.
The tank is fine, it jus needs more branches and greenery. Fake plants work fine and these are the vines I use bc you can bend them to whatever shape: https://www.amazon.com/Fluker-Labs-SFK51019-Branch-Habitat/dp/B0009YEB52/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=fluker+vine&qid=1626741179&sprefix=fluker+vi&sr=8-4
place it on the underside of the tub, place the little rubber nubs the should have came with the heater on the four corners on the underside of the tub. make sure its not on the ground or anywhere flammable. I say a thermostat is necessary to keep the snake from getting burned or melting the plastic. You can buy one here
I'm in Canada and I was able to get a two pack off amazon, it looked different in the Amazon picture but was still black and yellow when I got it. I wish it looked like the amazon picture cause it's nicer but oh well my gecko loves them.
Thank you! It's technically an exo-terra, but the dimensions are correct. I love Carolinas, but they were a bit more expensive and had the same features. I got the the hammock along with a climbing vine on Amazon. I eventually want to add a background surround as well, so it's still an ongoing project.
Don't rush, do this properly. He's not going to die overnight, turning off the lights will make him tons happier. A couple extra days without UVB won't kill him overnight. We want to set up a long term home, so let's take a moment and do it right.
What you need is a thermometer. I use a point-and-shoot IR thermometer, you can find them at hardware stores. Once you get the bulb that I linked you, you're going to use it to measure the temperature in the basking spot. You're aiming for around 80-85F. What your dad can do is put a dimmer on the lamp, so you can dim the light if it gets too hot.
The basking spot is going to be a spot about 8" below the lamp. You can go out tonight and get him some lovely plants for his cage. Pothos vines, mini palm trees, shefflera, all good. You can look at this list for some more cham friendly plants. All you need to do is toss the potted plants into the enclosure. Have the vines run all the way up to the top. You can use this from Petco or something (NOT THE MOSSY ONE) to make some horizontal perches for him.
something my snail loves are the fake terrarium plants that suction cup to the sides. the small ones are more than big enough for my snail and she loves climbing and sleeping in them. they can also help in covering hard surfaces bc they're longer. i have three bundles in mine & they're $4 a piece on amazon
I got them myself from amazon in Canada, but I found a link to US amazon for you. If you're elsewhere try searching flukers bamboo bars. the picture looks nicer on amazon but they were still black and yellow when they arrived.
it provides some climbing, but if those are taped together than you don’t want them in their. tape can seriously harm reptiles. these are an inexpensive climbing option that may work for your enclosure! a couple more plants would be great too for some more cover.
i also don’t see a digital thermometer + hygrometer or a feeding dish/ledge.
Here are the links to the two I got off amazon.
I absolutely love the Fluker's bendable vines. They're relatively inexpensive and you can do so much with them. I like to use cork bark too if you can find it for cheap somewhere in your area. I would love to tell you I'm some master at creating beautiful vivs but I really just kinda throw some stuff together and my crestie seems to like it lol.
This is the greenery I got, it was a ton so I was able to cut it in half and put it on both sides of the tank Amazon.com : Fluker's Repta Vines-Pothos for Reptiles and Amphibians : Pet Habitat Decor Plants : Pet Supplies
She loves to shit in the coconut. It's like her litterbox lol
I have few of these kind of plants in my girls tanks. Those cover the whole open space and she can walk hidden under them, and the branches are also strong enough for her to walk over them. That way the whole tank is a big hide and she often chill under there rather than in some actual hide.
Getting a styrofoam back ground for inside the tank or making one yourself with for example Exo Terra Stone Desert can really help making the tank look natural, provide climbing possibilities and also make your gecko feel less exposed.
Go a lot bigger with the fake plants and by a lot I really mean a lot. Like a real size silk fake fern or other type of plant.
Large and thick branches or medium sized cork rounds are also great ways to clutter up an enclosure.
I just posted a picture of my gecko in which you can see part of his enclosure. It has loose substrate and exo terra stone desert used. You can check out my profile if you are interested.
But only adding a foam background and a couple of large artificial plants can do a whole lot for an enclosure without costing a fortune :)
Bendable "jungle vine" (large) work well for perches
You can use the tension between the screen (18x18 inch) to hold them in place and not damaging anything.
You can use the tension between the screen (18x18 inch) to hold them in place and not damaging anything.
I also prefer to use Manzanita branches for both decorative and scaffolding.
Depends on a few factors but the tanks I have that used them before I ran 80w on a thermostat, the reason for a “dimmer” vs a “on off” type thermostat is two fold, 1 while they heat up faster than ceramic or regular lamps, they do take a little bit to get to operating temp, so they will cool off, then when needed take a little bit to get back to higher temps. 2 this flicker can wear out some bulb types faster.
A dimmer can be had for next to nothing Zoo Med ReptiTemp RT-600 Digital Thermostat Controller, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FYXX9L3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_215GK9VGYRMQMJ6C4ZWT Here is a reptile branded one
Leviton TBL03-10E Tabletop Slide Control Lamp Dimmer, 300-Watt, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A80756O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_8WZCC7W8H1XKHVPCV7HR
Just use a laser temp gun to check your temps and get them where you want them. Start out low and slowly move up till you get to where you want to be.
I'd get these instead. Dirt cheap and good quality. I like them a lot, they look great in my tank and my gecko loves them
What is the nighttime temps inside the home?
I'd remove all the stuff at the bottom of the habitat.
Get some bendible vines in there (large) and remove the hardwood as it'll be difficult to grip
What are you using for a heat and UVb source (important)
One thing that I'd also recommend is a well fitting drip tray for the potted plants to keep crickets and other feeder insects out of the bottoms of the pots.
The ficus isn't going to do well for you.. I'd recommend a "swiss cheese plant" or even a corn plant (Dracaena fragrans) as a suitable replacement.
This is the one I found and in the Q and A it said it was on/off. If there’s another you’re aware of, I’d love to know ! Zoo Med ReptiTemp RT-600 Digital Thermostat Controller, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FYXX9L3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_S8TRZ1DYQ5TPXWJH7M3S
It’s this one! I honestly didn’t think they’d be strong enough for her and had gotten them purely for decorations, but she seems too love them
i would move the thermometer on top of the slate since it should be where the hottest spot in the tank is. you can weigh it down with a small rock if it doesn’t stay :] and more clutter is always better! some twigs for or maybe a big stick sturdy enough for him to climb on would look nice and give him more enrichment. flukers pothos repta-vines are also great for clutter!
Zoo Med ReptiTemp RT-600 Digital Thermostat Controller, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FYXX9L3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_28B9NMER50Z0PKGKARSN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
That's the thermo I use. What morph is your guy?
Unfortunately that wood is not safe, The only safe wood is Grapevine as others have sharp edges/tannins.
Any size is fine, you just have to bake it for 30 minutes at 200 degrees Fahrenheit
You can always get fake vines for your tank Fluker's Repta Vines-Pothos for Reptiles and Amphibians https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0009YEB70/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_M72SGT044SBWQGHG5J1E and look up types of wood hermit crabs can use!
once you can id def reccoment getting a taller enclosure! till then you should add more branches to climb up, i use these for my crestie! they hold their shape very well :)) hope this helps!
I got this one which also comes with the vines but you just just buy a hammock separately on Amazon.