Basically exactly what it says on the tin.
EVERYONE BUY SUNSTONE RIGHT NOW!!! (:>_<:) That's were this art comes from. Sunstone Volume 1 (Sunstone Tp)
It's beautiful, lood, and sexy all while being a fun story about different couples/dynamics. Sorry I have to shill one of my favorite artists and they're work.
I'm surprised no one has put this here, but maybe everyone knows about it or maybe it's not exactly what you're looking for.
But I always put down Stjepan Šejić's Sunstone series when I can. But it's more story based I guess...
And buy their books if you wish to find out where these images are from 🥰
Sunstone Volume 1 (Sunstone Tp)
Sorry I have to shill for such and incredible artist and writer! 😤 (:>_<:)
It's the artist who did the Sunstone comics (amazon link to the first one). The link before is a link to his deviant art site. It's fairly safe although he does do adult content.
Sana Takeda is the artist who does Monstress (another amazon link)
I write fantasy erotica and fantasy romance mainly, although I have also done sci-fi and horror.
Have you checked out Sunstone yet? It was a great gateway for me to start really learning and understanding the psychological and interpersonal aspects of BDSM, and it remains one of my favorite graphic novel series. It includes plenty of erotica, but its focus is on the relationships between the characters, and that's part of what helped me settle into a better understanding of BDSM.
Asterios Polyp is probably my favorite graphic novel. It deals with romance and love, but in a very real way. It includes all the ups and downs of relationships, and uses color, along with the style of the art, to beautifully portray both the unity and division that people face when part of a couple. I found it painful at times, but so moving.
Link for the Omnibus, but I suggest just reading the first volume first to see if you'll like it. Sometimes it's "free" or part of humble bundles for dirt cheap. I bought the first volume discounted and was actually laughing/enjoying it.
Nick Offerman wrote a book about Americans he admires, you might like that.
there's a book "written by" Archer from the show Archer, it's hilarious.
Dave Barry is a humor columnist who also wrote a couple novels. check out Big Trouble, Tricky Business, and any of his anthologies of columns
speaking of Florida humor, there's a series of comedy novels by Tim Dorsey that follow a fictional serial killer called Serge Storms, start with Florida Roadkill
the books that the show Dexter is based off of are also good, they've got some dark humor to them. theyre by author Jeff Lindsay
But only one is “written” by Sterling (with a foreword by Malory, promising her memoirs will dwarf Sterling’s book sales.)
The other is just a cool collection of art and behind the scenes tidbits. I highly recommend them both. And if you like drinking, Sterling gives you the recipes to all his favorite cocktails.
According to Amazon, Oregairu is rated to be at the 8th grade reading level. While 86, The Saga of Tanya the Evil, and Overlord are rated to be at the 11th grade reading level.
Based on this, light novels have series that are aimed at different reading grade levels. As such, my example with Harry Potter and GOT/LOTR stands.
According to Amazon, Oregairu is rated to be at the 8th grade reading level. While 86, The Saga of Tanya the Evil, and Overlord are rated to be at the 11th grade reading level.
Based on this, light novels have series that are aimed at different reading grade levels. As such, my example with Harry Potter and GOT/LOTR stands.
According to Amazon, Oregairu is rated to be at the 8th grade reading level. While 86, The Saga of Tanya the Evil, and Overlord is rated to be at the 11th grade reading level.
Based on this, light novels have series that are aimed at different reading grade levels. As such, my example with Harry Potter and GOT/LOTR stands.
An anthology of short stories called The Living Dead, edited by John Joseph Adams. It was one of the best anthologies I've read for having a uniformly high quality of story, and it has some of the freshest and most interesting takes on the zombie genre anywhere. John Langan's "How the Day Runs Down" alone is worth the price of the book. I recommend it constantly. Unfortunately the second one didn't live up to the first.
In my opinion, the absolute best zombie book is The Living Dead, an anthology of short stories with some amazing fresh takes on the genre. I've never found another zombie book I liked as much.
Read sunstone if you haven't yet people. It is also available for free on one of their deviantart pages.
But only if you are legally old enough, and are ok with healthy (or well-defined, bad, but correctly worked through or explained) depictions of bdsm, relationships, and sexual orientation realization.
They’re a recent edition published in 2019. It’s the series in color, but in a softcover/paperback binding, and it’s condensed into 3 volumes instead of 6 (with two books per volume).
I'll admit it's not Helpful in the sense your looking for but it is a beautiful comic series about different couples and they're different dynamics when it comes to BDSM. It's called Sunstone and I think all doms and subs should read it.
Sunstone Volume 1 (Sunstone Tp)
There is a free version if you're skeptical on purchasing but I think after reading a few pages you'll Want to own the books physically.
Hvis jeg rent faktisk bliver ved med at læse, bliver jeg også nødt til at anskaffe mig en Kindle eller lignende, for bøger er ikke særlig praktiske.
Jeg læste lige How to Archer: The Ultimate Guide to Espionage and Style and Women and Also Cocktails Ever Written de sidste to aftener. Nu er jeg gået i gang med Spice & Wolf, fordi at jeg er en gigantisk weeb, og jeg købte de første fire bøger for 7 år siden. Hvis jeg læser et kapitel hver aften, bør de fire bøger holde en måneds tid.
Efter Spice & Wolf ved jeg ikke hvad jeg gør, men der er en million klassikere som jeg ikke har læst, så jeg har nok at vælge imellem.
Hvad med dig?
They’re the standard soft cover editions, the hardcover ones are a lot more expensive lol. I also chose it because you get all 6 volumes in one box set as 3 chunky ones lol so it takes up way less shelf space. Scott pilgrim collection
You shouldn't always trust Amazon. The companies often will create placeholders for things and put them up on Amazon for whatever reason only to have them never come out.
I forget what it was, but someone came into my store asking for a Batman team up trade, saying he saw it on Amazon a few months back and it should be out by now. We look up the series and it turns out that there haven't been any issues since issue 2, a year ago and the trade was no longer on Amazon.
Another example. Sex Criminals. There hasn't been any news of late and the last issue and the fifth trade came out over a year ago, but there is a solicit for the sixth and final trade on Amazon:
There are no german translations. But you can buy the english version on amazon.
There is a volume 6 listed on Amazon with a publish date of December 24, 2019, collecting #26-30 and a #69, of course.
Maybe it's going to be released as one trade instead of individual issues. A few titles (like Moonstruck) is doing that now.
We are currently in a golden age of Graphic Novels. My favorite thing is Monsters is the best graphic novel written in the last ten years. Anything (non superhero) by Jeff Lemire. The Hana Barbara reboots (Flintstones and Snagelpuss) are amazing. Fun Home is heartbreaking. Asterios Polyp
Description (from solicit): Two women deal with modern themes of sex, relationships, and fetishism in this erotic romantic comedy. So beware all who enter, because, to quote a few hundred thousand readers on DeviantArt: "I'm not into BDSM...but this story...I get it."
Maybe Aterios Polyp. Excellent book about this except the guy is an architect and his wife (an artist) has left him. Not a simple title though so maybe not what you saw.
Asterios Polyp is great. Really thoughtful and introspective, and if you're a print nerd, you'll appreciate the two-color process print.
Edit to add: Big Questions was really amazing as well. Big hunk of a thing, kind of a philosopher's allegory, involving birds...
Very interesting. I don't see any series overviews for NYRC yet, but I'll be looking forward to see what they resurrect from the past. I've read one graphic novel that blew my mind-- Asterios Polyp, which is kind of a Vonnegut-ish story for adults-- and have been looking around for something of similar quality.