Does anyone else feel neutral about GDP in terms of its importance? A few years ago I read The Second Machine Age, which opened my eyes to the fact that due to the advancement of digital technologies, there are products and services being created that add value to our economy, but end up hurting GDP.
If it repetitive and/or predictable it can be automated. Read Rise of the Robots. Starting to get scary.
My sister says it best "There just aren't that man good jobs to go around anymore".
The author Martin Ford in his Rise of the Robots says that automation, off-shoring and the loss of manufacturing have hollowed out the job market; fewer jobs more competition for whatever is left.
I STRONGLY recommend reading his book, AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order.
Also, I think that Kai-fu Lee would make an excellent US Ambassador to China under President Yang
If you want to learn electronics, this is the book to get:
Make: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery
It literally goes through everything you need to know about basic electronics to be able to teach you how to make your own stuff. I only read through part of the first edition and loved it, so I’m planning on getting the second and actually doing the stuff by hand. I believe one of the last experiments is to 3D print a racecar yourself and create all the electronics from scratch to make it work.
You’ll obviously have to buy all the electronics parts (there’s guides in the book on how and what to buy) but if you don’t want to spend the time buying individual stuff online they sell kits tailored to this book. Each kit covers a certain number of experiments and the total will probably set you back about $200.
I saw Reddit threads recently (not specific to the book) about where to get discount electronics, so you could get the book and then look for the parts you need if you have time.
While not exactly synth based, I found the Make: Electronics book a very nice hands-on intro to basic electronics concepts.
And it's already been pointed out but Moritz Klein's YouTube series on VCO's is great. Follow along on a breadboard and you'll be good.
I’d suggest a Make book for more elaborate setups but just find a piezo buzzer and run wires to a battery pack for a first test. Now put a switch or push button in between one of the wires.
I've got a book suggestion for you. There's probably some better ones out there but it's the one I happened to read recently.
I think it's exactly what you're talking about doing and does a decent job of holding your hand to get you started while still showing you exactly what's going on.
The way things are explained in the book easily translates to using other AVR chips.
If you like Maths and Circuits, look into embedded systems. Depending on how deep you want to go, you can work with circuits, maths (especially embedded is getting popular in AI, Digital Signal Processing etc etc). A lot of what you do here is low level and you dont always have the luxury of nice IDEs for e.g
I switched from a software engineer to embedded systems. I am currently doing my masters in it, I didn't enjoy software engineering. I always enjoyed tinkering with electronics as a kid, so this is something I really enjoy.
I do find it a bit more challenging, because my adhd makes it hard for me to read, a lot of embedded is going through pages and pages of datasheet, so that is kind of a bummer.
I would suggest you get a starter arduino kit or what I did was get this book: AVR Programming: Learning to Write Software for Hardware and an AVR programming kit, there are plenty of them, get a beginner one and then have a go at it, see if you enjoy it.
I recommend watching some YouTube videos on basic electronics.
There are also the Make Electronics books that have a lot of projects that walk you through how components work. You can buy the pre-made parts kits for the books, but its usually cheaper to purchase just the parts you want, or to try de-soldering components from old/broken electronics.
My son enjoyed doing Electronics technology. We used this book. You can buy kits for the materials needed (or get the parts separately.
You can look into Make.
I like the Make: Electronics books that not only walk you through building basic circuits but also show you how they work. You can either buy the Component Packs that have all the parts to do all the projects in the book, Or you can just buy parts individually for what projects you want to make.
If you don't want to pay for the books, I know that you can find them for free to download as a PDF on some websites.
This is a bit late to the post but hopefully this helps
this is a decent book 2nd edition of a book i liked that i got about half way threw
There is also a kit that comes with the whole thing but its a bit pricy but for a book you can follow along with its nice.
Since you are not using the arduino libraries I highly recommend this book. I use it for reference all these time
AVR Programming: Learning to Write Software for Hardware (Make: Technology on Your Time)
The Second Machine Age. This is an academic book, but written in a very easy to read style. Also available in audiobook format. I simply love this book and recommend it to anyone of any political leaning who wants to understand more about why we’re where we are economically and politically.
Read Rise of the Robots by Martin Ford, if you have a chance. It's not science fiction anymore.
Toplo preporučam svima da pročitaju AI Superpowers od Kai-Fu Lee-a; čovjek je po meni odličan vizionar i dobro opisuje što su poslovi koji će vjerojatno nestati do 2040.
Uglavnom, ako se može automatizirati do neke mjere danas, vjerojatno će do tolike mjere nestati tada.
Jedino ljudska kreativa (upitno za marketing/design jer AI će moć štancat ono content koji će ljudi obožavat) te rad s ljudima može preostati.
Would you consider a book?
Something like would go a long way for a beginner and you could probably find it (barely) used for 10 bucks.
this guys books are pretty awesome for learning some basics too! (not fpv )
Either one will work for this encoder project. Logic level is most important when you're interfacing with other ICs (integrated circuits). Logic level is basically an indication of what voltages are considered to be "high" or "low" in a digital circuit. If you connect a 5v arduino to a 3.3V IC the IC may be damaged by the higher voltage, whereas if you connect a 3.3V arduino to a 5v IC the arduino output voltage may not be high enough to be considered high by the IC.
In the case of the encoder there's no such risk.
I first started learning about electronics and arduino on If you'd like a book recommendation this was my first Arduino book:
And this one focuses more on the programming side:
I’m not current with the specific kits anymore but I would start with these 3 things... 1. An arduino. I’d get one with built in WIFI. The Nano BLE sense is a good option has it also has a few onboard sensors 2. A good book. I started with this one 8 years ago. It was really fun and easy to progress thru the chapters and by the time you finish it you’ll have knowledge and experience with a bunch of common sensors and actuators and feel like you can build anything. Getting Started with Arduino: The Open Source Electronics Prototyping Platform (Make) 3. A kit with more hardware like a variety of resistors, sensors, actuators, little breadboards, and maybe some wire. You can buy this all separately and eventually you will buy separate parts based on the projects you pursue. So I’d get one of the smaller kits ($40-60). 4. Lastly, there’s a ton of free example code everywhere on the net. The official Arduino forums are a good first stop. As a beginner, your questions have already been asked and answered. When you pick up a new sensor to try, you can usually find nice small working examples that you can literally cut and paste into your Arduino IDE to run with minimal modification making learn g very fast. But read the book above and don’t skip chapters as it’ll give a foundation on the fundamentals like digital pins bs analog pins, PWM, etc.
Have fun!
Take a look at Make: Electronics from the people who do Make: magazine.
The Humble Bundle folks have also done a couple book bundles that include it & other electronics books.
What are good books on AI, Automation and the future? Really want to know about the futuristic capplications it can have and how it can change society
IS this a good book for it or should I get another one
I found that the Make: books are quite easy to follow and things are well explained. You could start with this one:
There is also Make: More electronics and Make: Encyclopedia of electronic components volume 1, 2 and 3.
They come with lists of components needed for each book, and there are also ready made kits of components available on Amazon.
This books was pretty helpful for me:
Once you have output (controlling the LED blinking patterns), you can move to input. Most kits come with a photoresistor (a light sensor); you can use that to turn on the light when it's dark.
Once you have input and output, you have everything you need to make a sentient robot with a dream of becoming the world's best ballet dancer. He'll lacks grace, but he'll makes up for it with passion.
Those projects should be enough to keep you busy for awhile.
Arduino is a great space to get some experience coding because the programs are generally short and self-contained. Also, there’s a ton of tutorials and examples as well as active forums where your question has probably already been asked or can be answered within minutes. Plus you already have some understanding of hardware (which is not a requirement when you first start with Arduino).
The only question is, what are you waiting for? ;)
Getting Started With Arduino is a great book with short projects that introduce you to the code.
I think Make: Electronics and Make: More Electronics are the best I've seen for beginners.
See Wikipedia:
And Amazon:
The author isn't a socialist, but the subject matter should interest every marxist.
the 328p is a great chip to start out with... a lot of tutorials and guides out there. Also they have very good data sheets on everything. I suggest this book if you want a good place to start